I'm Saved

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Katniss P.O.V
Dark. That's all I see right now. With my eyes shut. And with them open. Cressida is asleep but I can't seem to fall asleep. I know that Peeta and all my friends and my mother are worried sick about me. I'm sure they've tried to contact me but Gale stole my phone. My whole body throbs. My back is still bleeding a little and my leg hurts so bad. And my heart hurts most. It hurts since I am away from my friends a d my everything. Peeta. He's probably worried sick about me. I miss him. I miss him so much. His touch. His kiss. Everything. I hope I get back to him. I hear the door that leads to the upstairs open. Fear runs though me. "Cressida." I say quietly. "Hmm." "Cressida wake up!" I say a little louder. The lights turn on and those guys who took me from school are there. One opens the door and the other takes me. "Where are you taking her?" Cressida asks. "That's none of your concern." One says. "Cressida help!" I cry. I try to get free but they have to drag me away. "Katniss!!" Cressida cries. They drag me up the stairs and the shut the door. They take me to the living room of the house and Gale is waiting for me. "What should we do with her?" One guy asks. Gale comes over and whispers in their ears. They both nod. "See you later Katniss." Gale says and kiss my cheek. They force me outside and shove me off the steps. I land on my face. I try to get up but one guy hits me on my head. They both start to beat me the worst I've ever been in my life. I try one last time to get up but one guy hits me on my head again and then I black out.
My eyes slowly open and all I see is blurred lights zooming away. It's raining and I'm covered in blood and mud. I try to get up but the pain is so much I fall down. I don't know where I am but I hope I'm safe and away from them. I can see something in front of me but I can't tell what it is. My vision is blurred. I think it's my phone. I can swear I hear something open and then I feel someone touch me. "No, please!! Leave me alone! Don't hurt me, please!" I cry. "Katniss, Katniss shhh. It's okay. It's me, your mother." She says. She helps me up and leads me to my house. "Katniss what happened to you? Where were you??" She asks. "I don't know." I say. "We have to get you the hospital." She says. "My phone Mom." I say. "What?" She asks. "On the grass." I say and point to where I was. She goes and gets it for me. "Come on. We have to get you help." My mother says and helps me into our car. "Katniss where were you?" My mother asks. "I don't know know. Gale took me again. I don't know how he got out but he did." I say. "Don't worry Kat. We're almost there." She says. "Okay." I say. I lean my head on the window and start to close my eyes. "Katniss stay awake!" My mother says. "Okay." I say. I try to battle sleep but I loose the fight and sleep wins.
"Is she okay?" "Where was she found?" "Who did this her?" I can hear people asking these questions but I don't know who they are. They sound familiar though. I must be in the hospital because I can feel things in my hand and I have a breathing thing on. And I can hear my monitor beeping. "Is she going to wake up?" "What about her baby?" "Is Peeta coming?" "Peeta." I say softly. I open my eyes and I see a bunch of blurred figures. I close my eyes again and open them and the figures become clear. It's my friends. "Katniss." Everyone says. "Hey." I say weakly. I try to sit up but everyone objects. "Katniss just lay back." Clove says. "Just rest." Annie says. I lay back down and feel pain come back to me. I groan in pain. "Katniss are you alright?" Delly asks. I nod my head. I can tell that everyone wants to cry and hug me. But they don't want to hurt me. The door opens and the person I've wanted to see is there. "Katniss." Peeta says. He closes the door. I can feel my heart swell. I can see Finnick nod his head towards the door and then everyone starts to leave and it's just Peeta and I. He comes closer to me. I sit up even through the pain. Peeta comes over to me and hugs me. I cry on his shoulder and he cries on mine. I let him go and kiss him. I feel a wave of security and peace come over me. I end the kiss and look into his eyes. He looks into mine. "What did he do to you?" He asks. Tears fall from my face and I hug him again. "I'm so sorry." Peeta says. I don't ever want him to leave me. "Will you stay with me?" I ask. "Always." He says.

Hello Everyone!!! Hope you likes reading this chapter!! I know it's sorta sad but this whole book is sorta sad sometimes. But anyways please vote and comment. Let me know what I could do better or what should happen next. I love hearing from you guys! Lots of love and hugs! Zeffie ❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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