What A Good Day; Paradise

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Katniss P.O.V

~6 weeks later~

I wake up feeling terrible. Lately I've been sick with I think a stomach bug but all i know is that I'm sick of waking up and throwing up. Buttercup sleeps at the foot of my bed. I give him a pet and then I get out of bed. I go out to my kitchen and I find my mother making us breakfast. "Morning Katniss." She says. "Hi." I say. "Take a seat. The food is almost done."  she says. I take a seat at the table and then my phone beeps.

Peetsie: Morning beautiful!

Kitsy Kat: Hey baby

Peetsie: I'll see you at school k babe?

Kitsy Kat: K. <3 u

Peetsie: <3 u

My mother places a plate full of food in front of me. She kisses my head and then leaves me alone. Once I finish I put my plate in the sink and then go to my room to get ready. I decide today to just wear a dress that Glimmer bought me a few weeks ago and I curl my hair. I do my makeup and then I look at myself in the mirror. I look okay but I'm sure everyone will tell me that I'm gorgeous. I decide to show everyone on Instagram how pretty I look today. I'm flooded with likes and comments. I read some of the comments and then I put my phone in my bag. I go out of my room and head out to go to school. My mom is in her room so I decide to pop my head in. "Bye mom!" I say. "Have a nice day Katniss." she says. I go in her room and give her a hug. I think that helped her. She thinks that it's her fault that Prim is gone but it really isn't. It's just what happened that night. After I give her a hug I go to school

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip; School~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I put my stuff in my locker and rearrange some things as well. But I can't help but feeling that someone is behind me. I turn my head ever so slightly and then I start to smile. "Hello Peeta." I say. He starts to laugh. "How'd you know it was me?" he asks and wraps his arms around me. "Lucky guess." I say and turn around and put my arms around his neck then we kiss. "I love you." I say rather quietly. "I love you too." he says back. We hold hands and walk down the hall to first period. We get there right as the bell rings. "Okay class pull out your textbooks and turn to page 207." the teacher says. We study and he lectures at the same time. I gets boring so I play on my phone for the rest of class. The bell rings and we all leave. Peeta stops me and we talk for a sec. "Hey Kat I was wondering if yo wanted to come with me and our friends on a little trip?" he asks. "That sounds like fun! I'd love to. When are we going?" I ask. "Like sometime after school. Just go home after school and pack for a week or so." he says. "Okay. I can't wait!!!" I say. I give him a hug and then we go to our separate classes but I text throughout the class. 

Peetsie: Babe bring a cute swimming suit okay?

Kitsy Kat: Oh we're going swimming?

Peetsie: Well actually to a place called Capitol Beach. It's very nice. 

Kitsy Kat: ohh I can't wait!!

Peetsie: Same!

I have to say this is going to be fun! The rest of the day flies by so quickly. It's unbelievable how fast the end of the day comes. We all meet in the Commons and talk about our trip. "So how is this happening again?" Delly asks. "Oh my dad is paying for us to have a little break from school." Peeta says. "Awesome I could use it." Madge says. "So everyone go home and pack for a week or so and I'll pick everyone up by 4:30 okay?" Peeta says. We all shake our heads and then we all head home. "Omg babe I can't wait." I say and kiss him. "This is so nice of you Peeta, thank you." I say. "You're very welcome. Now go home and pack okay?" he says and gives me a quick kiss. "Okay." I say. I go home and I pack basically my whole wardrobe because I know I'll have a hard time picking what I want to wear. My mother comes in and asks me what I'm doing. "Oh I'm going on a trip with friends." I say. She sighs. "Okay I'll excuse you for a while from school. How long are you going to be gone?" She says. "Not that long. A few days or so." I say. "Well have fun okay?" she says. "I will." I say. I finish stuffing my suitcase and then I go wait outside for my friends. Soon enough my friends pull up and I smile and go to the car. I put my suitcase in the trunk and then hop in the car. Left to get it Delly and Madge. Once we get them we head out on our Road Trip!!! Us girls are all laughing and chatting about whatever in the back of the car. "Hey guys I got us food!" Peeta says. "Omg really? Thank god I'm starving!" I say. Finnick, who is up front next to him, passes out all of our favorite treats and goodies. My favorite treats and snacks are Sour Skittles and Original Lays chips and Coke. (((((A.N. What is your guys's favorite snacks or treats or soda? I put mine as Katniss's)))) "Peeta you're so nice!" Clove says and puts a Cheeto in her mouth. "Thanks." He says. "How long until we get there?" I ask. "Like 6 hours or so." He says. I nod my head. 

We drive and drive for those 6 hours. Everyone falls asleep except for me and Peeta. "Peeta?" I whisper. "What?" he whispers back. "I can't wait to be there with you." I whisper. "Same." he whispers. I stay awake all the way with anticipation and excitement. We get there, to the resort, and then I yell, "Guys we're here!!!" Everyone jumps awake and they all look at me. "Sorry. It's the excitement." I apologize. Everyone gets out and gets their luggage, then we go inside. Peeta checks us in and then we head to our suite. Its a big beach house all to ourselves. "This is amazing." Delly says as we walk in and look around. "Yeah." I say. All of the rooms are down one hall and each has it's own bathroom. The rooms are huge!! Or at least mine is. Everyone puts their stuff in their rooms and then we chill in the living room. "What should we do tomorrow guys?" Clove asks. "Go swimming  in the ocean!!" I blurt out. Everyone looks at me. "Okay so we should go swimming in the ocean I guess." she says. "Yeah that sounds like fun." Annie agrees. Everyone agrees. Slowly people hit the hay and then it's just me left awake. When it's late I go to my room. I take a shower and wash my hair. There is a knock on my door so I wrap up in a towel and open the door. It's Peeta. "Hey babe." He says. "Hi. Sorry I was just in the shower." I say. "Oh no its fine. I was just wondering if maybe-" he stops and kisses me. "Ohhh. Okay." I say. I pull him in and lock the door. I let my towel fall to the ground and then we both crawl into my bed. Peeta and I both look into each others eyes. "I love you so much." I say. " I love you too." he says. I rest my head on his arm and snuggle up with him. "Night Katniss." He says and kisses my head. "Goodnight." I say. We both then fall asleep. 

Hello everyone!!! Hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter of S.O.S!! Please leave a vote and comment bellow and let me know what you liked or didn't. I'll change it. If you have any ideas just message me and I may just use them :) Anyways bye guys!!! Lots of love from me <3 <3 <3 zeffie.

Word count is 1415

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