Ultrasound and Somebody New

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"Why are you so nervous? We've been to a few tests already." I asked Gavin who was shaking his leg up and down as we waited in the doctor's office. Today was similar to any other test we've been to, but I'm four months pregnant, which means we could find out more things about the baby and even the gender.

"All of this is nerve wracking, Jane. We're going to parents." Gavin chuckled, taking my hand and playing with the ring on my finger. The necklace he gave me was gently strung around my neck. I couldn't take it off this whole week--it was too precious.

"Well, get over it," I laughed. "It's just a test."

"I know, I know." Gavin sighed. In the small waiting room, there were pregnant women just like me, but some had large, swollen stomachs and even other children clinging to them.

"Do you want to find out the gender today or do you want to wait?" I asked him.

"What do you want?" He asked, leaning his cheek against the top of my head, making me nudge my head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm curious. I think it'd be easier so we can start planning the nursery. I've been dying to get rid of the guest bed." I giggled and followed. A doctor wearing light pink scrubs and her dark brown hair curled called out my name, smiling as I stood up with Gavin and followed her through the long hallway.

"Hi, I'm the nurse, Lisa," She smiled and motioned for me to take a seat on the chair in the middle of the room she led us to. The walls were white and the floors were the regular cheap tiles that hospitals loved to have. "I'm just going to do the usual--blood pressure and all that good stuff."

I nodded as she pulled out the blood pressure module, strapping it around the top part of my arm and pumping the end of the cord that attached to it. Gavin was leaning against the chair beside me as he watched her work.

"So, how long are you?" Lisa asked.

"About four months now." I smiled a little and she nodded as she wrote down a small note on the clipboard she carried around.

"Well, the doctor will be in here soon." With that she left Gavin and I alone to the blank silence of the hospital room.

My mind again thought of Bree. She's been in my mind a lot and I keep wondering how she's doing. I haven't been to the office since the Burnie situation and whenever I asked the AH crew, not Ray, if she's been there, they say she hasn't. I've been getting worried and like before she hasn't replied to any of my calls, increasing the concern that's latched to my heart and mind.

Ray's been doing better. I call him or Gavin, Michael, and I will go to his place and have a game night. He's smiling and laughing way much more than the last couple of months and I know the reason: Bree isn't there with us. It's a terrible thought, but that's what has made him down all the time and weird. Bree, no doubt, is with Brad, but I don't know where he lives, so I can't know for sure.

"Hello," A voice snapped me out of my thoughts and when I checked, a young woman with auburn hair that hangs like two sheets of curtains and bright, blue eyes is smiling at Gavin and I. "I'm Doctor Kalm. Some people say my last name is ironic." She tried to make a joke, making Gavin laugh.

"Yeah, no kidding." He said.

"You're worried?" She asked him right when Lisa came in, pushing a machine through the door. The ultrasound machine.

"First child, so yeah." Gavin chuckled again as he ran a hand through his messy hair.

"Always the scariest," The doctor giggled. "I remember when my first son was born, my husband almost fainted. Not from the birthing, but from realisation that he was a father."

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