Baby Talk and The Clapping Frenzy

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It was time for the podcast so Gavin and I headed to the set. Kara added a small amount of makeup on my face and brushed out my curled pink locks. She smiled and pushed me to the comfortable couch in the middle of the podcast set. The crew set up the cameras and light fixtures and then we began. While Burnie and Gus talked about past stories, I decided to use the keyboard in front of me to type in disgusting images on Google to make Gavin fake hurl. Something in my mind told me to do it and I didn't argue with it. Gavin didn't see it coming since he was too engrossed with Gus talking about a Vegas trip he went on with Burnie and Geoff. Images of disturbing and gross scenarios came up. I winced at some of the images, turning my head away a bit. Gavin still hadn't seen the screen behind the camera, but saw my reaction and heard fake gagging noises coming from Kara, Lindsay, and JJ. Gavin turned to the screen and saw the image I had clicked on.

"BLOODY HELL!!" he yelled and leaned over the couch, making dry heaving noises. Burnie and Gus turned to see what the matter was and started laughing at Gavin's reaction. My laughter had started when JJ began leaning over and looking queasy. My stomach was hurting with tickling pains and I held a hand to my side, needing to put pressure on my aching ribs. "WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!" Gavin was staring at me his eyes were watering making my laughter press even harder.

"That's my girl." said Burnie and he gave me a fist bump.

"Here, don't vomit all over the set." Gus handed Gavin his "Emergency Vomit Bucket". Gavin grabbed his bucket roughly and pulled it under his chin.

"Aw I'm sorry, Gavy. I couldn't help myself." I said and laughed a little more.

"You never can." He shook his head chuckling into the bucket.

The podcast went on for a little longer. The cushions of the couch weren't really comfortable anymore and my arse started hurting. Burnie signed us off with a wink to the camera. I saw the small red dot in the second camera turn off and I finally stood up, stretching my arms.

"God, that couch feels great at first, but will give you a bloody sore arse later on." I said, frowning a bit. Burnie and Gus had went to go chat about something and that left me and Gavin by ourselves. The rest of the crew were either packing up the equipment or had already gone home. Gavin chuckled, pulling me down on the couch next to him. I looked around to see if anyone was watching before placing my head on his chest and closing my eyes.

"We're still on for the date, right?" Gavin asked, rubbing my back.

"Yeah. I'm really excited for our first official date." I looked up at him and smiled. "So, where are you taking me?" I asked.

"I have somewhere in mind, but I'm not telling you. It would spoil the surprise, love. I will say that you don't have to dress up, but wear something casual and comfortable." He bent down and kissed my nose. I giggled, bringing his face back down and placing a soft kiss on his lips. I felt him smile against my lips and his hand trailing from my back, going lower and lower until it reached the top of my jeans. I pulled away and placed my hand on his travelling one, stopping it from going any further.

"Easy there, tiger," I laughed. He rolled his eyes and moved me off him so he could get up. He helped me off the couch and walked me back to the AH office . Michael and Jack were the only ones inside, but they didn't okay us any mind.

"Where's Bree?" I asked.

"She went home with Ray. I don't want to imagine what they're doing right now, those horn dogs." Michael laughed. I slapped his hat off his head and went to my desk to collect my Pikachu bag. A knock came from the door and Burnie popped his head in.

"Ready to go, Jane?" He asked.

"Yeah. Be there in a jiffy." I gave him a thumbs up which he returned before leaving the door frame. I turned to Gavin and kissed him on the cheek. "See you for our casual date." I giggled. He chuckled. He kissed me back on the cheek making Jack and Michael groan. Gavin and I both laughed. It was always fun to make them feel uneasy. I walked out the office and to the car, feeling giddy about my first date with Gavin.

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