Such Good, Lucky, News

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Katniss's P.O.V

When I wake up, Peeta is still holding me. I nuzzle my head into his shoulder. Peeta wakes up and looks at me. "Hey Katniss. You okay?" he asks. I nod. "You didn't have anymore nightmares last night." he says. "Yeah I know. I got a little bit of sleep too." I say. "Good." he says. I start to feel pains in my stomach. I hold it and Peeta gives me a worried look. "Katniss what's wrong?" Peeta asks. "My stomach hurts." I say. 'Uh ho.' I think. I start to feel something come up my esophagus so I cover my mouth with my hand. I run to the bathroom and slam the door. I puke my guts out into the toilet. Peeta comes in and hold my hair back out of my face. "You okay?" he asks. I give him a thumbs up. This wave of sickness goes on for a while but soon ends. I rest my head on the rim of the tub and hold my stomach. I can't tell if I feel better or worse. Peeta wraps his arm around me and pulls me in close. "I'm sorry that you're sick Kat. I'll stay here with you when they go jetskiing." he says. "Okay thanks." I say. I get up and crawl back into my bed. 

Peeta's P.O.V

Katniss goes back to bed and I have to tell everyone that we aren't going. Everyone is waiting for us out in the living room. "Are you guy coming?" Delly asks. "No. I have to stay here with Katniss. She's sick." I say. "Aww it won't be as fun without you guys. Tell her I hope that she gets better." Annie says.  "I'll tell her." I say. I leave and then I go back to Katniss. She is again puking in the bathroom. I go in and put her hair back out of her face. She gets up and washes her face. "Sorry." she says. "No it's okay. You're sick is all." I say. She gives me a half hearted smile. She lays on top of her covers and I lay next to her. "You think it's the food poisoning that's doing this to me?" she asks. "I don't know. Possibly. But has this been happening lately?" I ask kinda worried. "Yeah but I........" she trail off and avoids answering the question. I want to know what she's thinking. "Katniss?" I ask. She shakes away the thought. "Sorry just thinking." she says. "About what? If I can ask." I ask. She sighs a big sigh. "Well what if it's not food poisoning? I mean its been happening for like what a month now and-" Her face turns very pale. "Oh my god!" she says. "Oh my god what?" I ask worried. She bites her bottom lip. "Kat I won't freak out. Promise." I say. "Maybe it isn't food poisoning?" she asks. "Then what." I ask. She is kinda hesitant to tell me. "It could be a uh.....morning sickness." she says and her face flushes red. "Whats that?" I ask feeling kinda dumb. "It's a pregnancy symptom." she says. "So you're pregnant?" I ask and try to hold back the excitement. "I don't- yeah I think so." she says. "Well that's great if you are!" I say and hug her. She hugs me back. "Want me to take you to the doctor?" I ask as we end our hug. "No. I brought a test. You know just in case we know....." "Oh." I say. She blushes with embarrassment. She gives me a quick kiss. "I'll go check." she says. I wait on her bed for her to come out and tell me the good news. At least I hope it's good news.

Katniss's P.O.V

I'm pacing around in the bathroom. 'How am I going to tell him?' 'What am I going to tell my friends and mother?' 'What if she doesn't approve?'  'What if I have a miscarriage?' A million questions run wild inside of my head a million miles per second. I try to calm myself down so I can go tell Peeta. I sit on the edge of the tube and hide my face in my hands. I am happy on the inside but I just can't show it on the outside. Peeta knocks on the door. "Katniss, you okay?" Peeta asks from the other side of the door. "Yeah. Just great." I lie. "Babe, you've been in there for almost 45 minutes. You sure you're okay?" He asks. I sigh and get up. I open the door and Peeta is waiting for me. "So?" Peeta asks. "I am pregnant." I say and smile. A smile spreads across his face. "That's wonderful Katniss!" He says. He picks me up and spins me around. I laugh and feel so happy. He sets me down and we hug. "I'm so happy Katniss." he says quietly in my ear. "Me too!" I say in his. I kiss his cheek and then go lay in my bed. Peeta lays in my bed with me. He sets his hand on my small, growing, stomach. He looks at me and I look at him. "So do you know how far along you are?" Peeta asks. I pull out my phone and go to my period tracker app. "I've missed 42 days so in weeks that is I think 6 and in months that is......1 month and a half so that's how far along I am." I say to him. "That's great." Peeta says. We both look at the ceiling and think about things. "Katniss how do you feel about this?" Peeta asks me. "IDK. Mostly scarred but a little overwhelmed and happy too." I say. "Why are you scarred?" Peeta asks. "I'm scarred that I'll lose our baby." I say. "Oh Katniss, don't be scarred. That's never going to happen. I promise." He says and kisses my forehead. He pulls me in close and i snuggle up with him. "I'll try not to worry." I say.

We lay in silence for a while until we hear the voices of our friends. I get up and go out to our friends that are back from jet skiing. "Hey guys!" I say. When they see me they all come and hug me. "Are you okay?" Clove asks. "What made you sick? Do you know?" Madge asks. "Oh it wasn't nearly as fun without you guys." Delly says. "Guys, guys I'm fine. Really I'm fine." I say. They let me go and we sit on the couch. "I think that it was just ........" I stop talking for a moment. "What is it Katniss??" they all ask eagerly. I give a big sigh and then tell them. "Morning Sickness." I say and then brace for a million questions. "WHAT!?!?!?" they all ask. "Yep it was morning sickness." I say. "OMG KAT, you're pregnant!!" Clove exclaims. I can't help but smile at all of their excitement over this. They all squeal squeals of joy and hug me. "Katniss I can't believe it!!" Madge says.   "Aw come on guys this isn't that exciting." I say. They all stop squealing for a momment. "Katniss, this is the best news ever. What are you talking about this isn't exciting? This is exciting. We all love you so much, and now you and Peeta can have a little happy family." Annie says. Tears start to fall down my face. "Aw guys, god damn it, you're making me cry." I say and laugh a little. Clove hugs me. I am still crying so I fan my eyes with my hands. "Sorry guys. Hormones." I say. They all laugh a little. Peeta and Finnick come in the room. "Whats all this." Finnick asks. "Oh nothing. We just found out that Kat is pregnant." Annie says. "What really?? Aw man guys congrats!" He says. Finnick gives me a hug and then he hugs Peeta. I get up and give Peeta a kiss and then hug him. Oh my goodness I can't wait to have his baby and for us to be a family. 

Hello everyone!!! Hope that you liked this chapter! I loved writing it!! Please vote and comment bellow and I'll answer your comments. Also i am running out of ideas so DM me please!!!! I need more ideas please!! Anyways thanks for reading and bye guys!! LOTS OF LOVE <3 <3 <3 <3 zeffie

Word count is 1405 

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