The Wedding Part 1

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---> Jane's dress to the right!

"I'm still scared." I said, fanning myself with my hand as Lindsay and Barbara made the train of my dress flow out behind me. The seamstresses had gotten the measurements right, everything was placed and prepared outside, and Gavin was waiting for me. Why was I so scared? Maybe it was because I was about to place something on my finger that would tie me to another person forever or it could be the Appendicitis Gavin and I discovered the day I had the sharp pains. 

After that check up, I was throwing up and had a low fever. Gavin made sure to baby me the whole time as I laid curled up in bed, feeling the sharp pains come and go like tidal waves. It was scary the day of the surgery. The long wait, the pains, and the fact that knowing my babies were in the middle of all of this was even worse. I hoped they weren't suffering at all. What caused the Appendicitis?

The same person who will never leave my mind or life, the person who had traumatised me all of my fucking life. Will. Every hit or kick was a point towards the issue. The doctor was actually surprised I didn't feel something earlier; she guessed the pregnancy amplified the pains.

"He's out there, waiting for you," Barbara said, her silk red dress accenting her full crimson lips and dark blue eyes. "Then after this, we'll have an amazing reception, he'll tear the garter right off your sexy leg and you'll toss the bouquet to me, of course," I giggled along with her, my hand pressing to my slightly enlarged stomach. "Then, it's off to New Zealand for a nice and relaxing honeymoon with the love of your life." She kissed my forehead. "Oops, left some lipstick there." She wiped it off.

"I know, I know," I sighed nervously, running a hand through my longer pink curls. I had insisted on dyeing my hair to my natural golden locks, but Gavin refused. He said he wanted to see my 'beautiful, pink locks on his wedding day.' "Is my make-up okay?" I asked them both.

"Perfect." Lindsay smiled. A knock on the door had me turn my head to see my mum coming in, her blond hair up in a tight bun and wearing a navy blue cocktail dress with a baby blue seethrough shawl around her shoulders.

"Oh, God look at you," She already choked up, dabbing her fingertips under her eyes. "My baby's getting married!" She came over and gave me a small squeeze.

"Mum, I should be the one crying." I chuckled, feeling the tears building themselves in my eyes. I rubbed her shoulder and led her to the white loveseat in the bride's waiting room. The trees sprouting from the ground in each corner had me more relaxed, trying to subtle my breaths that ran quickly from behind my lips.

"Yes, you should, but you're strong and going to get married!" She hiccuped as she teared up some more. "Oh! I almost forgot," She turned around the silver purse she had around her arm and dug through it to retrieve something. She pulled out a box with a bow on top and a small bag I hadn't noticed she carried.

"What are these?" I asked, sitting beside her gently.

"Well, I know you have the blue garter on," She chuckled as my cheeks were probabaly a light pink. "But you need something old, borrowed and new. I want you to have these," She handed me the box. I opened the first one with the red bow to find sapphire earrings and a crystalline bracelet. "The earrings were your grandmother's. She wore them when she married your granddad making it something old and the bracelet was mine, when I married your father, so something borrowed." She grinned and helped place them on me.

I then turned to the next one, the silver and blue bag. I removed the tissue paper from inside and what I found had my rosy cheeks turn a scarlet red. "Mum..." I whispered as I eyed the black,  lace and red lingerie set she had placed in there.

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