A New Start

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Katniss POV

Lunchtime comes around as usual I sit alone. I don't mind it but I do wish I had a friend once in a while. "Hey b***h what's up?" Gale asks and slams his tray down. "Not much." I say I look up him. Of course he has a cigarette in his mouth. "Why aren't you eating?" He asks and puts his feet on the table. "Not hungry." I say and play with the food on my plate. "You going anorexic again?" He asks and gets in my face. I slide down in my chair. "No." I reply. "You better not girl." He says and sits back down. "But seriously what's the reason?" He asks and for once cares about me and not himself. "I saw the lunch lady sneeze in my food."I say and use my fork to play with it. "Eh thought luck." He says and flicks his cigarette and it lands on my plate. I let out a sigh and pull out my phone. "Hey uh my phone is outa data can you order me a pizza?" My boyfriend asks. "Do you have money?" I ask. "No your supposed to be on of this girlfriends who does anything for your boyfriend." Gale says and folds his arms and sits back in his chair. "But I'm not." I say and put my phone down. "You better be." He says and hits me. I know not to cross him especially at school. So i do as he says and get him what he wants.

Glimmers POV

Katniss and Gale argue 3 tables away. We the pops all laugh and talk. Our group consist of me, Cashmere, Gloss, Cato, Marvel, Clove her cousin and Enobaria and Brutus. No surprise that Clove treat's her the way she does. Marvels my boyfriend and Clove and Cato are a thing, Cashmere and Gloss are brother and sister. And Enobaria and Brutus are good friends. "Hey guys you want to know what would be the best?" I ask everyone. "What?" Clove asks me. "Pouring this on her head." I say and point to Katniss. Everyone laughs and agrees. They guys high five and the girls grab me and say stuff. So I pick up my smoothie and take one last sip of it then make my way over to her. I turn around and give a thumbs up to my table then I slowly step behind her. I don't want to make it seem like I intentional did it so I pretend to slip. My smoothie falls on her head and drips down. She just gasps and moves her smoothie hair out of her face. "Omg Katniss I am sooo sorry." I say and act all innocent. She just gets up and glares at me then walks out if the cafeteria. Everyone laughs and takes pictures of her and call her names. Then I brush off my skirt with a "humph" and walk back over to my table. Its really sad even her 'boyfriend' was laughing at her and didn't even help her. My boyfriend would. They all give me a high five and we giggle and gossip and laugh and plan other things to make her life a living hell.

Katniss POV
Gale and I argue and we get nowhere like always. He gets upset and the I back down and then I get upset and then he gets more upset and so do I and then he is almost going to strike me so I back down. And it just goes on until on until finally we just sit in silence. He continues to act like a major jerk and I just dink around with on my phone.

Suddenly I feel something drip on my head and then a gush. Its all pink and smells good but not on my head. I just gasp and try to move it out of my face and wipe it off. Then the whole cafeteria erupts with laughter. Even gale does. No surprise there though. It drips on my phone and all over my clothes. I hear someone from behind me speak. "Omg, Katniss I am so sorry." Glimmer says and pretends to act all innocent. I start up and I feel like yelling at her and calling her out but I just glare at her and head to the bathroom. Oh why couldn't I have gone deeper on my arms. Nobody would miss me  anyways. Well Prim would and she would flip out. I couldn't do that to her. She would lose her whole family. But she knows what she could do to join us.
I head in the girls bathroom and use the sink to wash my hair. Then a group of girls come in.

A red head comes up to me and gives me a towel and smiles. I smile back and try to dry my hair and clothes. "Why do those b***hes have to be such b***hes?" One girl asks. The red head slaps her on the arm. "Johanna!" She exclaims. "What I'm just asking." Johanna says. "Don't mind her she is always like that." The ginger says. "What and you've never sworn ever Annie?" Johanna asks. "No, who do you think I am?" Annie asks her. "Anyways we're here to help Katniss." Madge says and brakes them up. Madge and I were old friends. I chuckle and try to get the stains out of my clothes. "Oh Katniss I have a change of clothes in my locker if you need them." Annie says. "Thanks, I think I'll need them." I admit. We all laugh and then we just stay there. "Um we've noticed that you like don't hang out with anybody and we were wondering and you don't have to but you can be with us if you want." Annie suggest. Then all the color drains from my face. And I have a flashback. The last time I had s friend it didn't last. Gale caught us hanging out and he put me in critical condition. I couldn't let them have the same fate. I shake the memory form my head and rub my arms. "Well... um. you see," I start. "Katniss its okay if you don't." Madge says. "Well its just the last time I had a group of friends it didn't end well." I say. "Is it that jerk of a boyfriend?" Johanna asks. Madge and Annie both get mad. But its true he is a jerk. "Yeah." I say and look to the ground. "Well don't worry we aren't afraid, I can take that son of a b***hes ass." Johanna says. Johanna is the best. I laugh and then we walk out. "Okay I'll be your guy's friends." I say and give them all a hug. Then a 2 guys who are so cut come up. One has bronze hair and tan skin and sea green eyes. And the other has blonde hair and curls and ocean blue eyes. Oh gosh they are so hot. The one with sea green eyes comes up to me. I hope he asks me on a date. "You want a sugar cube?" He asks. Not the question I was Hoping for but okay. "Uh um no thank you." I say. "Don't mind my boyfriend Finnick he asked everyone that when they meet." Annie says and goes and hugs him. Aw sad he taken. "Oh and this is my cousin Peeta." Madge says. "Hi." Peeta says. "Hey." I say and tuck my wet and stick hair behind my ear. He tries to ask me a question but the I see Gale comes up from the end of the hallway and he looks angry. "Katniss!!" He yells. I whimper and try to hide my face. He comes up to our crowd and makes his way for me. "Katniss what the hell how f**king long does it take to clean up??!!" He yells. Then he slaps me on the face. My new found friends try to come up and help me but I tell them to stand down. He grips my wrist harder than ever and I fall to the ground I hold my tongue and bite my lip and tears fall. He yanks me up and we storm up through the hall. And as we turn the corner he yells at me again. "And don't even think of hanging out with those losers." And then he punches me in the stomach and I let out a scream and fall down. Gale pulls on my arm and forces me up and we walk away and I whimper and cry in pain.

So let me know what you thought and suggestions you have and vote and comment!! Bye love you 😘!
Sorry If the swearing offends.

Word count is 1469.

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