Part 41

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Katniss P.O.V

I open my eyes and I'm in the hospital. Wait this can't be right. Peeta's asleep in a chair next to me. I want to believe this but it isn't right. I hesitantly take my hand out of his grasp. He wakes up. 

"Oh my god Katniss!! Thank god you're alright." He says and hugs me. 

I shove him away. I start to cry. 

"Katniss what's wrong?" 

"You're not real. This isn't real."

"What do you mean? I'm right here." He says.

"This is a dream. Actually more like a taunting reminder that I'm crazy and never be with me."

"Katniss what are you talking about? We're engaged." he says trying to convince me that this is reality but I know it isn't. This has to be a nightmare. I shake my head no. This will never be us. We'll never be together. He tries to hold my hand but I jerk it away. I look away and shut my eyes. I want this to be real deep inside of me but I know that this will never be a reality that I'll have. 


The cold hits me like I was thrown into a cold lake. I'm shivering so much. I see that one of my blankets has fallen to the forest ground. Clove isn't in her hammock so I assume that she's in our tent. I put pick my blanket up and go to the tent since I'm cold as well. Clove is asleep inside. I zip up the tent opening and crawl into my sleeping bag. I start to heat up very quickly. I try to sleep a bit longer and I do but I don't dream nor have nightmares. 

Sorry so short of a chapter but if you read my Hey guys!! update then you'll know why! Bye! Lots of love Zeffie! ❤❤

Word count 310

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