Chapter 43: Send Him To The Hospital

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Peridot's P.O.V:

I quickly move my metal hoverboard going down to check on Steven. Malachite slowly stands up with groans and bruises. I look everywhere to look for Steven. "Steven!? Are you there!?" No answer. "Steven!"

No hope! N-No! There's gotta be some hope, Steven is just fine, Peri, calm...down.. I see Steven's body with no bubble, he's unconscious and there is red liquid on his arms and legs. Bruises are everywhere in his body. My metal hoverboard lands safely on the sand and I quickly rush to Steven.

"Steven!" I shake him in order for him to wake up. He's just unconscious! Tears start to flow out from my eyes as I stand up with courage to face Malachite.

"Hey Malachite!" I call out. Malachite slowly turns to me, weak but strong, I mean, agh! Can't think because of Steven!

"GGRRAAAWWW!" Malachite roars and marches to me. "You traitor!" I quickly drag Steven's body near the temple. I can't get him in or else it'll be too late.

Malachite picks me up and gets a painful squeeze to my body. "Let me go you clod!" I growl and Malachite looks at me with an evil smile.

"I will shatter you! Then I'll shatter Rose's descendant!"

My energy suddenly boosts up, my mind and heart is filled with rage. "Don't." I try to manipulate the metal. "Hurt." I slowly pick it up with my metal manipulation ability. "My." I charge the metal at her. "STEVEN!"

It hit Malachite's stomach. Lazuli and Jasper finally unfuses. Lapis collapses on the ground while Jasper tries to stand up. Both of them have bruises.

"Oof!" I fall to the sand. Didn't hurt or anything. I lift the metal again with my ferrokinesis and I throw it to Jasper. It hit Jasper's heart placement.

"I can't believe it. You're helping the Steven's parent...who...shattered.. My diamond! Pink diamond!"

A orange gem appears. It's Jasper's gem. I pick it up, I sigh in relief. A green roundish thing around Jasper appears. Oh wait! I've made a bubble! How do we do this again? Ah, tap the top. I tap it and it warps back home.

I turn around, forgetting Steven. Panic fills me and I run to Steven. I shake his body but it won't work! "Steven!" Tears start flowing heavily. I carry him inside myself and I place him on his bed.

I sit down on his bed. I cover my face, crying.

Amethyst's P.O.V:

"Gah! Won't these stupid things go away!?" I complain. It's just, all these corrupted gems in the desert are stupid! Stupid!

"Amethyst! Go to the warp pad! We gotta escape!" Garnet exclaims and picks me up, going to the nearest warp pad. Garnet stands on the warp pad while carrying me like a plushy. We warp back home.

"Hey guys! We're-"

Oh no.. "What happened to Steven!? And where's Pearl!?" Garnet asks loudly and runs to Steven. I climb the stairs and I check out Steven. Oh no, this isn't good. Blood and bruises!

"Who did this!?" I ask. Peridot wipes her tears and is ready to answer.


I growl in anger and I summon my two whips. "Where is she!?"

"I poofed Jasper. B-But Lapis is outside, please bring her in. Jasper is the one who controlled Malachite."

I nod and I go out to carry Lapis inside. I find Lapis lying down on the ground unconsciously. I carry her and I bring her back to the temple. I place her on the couch and I go back to Steven.

"Call Greg! Now!" Garnet growls. I nod grimly and I get Steven's phone. I scroll through his contacts and finally Greg's name is there. I call him.

"Hey Stuball! Wanna chat with your dad huh?"

"Ermm.. Actually this isn't Steven, it's Amethyst."

"Uh..why do you have Steven's phone?"

"Dude don't make me feel like a thief!"

"S-Sorry! Just tell me why."

"We kinda need your help right now."


"Steven has...ermm.. Blood on arms, legs and bruises everywhere.."


I pull the phone away from my ear. Jeez! That hurt my ear! "Don't shout when on the phone next time! Jeez, I got it at loud speaker!" The call suddenly ends. "Well, he's coming."

"Good. For now let's wait for Greg to come, make sure Steven has enough space and air, got it?" Garnet says. We all nod. Peridot's still wiping her tears away. I've never seen Peridot being this sad before. Damn, she really do cares about Steven. I'll leave her and I'll go check Lapis.

Lapis is okay but she has bruises.. I hope she doesn't go crazy all over the temple and wreck everything.

Peridot's P.O.V:

WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!? Jasper's a mega clod! Ultra clod? THE CLODEST OF ALL CLODDY GEMS. I need to calm down, as long as Greg is coming, Steven will be okay.

-Time skip-

Greg comes and parks his van in front. He runs to the temple. "STEVEEEEEN!" He pushes me out of the doorway. I groan in annoyance. Greg screams "AHHHH!" and grabs his hair. "We gotta get him to a hospital."


Greg carries Steven to his van. "Hey! Wait up!" I run to the van and I sit down on the back, to watch over Steven while he's lying down on a small cushion. "Let's go to that hospi-blah blah of this area!" I demand him.

The van starts moving. I look at Steven once again. He looks so weak and very injured. I know he's a half gem, he is the first half gem half human I've met. He's special.

Hang on Steven.

This Weird Feeling (Steven Universe Fanfic) This Feeling Book #1Where stories live. Discover now