Blaming and Old Friends

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The event with Will happened only a little over fifteen minutes ago. We all sat in Burnie's home, silent as can be. Ashley was tending to Joel's beat up face on the couch while Michael took care of my cheek in the kitchen. He used alcohol wipes to remove any dirt that happened to touch the cut. I winced as the acidic liquid touched my face.

"Does that hurt?" Michael asked, carefully dabbing my cheek.

"Yeah, a bit." I smiled though and thanked him.

"No problem. You're like the little sister I never had. You annoy me, but I still love ya." We both chuckled and heard the front door open fast.

"What the bloody hell happened?!" said a voice from the living room. Gavin made it. Gus had called Barbara back at the office, telling her what happened. She obviously told Gavin and some others because she arrived with him, Lindsay, Kara, and Miles. I heard footsteps coming our way and saw Lindsay come in.

"Oh my god, Jay are you okay?" She said with worry plastered on her face.

"Yeah. Just a cut." I shrugged.

"A cut? More like a fucking gash on your cheek." Michael said and dabbed more alcohol wipes on my face, making me wince more.

"Who did this?" Lindsay asked.

"Will, my ex. I don't know how he found me, but he did. Michael was driving me home and when we arrived here, we saw him at the door. I'm just glad he didn't kill someone. He's capable of that." I sighed.

"Where is she?!" Gavin said from the living room. Ashley said where I was and I heard more footsteps come towards us. Gavin's was more fast paced than Lindsay's. Gavin soon appeared in the kitchen door frame. His green eyes immediately went to my busted cheek. I could see a flash of anger move across his eyes, but it was soon replaced with concern. He came over, examining my cheek.

"Who did this?" He looked up at me since I was sitting on the counter. Apparently Burnie didn't go into details with Barbara. When I told him it was Will, he instinctively grabbed my hand, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"It's okay, Gavin. The cops came and took him away. Hopefully forever." I smiled, trying to comfort him. He smiled a small smile back and nodded. Michael grabbed a large bandadge and placed it over the cut.

"There. Now would you like a lollipop, little girl?" Michael asked. The four of us laughed and I hugged Michael. He was definitely like an older brother to me. I was an only child so I never got to experiance sibling fights or sharing a room with a brother or sister.

The rest of the evening was mostly making sure Joel was okay. He kept saying he was fine and told everyone to "leave me the fuck alone." Gus and Matt soon took Joel home, Michael and Lindsay went a few minutes after them. Barbara, Kara, and Miles went back to the office to work on stuff for RWBY. Before they left they each gave me a warm hug and told me to call them to hang out soon. I promised I would and watched them leave. Gavin, Burnie, Ashley, and I were the only ones in the house.

We didn't say anything for the longest time. Burnie then cleared his throat and told Gavin and I he was going to take Ashley home. "No funny business," he said before leaving. Gavin and I said goodbye, hearing the engine of Burnie's car die away. I sat on the couch, Gavin following me and immediately placing his arm around my shoulders, protectively.

"Are you alright?" Gavin asked. His thumb rubbed my shoulder soothingly. I rested my head against his shoulder, feeling comfortable.

"Yeah. Everything just happened so fast. When I saw Will hit Joel, I just had to intervene and take care of it myself. It's all my fault he was here in the first place." I said and I felt Gavin's grip on my shoulder tighten. He pushed me away gently, to look at me.

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