A Not So Happy Ending

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Hope that you enjoy you awesome people!!

Katniss P.O.V

I go to my living room just as the front door opens. It's Prim. "Hey Prim." I say. "Omg Katniss!" She says. She comes to me and gives me a big hug. "I'm glad that you're back home." She says. "Oh wait a sec I've got to go get something." She says and goes out to my aunts car. She comes back in with a gift basket. "It's from aunt Kayci and me and Clove." she says. Inside it has my favorite candy Starburst, perfume from Bath and Body Works , nail polish, flower crowns, popcorn and Coke and a really soft blanket and throw pillow. A note is tagged and on it says, "Hope you get better Katniss. We all love you!" "Aw this is so sweet." I say and set it down on our coffee table. "Hey Kat can I hang out with my friend Rue later?" Prim asks me. "Yeah sure but i'm going out on a date at 7." I tell her. "Ugh with Gale?" she asks. "No not with him. With a guy that likes me and I kinda like him back." I say. "Okay." She says. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  I pick a dress with a white top and black skirt with lace sleeves and a small black belt. I wear a small lace bow and I flat iron my hair. I put on gray eye shadow with black eyeliner and a neutral bare pink chocolate lipstick. I wear a lokai white bracelet with a pear ring and earrings. I go to my living room and wait for Peeta. A car horn honks and I tell Prim that I'll be back later. I get my wallet and leave. "Hey you look nice." Peeta says. "Thanks you too." I say and smile. "Where would you like to go this evening." He asks. "Um....I don't care really." "Well i've got a place in mind." He says. He takes me to the local Italian place and we sit down. "So how's it been going?" I ask. "I've been good. How have you been?" He asks "Well I have some news Peeata."I say. "Is it good news or bad news?" Peeta asks. "Um.. well I'm pregnant." I say. "What?" He asks. "I'm pregnant." I say again "Oh my god Katniss." He holds my hand. I cover my mouth with my hand so I don't cry. But I do. I'm so scarred. "Katniss don't worry, I'll be there for you." He says. The waiter comes and asks what we want and brings us drinks. We talk and enjoy our food when my phone vibrates. 


Me: Out with friends. 

Gale: Get your ass over to my house now you bitch or I'll fucking hurt you again!!!!

Me: Okay I'm coming

Gale: Make it quick bitch. I'm tired of waiting. 

I put my phone down and then sigh. "What's wrong Katniss." Peeta asks. "Oh um Gale wants to talk to me." I say. "Don't go Katniss. What if he hurts you again?" He says. "He won't he's changed. We talked today and he really has changed." I say. "Okay." He says. He gives me a kiss and then I leave. As I leave I feel so bad that I start to cry. Gale is waiting for me outside with a bat. "What are you.." He comes up to me and hits my head with the bat. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  I wake up and see I'm not in Gales house or in the restaurant parking lot. I bounded by rope and every time I move it tightens. So I stop moving. My head is throbbing. My wrists are raw and bleeding. 'How long have I been out?' I ask myself. I raise my head and find Gale sitting in a chair. I'm gagged by a rag so I can't scream or talk to him. "Now you and I look alone." He says. and gets up and comes up to me. He has his bat and I try to get away. I start to cry and I'm so scarred about what he is going to do to me once i'm passed out again. He hits me on the back of my head and I pass out again. 

So sorry guys that this chapter is sad and dark. I was just feeling sad and upset so it went into my writing. But if you did enjoy then vote and comment but you don't have to. It's whatever. Bye guys. Zeffie

Word count is 754

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