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"W-Where am I?"



Lapis stands in the doorway, leaning. "Finally, you're awake." Lapis says, looking at Peridot. Peridot quickly sits up and looks around. They're in the barn.

"Where's Steven?" Peridot asks. Lapis frowns but slowly turns into a sad smile.

"I-I don't know."

"HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW!?" Peridot growls with fierceness showing on her face.

"S-Sorry. Steven and the rest were required to take another route to Earth.. I was being violent so they had to calm me down first, so Steven and the others went first. Then I took a different route because the route Steven took broke. But they landed safely. I think it was near Beach City, or on Beach City."

Peridot pauses. She finally thought about something. She hopped off the bed and runs outside.

"Peridot, where are you going!?"

"Gonna look for Steven!"

Peridot stands on the warp pad and warps to the temple. "Steven?" Peridot calls out. But the temple is empty.


It's really empty. The posters of Steven are gone, the TV is gone, the bed is gone. The couch is still there though.

"G-Guys?" Peridot says, stuttering, about to break into a cry. She really is crying.


This Weird Feeling (Steven Universe Fanfic) This Feeling Book #1Where stories live. Discover now