Chapter 44: Her Former Informant

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Peridot's P.O.V:

It's been almost an hour until we can reach the hospital. Now we're in front of a gigantic building with windows. Greg goes out and carries Steven. I unbuckle myself and I go out. I then open the door for him, wait did he even buckle himself?

Greg hurries to the door and goes to a counter. "Please get the doctor! My son!" The counter girl calls from a thing I don't know what.

I can't hear the conversation so I look at Steven, I just want our problems to be solved and it's gone worse! My Steven injured.

"Yeah they're comin'." The counter girls says and Greg sighs in relief.


-Time Skip-

Why is Steven with a needle on his left hand? Attached to a container with liquid? Is it used for healing humans? I'm sitting on a blue couch guarding Steven, I hope he'll be okay.

The door opens, revealing a tan skinned woman with long hair and a stethoscope. That's what Steven told me about that material. The woman looks like a taller version of Connie!

"Good evening. Dr. Maheswaran here."

"Good...evening?" I reply, Maheswaran is the last name of Connie. Is she here? I can't be scared because we're all fine now!

"What happened to Steven?" Dr. Maheswaran asks. I chuckle nervously, how can I explain everything that happened?

I breathe in, ready to explain. "We were attacked from a gem fusion consisting of Jasper and Lapis and made Malachite so Steven, Pearl, and I tried to stop it but Pearl got poofed and is now in a medical condition so Steven and I tried to work together to stop the fusion and Steven got squished but thanks to his powers he's still alive but with red liquid and bruises so I defeated the fusion and poofed Jaser and brought Lapis back home."

Dr. Maheswaran's jaw drops with widened eyes. I hope it wasn't a bit weird, it happens all the time!

"I should definitely stop Connie from hanging out with that kid." Dr. Maheswaram mumbles. I try to protest but it isn't the right time.

"I'll just check him." Dr. Maheswaran says and goes near to Steven. I go outside so I won't disturb her. I hear footsteps. I look left to right, no one's here.

Thump, thump.

The footsteps are getting closer. Is someone here? A shadow appears, revealing.. Zachary!

"Hey Peridot!"

"Hi." I mumble and with a small smile. Why should I be smiling when Steven is in a bed accompanied by someone I don't know who?

"I heard that Steven got hospitalized so...I went to your house and I asked the Crystal Gems where you are, they told me that you're here and to give you this." Zachary explains and hands me something familiar.. Oh! It's the alien plushy I got from Funland!

"T-Thanks." I say and I remember Steven winning the alien plushy for me, he's done many...good...things for me. Tears start to flow out from my eyes.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Zachary asks. I nod and I start wiping tears, until I burst into a cry. I feel something wrapping around me, I open one eye and I see Zachary pulling me into a hug.

My eyes widen and I start to blush. I continue letting all my tears out, I love Zachary's warm leather jacket.

Lapis's P.O.V:

"CAN YOU PLEASE JUST-" I interrupt Garnet by muffling water around her mouth. I can't believe I'm here again! Stuck here with the Crystal Gems.

"No!" I growl and I throw her with my water manipulation ability, I've managed to hit her head on a rock. I turn to my left and I dodge the upcoming whip from Amethyst.

"You again." I roll my eyes and I gather water from the ocean and I trap her in a water bubble. Amethyst screams something but I can't hear it.

Now Garnet, she groans and slowly rises up again. I gather water again from the ocean and I trap her inside a bubble.

This is easy, now where's Steven and Pearl? I want to see Steven again! However, Pearl will be trapped in a bubble too.

I leave the bubble and I go inside their temple don't know why. Wait, I think I'm forgetting someone.


Why was she there!? With no limb enhancers, and with Steven? They're friends now? Does Steven really trust her? Too many questions.

I go outside again. I see tracks of something. I decide to follow it, I summon my wings of water and I start flying, following the tracks.

-Time skip-

I successfully reach a building with a lot of windows. I go inside and I duck, to avoid being seen by a human being. I climb up a flight of stairs, checking every floor..

Until I reach the fifth floor, I see Peridot with a human being wearing a black clothing. Seeing Peridot makes me wanna shatter her, I slowly go up to her.


Peridot and the boy turns quickly to me. "L-Lazuli!" Peridot exclaims and holds on to the boy. I give her a death glare and I summon my water wings.

"Zachary, we gotta run, now." Peridot whispers, but I can hear her. I prepare myself to charge. Peridot and the boy named as Zachary starts running. I start flying and I chase them, I'm flying swiftly.

"Faster!" Peridot exclaims. Zachary stops and picks up a metal, he throws it at me. "Agh!" I groan in pain. I hold my nose, it hurts! I look at Zachary again with a death glare. Zachary looks terrified and is ready to run.

The metal starts floating, whose power is this? I look at Peridot, she has metal manipulation!?

"Ha! Metal manipulation!" Peridot exclaims and the metal hits me in the face again and again. She finally stops and drops the metal.

"Why'd you stop!?" I ask, to my surprise, Peridot walks up to me but Zachary holds her back. Peridot jerks her arm and walks up to me closer.

"Lazuli, why are you like this?" Peridot asks. What? She doesn't know what she has done!? Really!? I try to stand up but I instead fall back down from despair.

"You used me like everyone else did!"

This Weird Feeling (Steven Universe Fanfic) This Feeling Book #1Where stories live. Discover now