New and Old Faces

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"Are you ready?" Burnie asked outside my hotel room door. We had arrived at the Heathrow airport only 30 minutes ago, but of course I wanted to visit my father immediately. I couldn't accept the fact that he might be there in his hospital bed alone without anyone by his side. There is always the possibility that my mother is sitting next to him, but with a crisis like this she might be drowning her sorrows in alcohol.

"Yeah, just a minute!" I called back. I wiped away the tears I had let spill once I entered my room. The thought that my father, who was always so lively and adventurous, was dying was unbelievable. He's my favourite person in the whole world. Letting him go isn't something I was ready to let happen. I sniffled, grabbing my mobile that was lying on my bed. I texted Gavin letting him know we were on our way to the hospital. Once we landed, Gavin said he was going to drop his luggage off at his parents house before coming to the hospital. Burnie hadn't suspected anything when I told him Gavin was tagging along only for Slow Mo Guys and that he wanted to make sure I was okay. He was surprisingly fine with it.

Burnie smiled when I came out of the room, but I could see he was forcing it. He put a comforting hand on my shoulder as we made our way down to the lobby.

"Uh, Mason Downing." Burnie stood at the front desk while I had my arse in a waiting room chair. My legs felt weak, so I had no choice but to rest my body. I've never felt so scared in all my life. I didn't know what to expect. Was he pale and sickly looking? Did he shake or have big droplets of sweat on his forehead? Or maybe he actually looked healthy and just a wee bit tired. My legs shook as I waited for the nurse to give us my father's room number.

"Downing, Downing...yes, he's in room 219. Just down the corridor there." She nodded to her left. Burnie turned to me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I moved up from my seat and followed him down the hallway. The walk felt like an eternity until we approached the grey door that led me to the true picture of what my father looked like. We hesitated, both of us, not knowing what lies beyond the hospital door and what we would see. I even saw Burnie swallow, looking nervous and unsure. He let out a slow, deep breath before gripping the door handle and pushing it open. Inside, the atmosphere was cooler than out in the hallway, dim light streamed in from the open window where buildings and even Waterloo Bridge could be seen. There was only one bed that sat in the room which meant my father had it to himself. That was a good thing. I don't think I could handle another helpless person dying or a family sitting by their loved one's bedside, feeling depressed by their relative's slow passing.

The blue curtain was pulled around my father's bed. I couldn't see, so I made a few slow steps towards him. Burnie made sure to stand by me, waiting for me to finally approach the bed.

Once I reached the curtain I pulled it away immediately. I couldn't take the slow pace I was going at anymore. What I saw wasn't bad nor perfect. My father was asleep. His skin was slightly pale, but still held that olive, Italian glow. He didn't look deathly ill. He seemed normal.

"Dad? Daddy?" I called to him. He didn't react to my voice for a small while but soon his eyes fluttered and two dark blue orbs peered up at me.

"Jane." His voice was raspy as if he hadn't had any water for many days. My heart ached at the sound of his voice. It had only been a couple of months since I'd last seen him, but hearing him made me feel homesick. I had not once spoken to him during my time in Texas. My father looked past me towards Burnie, who had his hands in his pockets. "Burnie? I didn't expect you."

"When I heard, I had to tag along." Burnie came closer and shook my father's hand. I sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed.

"What exactly happened? Mum didn't say anything as to why you're here. All she said was that you were dying." My father scoffed. He shook his head in plain disgust.

"Dying? No, I'm not. Just had a small heart attack is all. The doctors and nurses say I will make a full recovery sometime in the next two days. They just want me to relax for a bit." I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. He wasn't dying. My sweet father was going to be alright and he would be the same, lively bloke like he always was once he left the hospital.

"Thank God. Why would mum say you were dying?"

"She likes to exaggerate. You know her. Always making the truth more eccentric than it usually is." My father sighed, his hands clasped together.

We talked for a long while, thoughts of my mother fading away into the backs of our minds. Gavin hadn't shown up yet which was fine with me. It would become very awkward if he introduced himself as my boyfriend. Especially in front of Burnie.

Just then, a nurse, whose hair was a shade of charcoal black, strode in with a clipboard in hand. "Hi. How are we feeling, Mr. Downing?" Her voice was light and cheerful.

"Stiff as a board. This bed is uncomfortable." My dad tried to sit up, but just like he said he was as "stiff as a board." The nurse laughed and went to the machines next to my father's bed.

"Well, you'll soon be able to leave the bed and walk around. I promise you." She pressed a few buttons before turning to Burnie and I. "It's time for Mason's checkups and tests, so it would be best to come back later." I didn't want to leave, of course, but if I had to I wasn't going to argue with the lovely nurse.

I leaned down and kissed my father's forehead. "Love you."

"Love you too." He smiled and waved to us while Burnie and I made our exit. Just as we left the hospital building, Gavin strolled up, ruffling his hair.

"Where're you guys going?" He asked.

"My dad's getting tests done, so we had to leave." I told him. He looked upset at the fact that he wasn't able to meet one of the most important men in my life, but he didn't say another word.

"Dan's going to join us for some lunch at a restaurant downtown. He's very excited to meet you." Gavin said. His gaze was held on me.

"Just me?" I laughed a little as we made our way to our rental car.

"Well, he's already met Burnie. I haven't met anyone that's been excited to meet him twice."

"Shut up, prick." Burnie said, but laughter soon drifted from him.

We ended up at a nice restaurant in the south part of London. The streets were busy, but that's London for you. If you lived here, there was no point in owning a vehicle.

Dan was sitting at a table when we walked in, reading the menu over. He looked up as soon as the tiny bell above the door announced our arrival. His eyes lit up and a large grin appeared on his face.

"Over here!" He waved to us. The three of us made our way to the table, but I didn't get far before bumping into someone.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I kept my face down, slightly embarrassed.

"Jane?" said a familiar voice. Oh, god. Not him. I didn't even have to look up- I knew that voice. The same person that made my friend leave this earth. The voice that sounded almost exactly like my ex-boyfriend's. I glanced up to see, Matthew, Will's brother.

A/N: OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SINCE....NOVEMEBER!! I've been so busy and writer's block has been with me the enitre bloody time! So....I kind of rushed this chapter because I just wanted to get one out for you guys! I hope you don't mind <3 Please rate, comment, follow!

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