Birthday and Drunken Love

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"Can you please not breathe on my neck." I mumbled into the sheets of Gavin's bed. Geoff, Griffon and Millie were in Alabama, visiting the Ramsey side of the family, so Gavin and I were able to spend the night together. Now that Ray and Bree were in a more stable spot, I could sleep well at night this past week without having to worry which was a relief.

I elbowed Gavin in the ribcage and I heard his sleepy grunt, making me smile. His arms only pulled me closer, but I didn't fight against them. So many months have gone by and I still couldn't believe I was in a stable relationship--I mean I was with Will, but we had so many cracks, it was impossible to truly believe we could stay together. Never had I expected to end up with someone that could understand me or love me the way he does. It was just so unexpected.

"Five more minutes, love..." Gavin mumbled and I giggled. He was so cute when he was in a sleepy mood. I turned over on my side to face him, taking in his morning glory. His eyelids were shut lightly having his lashes caress his skin, his hair was it's usual tousled self, and his lips were parted. Of course, I couldn't let the perfectness resume, so I flicked his forehead because of my immaturity. "Jesus." Gavin groaned, rubbing his head. When his eyes opened, I giggled.

"Morning, sleepy head." I kissed his bottom lip, feeling the scratch from his newly forming beard on my chin.

"You couldn't have let me sleep in for a little longer?" He asked, pulling the sheets over his face. I sat up on my elbow, my pink curls brushing against my bare shoulders. Grabbing the linen off his face, I raised an eyebrow to give him a sarcastic look.

"I thought you were full of adrenaline about an hour or two ago. We didn't even go to bed until the sun rose." I laughed as a smirk played on his face, obviously letting his ego take a hold of him. Gavin and I got way too into it last night, taking advantage of our alone time, and it ended up with us having an all-nighter. Great, now he's going to brag about it until the end of the week.

"Amazing, right?" Gavin sighed, raising his arms behind his head.

"Not the time to be a cocky arsehole," I rolled my eyes and he laughed to himself. "We have to get up, anyway, it's Bree's birthday, so we have to help Lindsay and Michael at their place." I tore the covers off my naked self and headed to the shower, needing to wash away last night's little party. I swear if Gavin brags about it, I'm going to strangle him with his creeper necklace.

The hot water felt good on my clammy skin. I usually thought about my problems or worst scenarios in my head as I showered, but nothing came to mind. Everything was finally perfect right now--with Ray and Bree being back in love, Gavin and I feeling the same, Burnie trying to cope with us being together and my father being healthy. Everything was fine.

* * *

Lindsay and I giggled, holding our beers, as we watched Michael, Gavin, and Miles try to decorate the place for Bree's party. She was turning 23, but it didn't matter---everyone needs a party, no matter the age!

"No, it should go there!" Miles protested, holding up a sign I had personlised.

"That's not the fucking middle though!" Michael groaned, running a hand through his curly hair. Arryn, who was Miles' girlfriend, Barbara, and Kara were with us in the kitchen too, amused by the boys' situation.

Everyone would be arriving a little while later, but we wanted to prepare the party before hand. I wanted to make this night special for Bree, just so she can forget about any past problems and enjoy a moment with friends.

"God. They're like bloody girls." I shook my head, taking a swig of my beer. Lindsay laughed and nodded.

"Michael can be a perfectionist sometimes." Lindsay shrugged. "It's hot when he gets riled up about wrinkled shirts and messy rooms." Us girls all laughed at her attraction towards Michael--Lindsay being the loudest. The three lads turned to stare at us--Miles halfway up the tiny ladder with the sign.

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