Chapter 3: Dreaming

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Peridot's P.O.V:

We're watching Camp Pining Hearts. Same episode.

"You know.." Steven starts.

"Hm?" I respond while focusing on the same episode where Paulette and Percy kiss. It should've been Pierre!

"I have more episodes on a box, actually, I have a DVD of season 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. My dad bought them for me and I never watch it. Heh."

My eyes widen and I gasp. "EVERY SINGLE EPISODE!?"

"Yup!" He chuckles and grabs the box. "Tada! Season 1!" He holds it up.

I hug him so tight. "THANK YOUUUUU! I LO-"

I let go of him.

Steven laughs. "You're welcome!" He blushes.

"You're blushing!" I exclaim, trying to sound a bit like Steven.

His face reddens. "Y-Yeah! Guess I am!" He exclaims.

I can't believe I almost said that I love him!

Wait, do I love Steven?

~Time skip~

We're at the last episode of season 1, where Pierre and Percy works together to reach the top of the mountain first.

"GO PERCY AND PIERRE!" I exclaim excitingly.

Steven yawns. He seems tired.

"You know, you can rest now. I'll turn off the television if you wish to." I offer.

"Thanks. I am pretty tired." He says and yawns.

"How do you turn this off again?" I ask.

"Just press this button." He shows me the button and presses it, it turned off.

He lies down on the bed with his eyes closed. "Good night, dot."

"Good.... Night." I say and walk away. "Earth is rather confusing.."

I sit on the couch doing...

Absolutely nothing! Too bad Steven is resting his body for more energy for the next day.

"Peridot?" Steven calls me.

"Yes?" I respond, turning to him on the stairs with his banana pajamas.

"Don't you want to sleep?" Steven asks.

"No, gems do not require sleep." I point out.

Steven chuckles. "Well, Amethyst does it, she seems energized when she wakes up."

"Really? Let's do it, then!" I exclaim and stand up. Why am I suddenly excited about this?

"First, you lie down on a comfortable place. Hold on, I'll get a small bed for ya." Steven says as I walk up to him.

He's bringing a rather soft and a comfortable looking cushion.

"Here." He places it on the floor.

"Lie down there. If you want, you can lie down on my bed." Steven offers. How kind of him.

"I mean, no thanks." I change my mind.

"I insist!" He insists and smiles.

"O-Okay.. But only for tonight!" I accept. Stop blushing, Peridot.

"You're blushing again!" Steven exclaims.

"Just proceed." I say.

"Alright, then, try to clear your mind and close your eyes. Don't open it!" Steven demonstrates, he closes his eyes and gets comfortable.

I close my eyes and I try to clear my mind.

"Then?" I ask, closing my eyes.

"Done! Now, let's sleep." Steven says, I close my eyes.

I feel a warm cloth on me. "Night, Dot."

I'll just close my eyes. This seems comfortable.

~Time skip~

I open my eyes, Steven's clock read '12:33 A.M'
Oh, midnight.

Steven's sleeping peacefully. I hear him mumbling. I come closer to him and hear him mumbling.

"Connie.. No.. Connie."


"Don't... He's... Bad..."
"He's not the one for you! I'm... The... One... For you... Connie."

What is he saying? He has completely lost his mind.
'Connie.. No.. Connie.'!?
Why is he talking about her?
'I'm.. The.. One.. For you.. Connie.'?
I think I should tell someone about this. But who?

I click my fingers. Garnet knows what to do, she's the wisest one.

I walk out and see Garnet in front of me. I gasp and sigh.

"It's just you. Hey, can I talk to you?" I ask.

"Sure." Garnet says and leads me to two rocks.

We sit on one rock.

"So, I want to ask you something." I say.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Why is Steven mumbling in his sleep?" I ask.

"He's dreaming. What did he say?" Garnet asks.

"He said 'Connie.. No... Connie', 'I'm.. The.. One.. For you... Connie.', I wouldn't mind waking him up." I explain.

"It seems like Steven's in love with Connie." Garnet explains.

In love!?

"Oh, alright. Thanks." I faintly thank her and I stand up.

I turn around to see Garnet and she smiles at me.

In love!? What!? I thought Connie is his best friend!?
Stop being jealous. Am I even jealous!? Am I in love with... Steven?

I breathe in and out and I walk inside. I lie down on Steven's bed and I attempt to sleep.


Note: I used present tense because it's a P.O.V. Don't go thinking my English sucks XD.

This Weird Feeling (Steven Universe Fanfic) This Feeling Book #1Where stories live. Discover now