Thursday, 16th June 2016

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Thursday, 16th June 2016

Dear Diary

Luckily, everybody seemed to have mostly forgotten about my achievements. I few people here and there and still tried to make me feel welcome, but soon stopped after I pretended not to hear them.

Typically, Thursday was HIs sport day, and I was okay with that. Watching him play sport was the highlight of that hour, and I enjoyed that. Unfortunately, today, the school changed the sport being practised from his ball sport to practice for the zone cross country. This also meant that I would need to attend the sport day. This filled me with dread. While my day of fame opened me up to the idea of actually talking to him slightly more, it was still something which I did not particularly want to do.

They literally just made me run around the court for an hour. It was awful. I definitely don't like running. I was mostly sure of it before, and it was now completely uncontested.

When it was over, I returned home, sore, tired and hungry. I ate the food offered to me, showered and completed some homework. After this I slept.

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