The Best Day Of Our Lives

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~Time Skip; A Few Months Later; Graduation~
Katniss's P.O.V

I look in the mirror and a-just my cap. Finally this day has come. Graduation. I put on my black and sparkly pumps and then I go to my living room. My mother is waiting for me with a big smile on her face. "Oh Katniss." she says. She gives me a hug and I hug her back. "Let me go get my camera." she says and goes to get it. There is a knock on my door and I go answer it. It's Peeta. "Hey." I say. "Hey." he says. "You ready for this." he asks. "Hell yeah I am!" I say. Peeta laughs a bit. "Oh, Peeta! I was hoping you'd stop by." My mother says. "Come on, I want a picture of you guys." she says. Peeta comes in and we go where she wants us to stand. "Smile!" and the flash goes off. "Oh you guys are so cute!" My mother says. "MOM!!" I say. I can feel my cheeks burning  red with embarrassment. "Oh sorry. I'll be right back." she says. "Selfie?" I ask Peeta. "Sure." He says. I get my phone out and open up Instagram. We both pose and then take the picture. "What is it with girls and filters on Instagram?" Peeta asks. "I don't know. I just like them. And they make me look pretty." I say and still try to find one. "Well I already think you're pretty." He says and kisses my cheek. I post the picture with the perfect filter and then put my phone away. My mother comes back and we head to the school. I feel a vibration and then pull out my phone.

Clove: We'll be in the 2nd row from the front waiting for you and Peeta

me: Okay. We're almost there.

Clove: Can't wait to see you guys!


Peeta and I find our friends and sit with them. "Hey guys!" I say. "Hey!" They all say. We all sit down and huddle in close for a group selfie. "Want me send it too you guys?" I ask. "I'd love it!" Annie says. "Me too!" Madge says. The Principal comes out and then everyone stops talking. He says a few things like how this year has been a good year and that we've made this school better and things like that. The Vice Principal says some things too. Then she starts to reading off the names of students who are graduating . They call by last names so out of us Clove goes first. "Clove Andersen." We all cheer for her and she goes and gets her diploma. They move down the alphabet calling every students name. After everyone is called everyone takes off their caps and throws them in the air. Everyone cheers and just has fun. I wrap my arms around Peeta's neck and kiss him. This truly has been then best day ever.

~Peeta's House; Graduation Party!!~

Peeta invited us to his house to just hang out and party. "So anybody know where they are going to collage yet?" Peeta asks. "Annie and I got excepted to 4's best collage." Finnick says. "I'm going to one in 2." Madge says. "So am I!!" Delly says. "I'm still waiting for my letter of acceptance for the collage in 1." Clove says. "Same." Johanna says. "What about you guys." Annie asks. "I'm going to one in 11." I says. "So am I." Peeta says. "I'll really miss you guys." I say. "So will we Katniss." Clove says. "Hey Kat, can I talk to you for a sec?" Peeta asks. "Sure." I say and go with him. "Katniss can I ask you something?" he asks. "Of course." I say. "Do you love me?" Peeta asks. "With all my heart." I say and kiss him. "Good. So this next question should be easy." He says. He pulls a small box from out of his pocket and kneels on one knee. I have to cover my mouth to keep me from screaming. "Katniss will you marry me?" he asks. I have to many emotions in me and they are keeping me from speaking. All I can do is shake my head yes. "Really?" He asks with excitement. "Yes. YES YES!!" I exclaim. He puts the ring on my finger and then stands up to hug me. I'm shaking so much cause I'm so excited and shocked at the same time. Peeta stops hugging me and then I kiss him. "I love you." I say and my fingers intertwine with his. "Should we uh you know, tell them?" I ask. "Yeah." Peeta says. Everyone is in Peeta's living room just hanging out. "Oh, hey guys. FINALLY you're back." Johanna says. "What were you two doing?" Clove asks. Peeta and I both look at each other and smile. "Can we tell you guys something?" I ask. "Duh. We're your friends." Madge says. "Okay." I say. I look at Peeta and then count down on my fingers. "WE'RE ENGAGED!!" We both say at the same time and I show them my ring. All the girls scream and hug me. "KATNISS!!! CONGRATS!!!" they squeal. This truly has been the best day ever. 

HELLO!! GUYS!!! OMG I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!! It took me a while, i'm sorry, but i was just so happy that i thought of this it was just making me to happy to write!! Anyways I really hoped that you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. Please vote and comment on what should happen next or just randomness. I think that in the feature chapters that I will do more of like their friends Point Of Views like with them in collage but idk yet. I'll be updating soon so be ready for more amazing chapters of S.O.S. and don't think it'll end after collage because i'll keep going with it so yeah. Anyways bye guys!! Lots of love!! <3 <3 zeffie

Word count is 999

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