Little Haywoods and Perfect Venue

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"Fuck you, Jane!" Michael yelled at me, his eyes blazing with playful anger. The AH group was over at his place, having a BBQ and hanging out. At the moment, Ray, Michael, Geoff, and I were in a very serious game of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 since his Ghosts disk was too scratched. Ray may be the best out of the whole group, but my skills were second. We were in the map Standoff, my favourite one, so I had the advantage.

"Camping behind that fucking car wasn't a slick move, Mikey." I giggled as he pushed me playfully. Gavin and Lindsay were on the apartment balcony where she was teaching my fiancé on how to cook a steak properly. It truly was funny that she was helping a grown man out with something they should all know.

"That's what Geoff does all the damn time." Michael waved his hand at the tattooed man sitting next to me on the opposite couch.

"Yeah, but he has technique. You're used to causing chaos, so stick to that." I laughed as I shot him once again as he tried to climb the tank. He slammed his controller against the arm of the chair, making Ray laugh too hard to notice Geoff's form behind him. We were on teams: Ray and Michael against Geoff and I.

"There is no such thing as technique while being a dick." Michael shook his head.

"That's not true," Ryan came up with a beer in his hand and leaned forward against the back of Geoff and mine's couch, his smile large. "You have some great skill." He took a swig of his beer.

"You know, Ryan. I think you should stick back to being a hermit at your house. I'm starting to wish you didn't hang out outside of work." Michael groaned as I knifed him in the back. We were playing with bots, but they were so shit that it was pretty much just us four.

"See! Perfect skill." Ryan laughed. His wife and two children would be coming later and I was excited to meet the little Haywoods. Jack was too busy talking to his wife on the phone, probably retreated to Michael's room to talk.

Gavin soon came back in, his Team Lads shirt stained with grease and I think some sauce. "God, I hate barbecuing."

"It's a man's job. Lindsay's doing it." Michael said. I scaled the wall in the game, following one of the bots right when a sniper shot the back of my head.

"Fuck you Ray." I grumbled. He laughed in joy. His phone gave off a sound, making him root it out of his pocket.

"Gotta take this. Ryan, Gavin, one of you jump in." He took off the couch and put the phone to his ear. Gavin had to go change his shirt, making Michael pissed since he has to wear one of his. Ryan jumped in, immediately taking out Geoff.

"Dude, I can't wait to meet your son and ask him what music he listens to." Gavin said as he came back wearing a plain black tshirt.

"I'll just tell him to kick your nuts." Ryan shrugged, killing me in the process.

After another hour of playing games and calling each other names, Lindsay was done with cooking the steaks, so it was Michael's turn to do the other part of the food.

"How does it feel?" Lindsay asked as we sat at the outside table, the sky was still a pastel blue and it was a clear less sky today so you could see anything flying through.

"Being pregnant?" I asked and she nodded. "Weird. I mean, there's not only one, but two children growing inside of me. It's fucking strange." I laughed. When I told Lindsay about the twins, she was screaming with so much joy I though she's kill her throat. Barbara and Kara were the same. I would've told Bree, but she hasn't made contact in over two weeks.

"Michael and I have been trying," She said shyly an I leaned up in my seat more, a huge smile on my face. "But so far nothing."

"You will. Oh God, could you imagine? A little Michael running about with the same curly hair and temper. Fucking hell." I laughed.

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