Saturday, 8th October 2016 - Ice Skating

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Saturday, 8th October 2016 - Ice Skating

Dear Diary

Once again, Prey and Intruder were going on another date. This must have been their third in two weeks. Why would they want to see each other so much? It was disgusting.

Today they were going ice skating. Like usual, I was going to join them on their dates.

I did discover however, that ice skating was actually quite expensive. To counter this expense, I climbed in through one of the windows in the bathrooms. It was much cheaper than actually paying, it's not like I was going to be skating anyway. Inside the stadium it was colder than I thought it would be. I was wearing some warmer clothes, but obviously they were not warm enough. I found a seat on the stadium which seemed to be as far as possible from any of the cold air blowers, but it still wasn't enough. I spent hours shivering, watching Prey and Intruder as they skated. Prey seemed to be quite confident with his abilities, teaching Intruder how to do it. They were so close the entire time. Why would they do this? Every time Intruder almost fell down, Prey caught her. He should have let her fall. I know that I certainly would have.

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