The Day You Slipped Away

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Clove's P.O.V
"I still can't believe Katniss. Why would she do that? She'd be mad if I told Peeta she was going to break up with him right?" I ask Jo, Annie, Madge, and Delly. "Yeah." M Madge says. "I should go tell her what more I have to say." "Hell yeah you should." Jo says. "Come on. We all should." I say. We all get up and drive over to her house. We turn the corner and see that in front of her house are cops and and ambulance. "What is going on?" Annie asks. "I don't know." Delly says. We go to her house but we can't really since there is police tape everywhere. 'What happened?' I ask myself. I see my aunt and go talk to her. "Oh Clove." She says and hugs me. "What happened?" I ask. She hands me a piece of paper and it has Katniss's handwriting.

Dear friends, family, whoever may be reading this. Hopefully I'm dead. I've just caused to much pain and anger and sadness. So I'm leaving on a one way ticket to heaven. To all my friends, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you all upset with me. I'm sorry for being in your guys life's. I'm sorry that you all had to worry about me and be my friends. I don't deserve friends like you guys. To the best boyfriend and fiance and lover. I'm sorry I met you. I just caused you to worry about me and I took things away from you since I was too weak and I couldn't stand up for myself. You should find someone else to love you better than I ever could. To my mother I'm sorry that you ever gave birth to me. I'm sorry for all I put you through and for making you leave. But now you don't have to worry, any of you. I'm gone. And that's good. Please don't morn the lose of me. There really is no need. Just act as if I was never there. It will be better if you do. Now I can finally be happier. I love you guys but you don't have to anymore.
                  Katniss Everdeen

I can feel my heart drop inside of me. "What have I done?" I ask. "Where is she??" I ask my aunt. "They took her to the hospital." She says. "Clove where are you going?" Madge asks. "To the hospital." I say. I drive as fast as I can to see her. I rush in and find her room. Peeta is sitting next to her holding her hand. "Peeta," I start. "I'm so sorry." I say. He doesn't answer me. I go over to the other side of her. "What did she do?" I ask trying to hold back on crying. "She cut and then she stabbed herself. They don't know when or if she'll wake up." He says. "Peeta I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." I say. "I know I'm sure it was Glimmer's plan all along." He says. "She's the one who told Cato those things." He says. "Not Katniss." He says. He kisses her hand and the leaves. I leave too and find Jo, Annie, Delly and Madge. "So what happened?" Madge asks. "It's not her fault." I say. "Wait what?" Jo asks. "It's not her fault. She didn't say those things. It was Glimmer." I say. "She did this??" Delly asks. "She turned us on each other?" Annie asks. "What have we done?" Madge asks. "Something awful." I say.

Katniss's P.O.V
I open my eyes and all I see is white. 'Must've worked.' I think. I sit up and look around. Everywhere is white. "Need a hand?" A familiar voice asks. I look and see it's my little sister. She gives me a hand and helps me up. I hug her once I'm up. "Prim I've missed you." I say. "I have too." She says. I let her go. "Prim am I dead?" I ask. "Not yet." She says. "Then where am I?" I ask. "This is he place where people go to decide." She says. "You can come with me or go back to life." She says. "I'm not going back. I want to go with you." I say. "Katniss can I tell you something?" She asks. "Of course." I say. "Look I'm not supposed to tell you what to choose but, they need you." She says. "Don't you want to marry Peeta? He loves you and you know you do too." Prim says. "But I don't want to leave you. I left you once and I dont want to loose you again." I say and hug her. "Don't worry Katniss, I'll look out for you don't worry." She says. "Katniss can you do something for me?" She asks. "Anything for you little duck." I say. "Wake up." She whispers.

Hello all who reads this book!! Sorry to sorta leave it there but I ran out if ideas so. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed reading!! Please vote and comment on whatever really. Idk. I'll try to update again like later so be ready. Lots of love guys!! ❤️❤️❤️ Zeffie!!

Word count is 872

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