Face it and Past Problems

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Once Bree was cleaned up and quiet, we were finally able to help her down the steps to Kara's car. I knew she was dreading the next step in our plan, but she agreed to it.

"Get him ready." I told Michael on the phone as Lindsay and Kara went with Bree. "Make sure he's back at his place so that it will be a more private conversation." I locked the front door behind me as I headed out of Kara's home.

"Alright. We're already on our way to my car. God, I hope she won't mess things up." Michael sighed out and I could hear the slams of car doors through the phone. I was praying the same thing. Hopefully Bree will find her senses and realise that Ray is someone she needs--someone who completes her soul. As cheesy and skeptical as this sounds, they're soulmates. I could tell from the first moment they met eyes that they were meant to be together. They were compatible in so many ways.

"Yeah, same here." We said goodbye and I made my way to the three other girls who were waiting in Kara's small car.

* * *

Everyone was sweating bullets on the way to Ray's apartment. I knew Bree was the most nervous out of all of us. When she agreed after countless begging from me, she said she would come out fully to Ray. I knew it was going to be hard for her, but I could see her love for Ray was larger than her fear of her past. So, I knew that she just had to come out with her story to him.

"You'll be fine." I said to her, placing a hand on her clasped ones that sat in her lap. Kara and Lindsay were confused as to what I was pleading Bree about earlier, but they didn't press for information. Bree nodded, sighing loud through her nose. She still wore her dress, not caring about her appearance. Kara asked if she wanted to borrow something, but Bree only smiled and shook her pretty little head.

When we pulled up to the familiar apartment complex, I recognised Michael's car parked a little ways away.  I could tell Bree did too when I saw her small body tense next to me, biting her bottom lip in anxiety. I squeezed her hands and we were able to bring her out to face what she was avoiding.

Bree's POV

I was scared shitless. I still couldn't believe I was going to speak what I've been dreading to let loose to Ray. The only person that knew was Janie, my sweet friend. I knew her intentions about last night were good ones, but it made me upset that she couldn't leave well enough alone. It hasn't been 24 hours yet and I was already walking up to Ray's place. I haven't had any time to clear my mind--to calm my thoughts into cool submission. I needed time to recollect my mature, simple thoughts that got me through everyday. When Janie begged for me to just face my fear, to face Ray, it seemed more demanding, causing me to just give in. I knew that since my mind was in an uproar and there was nothing calming to soothe me, I was probably going to become an emotional mess. I didn't accept Kara's offer for a change of clothing because if I was going to do this--I was going to do it right. The scars my father was able to dig into me were prominent against my tan skin, so they would be easily seen. I don't know if Ray has ever caught sight of them, but if he ever has, he's been quiet about it.

Kara knocked on the door with an impatient fervor. Janie made sure to keep a supportive arm around my shoulders, rubbing her thumb against my flesh. She was such a good friend and it seriously was so hard to stay mad at her. Sometimes I was jealous of her relationship between her and Gavin. They were so compatible and in love that it made me wonder if Ray and I could ever reach that goal we were so close to touching. After everything, it made me envy her. Lindsay stood to my right, casting worried glances in my direction as we waited. 

When the door opened, I felt my blood turn cold. It wasn't Ray that opened the door, but Gavin smiled at us and when his eyes rested on my dark ones, his smile became more comforting. I was glad Janie had him--glad that she found someone that wouldn't hurt her like Will did. Janie kissed his cheek before aiding me inside. The familiar smells and scenery of the flat had my stomach in complicated knots and I felt like I might need a bin in my arms any second.

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