Tweets and Ring Me Sometime

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"At least he didn't freak out." Bree said as we sat across from each other at the pizzeria we went to a couple of months ago. I lightly touched my slice and small beer.

"Bree, he was heart broken. He had tears in his eyes." I mumbled, pulling off a pepperoni and biting the end. When I told Bree she was more excited than somber and she gave me a huge hug that took the breath out of me.

"But he's supporting you, right?" She munched on her slice as she watched me.

"Yeah. I just feel like I'm hurting him really badly." I sighed.

"Janie, you'll be hurting yourself worse if you don't go, so he's just going to have to suck it up. You'll have holidays to come visit, so what's the big deal?" She shrugged.

"The big deal is that we won't be seeing each other at work or waking up next to each other and kiss good morning or have fun with you and the guys together." I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry. I guess that was the wrong thing to say," She bit her lip. "If Ray and I were in the same situation we would both be depressed." Bree smiled lightly to me and patted my hand. "So, May 6th, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. My dad has everything ready for me back home and I let the headmaster know I'd be starting the week after." I wasn't going to be staying at the dorms they offered because I was a little too old to be rooming with a teenager. The headmaster was fine with the fact that I would be staying home with my father, so everything was falling into place.

"Sometimes I miss going to college," Bree smiled. "It was just always exciting to be in the classroom and learning things live."

"You mean you liked going to class so you could hit on your 'hot' English teacher." I raised an eyebrow at her and she laughed, such a light laugh that it made me grin from ear to ear.

"Well, he was part of it. Mr. Klamman was a very good looking man. I heard he was canoodling around with Jessica Lauflin, though." Bree shrugged. We both grew up with Jessica and we both disliked her very guts. She was the one that would make fun of Bree at school and I would have to be the one to stand up for her--pulling hair, cursing at her, spitting in her face. I got a lot of detentions, pink cards, and slaps on the knuckles with rulers from the teachers. Oh, the good ole days...

"Ready to go? I have to help with an RvB scene." Bree said, chugging down the rest of her lemonade. (RvB=Red vs Blue)

"Yup." I smiled and grabbed my phone before paying the cheque and leaving.

* * *

Ever since I told Gavin I would be leaving, he's been clingy. When I say clingy, I mean he makes sure I don't leave his sight at all. At least he does have the decency to wait outside the restroom instead of barging his way inside, expecting me to crawl out the bloody window like some animal. It was cute in a way, but it also made me feel uncomfortable and guilty for making him feel like we have to be inseparable before I sit on that plane.

"Gavin, stop." I placed a hand against his chest as he followed me to the kitchen.

"What?" He snaps at me and I raised an eyebrow, surprised by his harsh tone.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"Sorry, sorry. What, love?" His voice became sweeter and he actually placed a sincere smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him, but soon rolled them.

"You don't have to follow me everywhere. I told you, I'm leaving on the 6th. Not a day before, not a day after. Exactly then." I grabbed the last remaining Orange fizzy pop from the fridge and popped the cap.

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