Is This Really My Life? Is This How My Story Ends?

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Katniss P.O.V

I sit at the foot of the bed. I don't want to cry anymore. But I do. I never really knew what my life was until I did this to me. I want to take it  back. But I know I'll never be able to. I'll be stuck in this state I'm in. Alive but not on the same time. I don't know how to be me again. No clue where to begin. I turn my head when the door opens. It's Prim and my mother. My mother breaks down before she even comes near me. She leaves. Prim is trying to hold it together I can tell.

"Hey Katniss." She says to me. She sits close to me.

"Hi Prim." I say.

"I know that we've been fighting for you in the past it's your time. You've gotta fight now." She says.

"I want to but..I don't know how. Tell me how. Please Prim."

She hugs me. I want to hug her back, but I know I can't.  I'll probably never be able to hug my little sister ever again. She sets a picture on the small table next to me. It's of me, her and our mother.

"I'm sorry Prim. I'm so sorry."

"Please come back Katniss."

"I'll try Prim. I really will." I say.

Hiiii!!! Sorry this isn't so much. It's all that was in my brain at the moment.  But I just wanted to give you all a little bit of it. Don't know if more will come again. I think 44 chapters is enough honestly. Or maybe 45. Anyways this book is going to end soon is all I'm saying. Anyways please please please comment or vote. Or both!! Or not. That's okay too. Lots of love to all who read this!! Again I apologize that it isn't much and it sorta leaves ya wondering. Bye!! zeffie 😁❤❤❤❤

Word count is 322

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