Laughing and Settling In

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During the last few hours in the office, the guys decided on doing a GTA IV Let's Play. Geoff asked if I wanted to join, but I decided to watch. Their game type was Cops 'n' Crooks; my favourite online game for GTA IV. I sat in between Ray and Michael, looking at Ray's screen and watching everyone run around the town. I pulled my sweater closer around me as I watched Michael drive Gavin and Ray in a police car to Jack, Geoff, and Ryan who were the Crooks. I met Ryan an hour after the other introductions. He was very polite and smiled genuinely.

"Careful. He's mental. Likes to put cows in holes." said Gavin, smiling up at us from his computer chair.

"Like I said before, Edgar decided to become my roommate and I made him a nice spot in my floor." said Ryan, rolling his eyes at Gavin.

Back to the GTA IV Let's Play, Michael took a sharp turn around a corner while chasing the other three and flipped the car, making it sway from side to side on the black asphalt.

"JESUS CHRIST!" yelled Ray, laughing afterward.

"Bloody hell Micool!" Gavin laughed and teased Michael, making the curly haired lad's name sound sort of babyish in his own way.

"They turned over their car! Run for it!" Jack yelled and I watched as the three avatars on the screen bolted in different directions. Geoff decided to grab the closest vehicle near him, Ryan went to grab a rocket launcher, and Jack hopped a fence.

"WAIT! Who's the boss?" asked Gavin, pounding on his controller furiously.

"It's Geoff. Somebody shoot his ass!" yelled Michael, shooting at Geoff's car.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME, GOD DAMMIT!" screamed Geoff as he tried running over Michael. I started giggling in my seat and covered my mouth so Ray's microphone didn't catch my sound. I loved how everyone was able to lose themselves in the video games. Michael did an action roll out of the way, but soon got blasted by a rocket; his body flew up in the air.

"Really Ryan?!" he yelled and looked away from his screen to glare at Ryan, who had a mischievious grin.

"JACK, WHERE ARE YOU?" Geoff screamed again and ran over Gavin. Gavin laughed hard, falling to the ground.

"Well, there goes Gavin." said Ray and laughed while watching Gavin convulse into fits of laughter. I saw Jack's avatar finally appear on the screen holding a rocket launcher. I could tell what was going to happen. Ryan and Jack ran closer to where Michael and Ray stood. They both aimed and shot two rockets at Michael and Ray's characters; they flew off the map with their character's arms and legs flailing about them.

"HOLY SHIT!" yelled Michael and started laughing uncontrollably. "I have tears in my eyes." Gavin started laughing at that and I did too. My head rested on my knees as I shook with laughter.

A few minutes later Geoff, Jack, and Ryan reached the harbour to where their getaway boat was. Geoff fell in the water a few times while Jack told him to hurry his butt up before the other three regrouped. Finally, they all gathered in the boat and sped off, ending the Let's Play with Michael cursing, Ray saying a funny comment, and Gavin yelling "LET"S STOP!"

Burnie came in a few minutes later, smiling. He ruffled his short, curly hair and nodded to me.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, hold on let me just stuff my jacket in here." I pushed my thick jacket inside my Pikachu backpack and slung it over my shoulder. I said goodbye to everyone and gave a hug to Ray and Gavin. They both demanded one, so I couldn't refuse. I saw Burnie shoot them a look before we left to his car. The drive was silent, but not an awkward one. The radio played Billy Idol, which made me feel happy and I started singing along.

"It's a nice day for a white wedding. It's a nice day to start AGAIN!!" Burnie laughed and soon we started singing together.

Ten minutes later, Burnie pulled into his driveway and I stared at the small, but nice home. I moved out of the vehicle and towards the front door with Burnie. While he unlocked it, I stared up at the cloudless sky. Pink, yellow, and blue painted overhead and I smiled to myself. When I was younger, I would sit outside with mum and dad, watching the sun set and see if the flash of green was visible. I've only seen it once and that was when I was a small lass, so the memories were a bit blurred, but able to keep attached to my brain.

"Here we go." said Burnie, opening the door. He walked in before me and I followed. The smell of tacos filled my nose and my stomach began to growl. Ashley came out of the kitchen, holding a wrapped taco in her hand.

"Oh hey guys! I bought some Taco Bell. Didn't really feel like cooking. The bags are in the kitchen," She smiled and sat at the dining table, pulling her light chestnut hair to one side while biting into the hard shell of the taco after she unwrapped it.

"I'm alright," said Burnie. "I think I'll go shower instead." He smiled to me and Ashley before heading down the hallway to the bathroom. I didn't say no, but instead went to the kitchen and grabbed two tacos for myself. I sat with Ashley to keep her company.

"So, how was your first day?" she asked, munching happily. I told her about how I first met the guys, catching up on the videos like she said, the small talk with Gavin and how I watched everyone else play a GTA IV Let's Play. "Sounds like it was very relaxing, if you minus the yelling from the Let's Plays."

"Yeah it was. The guys are super hilarious, especially Ray and Gavin. Or X-Ray and Vav as they call themselves. I can see us becoming good friends." I take out the tomatoes in my tacos and placed them on the taco wrapper.

"Well, don't get too close or Burnie will probably strangle them." She laughed, wiping the corners of her lips.

"Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen. I haven't been part of a relationship since two years ago." I said, taking a bite from my taco.

"What happened?" She tilted her head, seeming really interested.

"He was an abusive arsehole. Actually he was the brother of my friend's boyfriend. My friend that commited suicide because of her boyfriend. Doesn't make sense why they both acted the way they did. I met their mum and dad, but they seemd nice and caring. Didn't seem like there was any problem in the family." I shook my head, trying to clear away the images of finding my best friend in the tub, blood mixing with the water and of the horror I had to endure with my own boyfriend.

"I'm sorry. Well, I'm glad you're free of him now. Maybe you'll find an interesting man here in Austin. Just no one from the office." We both laughed and finished our tacos. I decided on not taking a shower. I just wasn't feeling it. Instead, I folded my clothes in the guest bedroom's wardrobe, neatly tucking them in. I listened to Def Leppard's song "Pour Some Sugar on Me," while I folded and danced around the room. A knock on my door stopped my dancing and I turned off my iPod.

I opened the door to reveal Burnie who was now dressed in a black tshirt and grey lounge pants.

"Hey, I just wanted to say goodnight. You settling in fine?" He asked, noticing my suitcase open on my bed.

"Yeah! I'm just folding my clothes." I nodded and pointed to the wardrobe that already held half of my clothes.

"Okay. Ashley said goodnight. She went home after my shower." He told me.

"She doesn't live here?" I asked. They seemed so close and intimate that I would've thought she shared his bed and house.

"No. Not yet. We're still in the beginning phase where we just hang out and I drive her home." I nodded and smiled, starting to feel awkward. "Well, goodnight." He said and turned around to his bedroom across the way. I closed my door and decided on folding the rest of my clothes tomorrow. I changed into my ACDC tshirt and boxers because it was quite hot in the room. I jumped into the queen-sized bed, turning off the lamp. I sat in still darkness for what seemed like hours before I finally drifted off into dreamland. Feeling settled.

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