Going Viral and Crumbling

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"You're not serious." Gavin shook his head as we stood outside Burnie's house. We were just coming back from the cinema and I had the brilliant idea to spill it. I had finally decided to tell him about our relationship, but Gavin was still cautious. I knew he was frightened, knowing that I was like a daughter to Burnie and he believed Gavin to be a bad relationship guy.

"I am, Gav. I have to. I can't just keep this big lie from him. I think that's worse than him knowing the truth." I said, arms crossed.

"Yeah, you say that. But wait until he rips my bloody head off. Then, what's worse?" Gavin raised his eyebrow, staring down at me.

"Please, Gavin." I widened my eyes into a puppy stare and busted out my bottom lip. He just stood there, taking me in and thinking it over. Before I knew it, he sighed, bringing me against him and kissing the top of my head.

"I can't fight with that face." He muttered and I giggled into his chest. He literally was the sweetest and we hardly had any fights because he heard me out or we avoided any situation that could lead to one. "Here goes nothing." He said and I opened the front door. Burnie was sitting on the couch with Ashley, clicking their Xbox controllers so fast I thought they were going to pound the buttons in. They were playing a Team Deathmatch in Call of Duty: Ghosts, but when we came in they smiled up at us.

"Hey guys," Ashley said. "What's up? I'm just kicking Burnie's ass over here." She giggled as Burnie bumped her, making her lean on her side, but still she was able to take a guy out. Gavin started to look even more uncomfortable, but I gave him a supportive smile.

"Not for long." Burnie chuckled as the screen paused saying Ghosts won and Ashley whooped, letting us know that she won. Burnie cursed and threw down the Xbox controller. Great way to start this off. "What are you doing here, Gavin? I thought Geoff wanted you home early to help with the steaks." Geoff had made an excuse for Gavin to leave early so he could take me on a date. Gavin bit his lip as he nodded.

"Yeah, I wasn't helping him," Burnie just shrugged, seeing as that was Gavin--half-assing shit.

"Burnie, can we talk to you?" I asked and immediately I got cold feet about this. I was starting to feel nervous and that was something I pushed into the back of my mind, but now the feeling moved forth, ruining my calm plan.

"About what?" He asked. Ashley turned off the television so that we could speak. It was more difficult now that she was here because she even warned me about this, so it was going to be awkward.

"Something that I know you're going to be angry about," This got his full attention and he quirked an eyebrow up, waiting for me to continue. "It has to do with Gavin and I," I saw a flash of what looked like understanding and changed to frustration. "We're dating." I said and waited for the explosion to ignite in him.

What was worse was that silence filled the room. It was worse than yelling or cussing. Ashley looked from Burnie to us and I felt Gavin's hand on the small of my back. Burnie watched the motion--his lip twitching slightly. "For how long?" His voice was calm, which made it scarier.

"A couple of months." I said. Gavin was ridged behind me and I started to feel sorry. "Please, don't be angry." I added quickly, but Burnie looked away, trying to comprehend what he was hearing.

"This has been happening under my nose for--how many months?" He asked.

"Maybe 4 or 5." Gavin answered. Burnie licked his lips as Ashley just smiled. Even though she had warned me, she looked happy for me. Burnie on the other hand was simmering.

"Does anyone else know?"

"A-actually everyone does. Even Geoff." I said and I saw his eyes widen slightly.

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