Blessing and I Love You

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Gavin watched me as I stared blankly into the overgrown hedges straight ahead. I still sit in his lap, listening to my mother's shaky voice on the other line.

"Jay?" Gavin whispered to me. I didn't move. Hearing my mum's voice tore at my heart. I hadn't seen her in a few years. I refused to look upon her face because of the damage she caused my father. Her drinking habits weren't any better and I bet she still lied her way through court. My father and her still had to stand amongst a judge.

"Sorry," I shook my head. I was mainly speaking to Gavin not my mother, but of course she believed I referred to her.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you didn't hang-" I hung up. I couldn't stand hearing that voice. I moved off of Gavin, past Dan, and towards the front of the small house. I wrung my hands together while letting deep, unsteady breaths exhale from my mouth.

"Jay, love," Gavin's sweet voice sounded from behind me. His strong hand took hold of my arm, making me turn towards him. "What's wrong? Who was it?"

"Burnie, but then he handed the phone over to my mum. That bitch." I muttered the last part under my breath. I never really told Gavin about my mother, afraid of what he would say.

"Well, I don't know enough about your mother to agree with you on the name-calling, but I'm sure you have a reason." Gavin nodded. He still wore his Slow Mo Guys lab coat while wearing a simple gray tshirt underneath.

"More than just a reason." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Gavin smiled a little before lifting my head by placing his fingertips under my chin.

"You're cute when you're upset." He said, trying to get a blush or anything from me instead of a grumpy little girl.

"Not now, Gavin." I grumbled.

"I think now and every other time is perfect to compliment your adorableness," Gavin chuckled and kissed me. My eyes fluttered shut. I raised myself on my tip toes and gripped the sleeves of his coat.

"This isn't going to make me feel any better." I moaned against his lips.

"Maybe something else will," Gavin's lips drew down to my neck, making me cling to him for support. Damn his irresistible and soft kisses. Yes, we were in front of Dan's grandparents' house, but I didn't pull away from Gavin.

Soon he began to suck a little on my neck, making me moan out as my hands gripped even tighter on his lab coat. Gavin chuckled against my cool flesh. Goosebumps rose on my skin from his chuckle and the damn sensual kisses he offered.

"Now, do you feel better?" Gavin muttered, lips still touching the base of my neck.

"Almost." I smirked.

"We could go back to your hotel room and I can make sure that 'almost' turns to a '100%'. Along with a scream of my name, of course." Gavin moved and placed his forehead against mine. This boy is going to kill me.

"As tempting as that sounds," I grinned. "We have to visit my father even though my mother stands guard there." I huffed the last part.

"I'll be with you every step of the way, love," Gavin touched my bottom lip with his thumb before pressing his lips back against them.


"Come on. It's just your mother, Jay." Gavin pleaded for me to enter the hospital's front doors. He had switched his lab coat for a black hoodie. I stood in my white, knitted sweater that cupped my thighs and hugged my navy blue tights to my legs. My pink hair was pinned back into a messy ponytail. I didn't care about my appearance at the moment. My mother was waiting on the other side of these doors.

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