Welcome To My Life

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Hello and welcome to my newest story. I hope you enjoy and that you'll vote and comment and stuff. Just a heads up fro those of you who are not the type of person to cuss, I'm not either but it just makes my story more interesting you know?

Katniss POV

I wake up in my bathtub. Wait why was I here? I look down at my arms and legs and look to the rim. Razor blades and different knives. I look down at my legs and arms. Cuts still not deep enough. I let out a sigh and pull the tub and watch my blood swirl down the drain. I get out of the tub and dry my body. Then I to the cub boards and get out the needle and thread and cover. I stitch up my scars and cover the and quietly make my way to my room. I put on some leggings carefully and a long sleeve shirt. Then put on basic make up and put my hair in a french braid. I make my way to Prim's room a shake her to get her up. "Morning Katniss." She says in her cute little voice. "Hi little duck." I say and give her a kiss on the forehead. "
She sits up with one hand and looks me over. She knows what I wear after I cut. "Katniss did you cut again?" She asks. I put my arms behind my back and look down at my feet. She makes a gesture to grab my arms and she lifts up my sleeves. Tears start to fall from her face. "Katniss why?" She asks and makes her way over to me. "Nothing little duck, its fine I won't do it." I say and give her a kiss on her head.

We go downstairs and I start to make some food for us. We both sit in silence at the table with Prim until her school bus comes. "I'll see you later okay?" I say. "Bye." Prim says and goes out of the door.
~~~~~Time Skip; School~~~~~
I get out of my car and make my way to the front. Like usual everyone whispers and some people laugh at me. I make my way to my locker and put my backpack away and someone comes up behind me. I turn around and it's my boyfriend Gale. "Hey Katniss." He says and gives me a kiss. "Hi." I say. "Why haven't you answered my calls, huh?" He asks and pushes me I to my locker. "I uhhh was taking care of Prim." I say. "Uh huh, sure you were." He says and punches me in my stomach. I groan in pain and he grabs my wrists and pulls up my sleeves. "Were you cutting because you don't want to be with me?!!??" He yells furiously. "No I uh...." I start. He slaps me hard on the face and drags me to our fist class. I shield my face with my hand to avoid eye contact with anyone. Gale pushes me into my seat and then the bell rings. He puts his hand on my thigh and I pull out my books. He punches my thigh and I know what that means. So I make my way over to his. Mr. Abernathy walks in and sits down. "Okay you know what you have to do, like I give a damn anyway." He says and puts the assignment on the board. Everyone gets started and then everybody starts to talk. Glimmer Shines and her posse of friends are talking louder than the rest of the class. "Okay so like my boyfriend and I like went out and we had the best time and then like this b***h came over and like tried to take him over and then I slapped her and was calling her names and stuff and it was like so totally awesome." Glimmer says. "Wow beat up a girl so cool." I say under my breath. "What was that Katniss?" Glimmer asks. "Oh nothing." I say and sigh. She stands up and walks over to me. "I asked you what you said." She says and gets in my face. I look over at Gale for some help. He shakes his head at me."I said, wow." I tell her. "Well Katniss, just wait until our other classes, cause I'll make them a living hell, emo b***h." She says and pushes me back in my seat. She looks down at my arms and sees my cover. I put up my shirt and look away. "Hm guess I was right about something." She says and walks away. The bell rings and we go to our other classes. I bump into a new cute guy on my way to art. "Oh hey sorry." He apologizes. "Oh no it's fine." I say and try to get past. "Oh hey I'm new here do you know where the gym is?" He asks. "Which one the one to so stuff in or to skip class?" I ask. "Um the one to do stuff in." He says. "Oh its down the hall to the left." I tell him. "Thanks, bye the way I'm Peeta." He says. "I'm Katniss." I say and tuck my hair behind my ear and blush. "Well bye Katniss." He says and walks down the hall. "Hey want were you doing talking to him?" Gale asks. "I was just showing him directions " I explain. "Yeah or getting his number!" Gale says and raises his voice. He raises his leg and grabs my neck. "No Gale please stop." I try to say and then he knees me in the stomach. I fall down in pain and then he kicks me in the back. I scream in pain. He helps me up and then pushes me into some lockers and brings me in close. "I don't ever want to see you with him again" He says and gives me a punch in the face. Then he walks away. Now you see what the life of Katniss Everdeen is.

Hi it's zeffie. Tell me how I am doing and vote and comment. Bye thanks for reading.

Word count is 984.

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