He Loves Me So Much

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Katniss P.O.V

I wait anxiously for Peeta to come over. There is a knock on my front door and I go over and open it. When I see him I hug him. "We need to talk." I whisper. "Okay." He says. We sit down on my sofa and talk. "Peeta I can't take this life of mine anymore. The bullying, the past abuse and haunting vivid memories, losing my parents, like I just can't anymore!" I say. "Well, I wish that it would stop. Like I really do fro your sake but you and I both know that some of those things won't. But just know that I'll be here. And so will  Annie and Johanna, Delly Clove, Madge, Finnick and of course Prim. We will all do our best to protect you and do our best to keep you safe okay? We love you Katniss. I love you with all the love in my heart. All you need is love and hope to get through the day okay? Keep that in mind." Peeta says to me. "Thank you Peeta." I say. I give him a hug and kiss him. We lay together on the couch adn don't let go of eachother. I let go of him and whisper in his ear. "Okay, if that's what you want." I smile. He  carries me to my room and lays me down. He lays down next to me. I asked him to stay with me all night. All night. 


I wake up to Peeta's light snoring. I gently shake him awake. "Hey beautiful." He says and kisses m y head. "Hi." I say. "Should we go to school?" he asks. "No I have a better idea in mind." I say. "Okay." He says. I tell him to go home and get ready, and then come back in a few minutes. I want to take him to a fair. It will be so much fun! I wear gray sandals and light pink shorts and a gray shirt with a black hat and I wear some cue sunglasses. I call Peeta to come get me and we go and have fun!


Peeta's P.O.V

Katniss drags me around and she's so happy and excited to try out rides and food and games. First we ride the carousel and then the Ferris Wheel.  We share a kiss at the very top of it. We make it back down and decide to play games. "Ohhh let's try this one!" she says and we both go to it. You have to hit a rubber duck off a platform that's moving and then you win a giant stuffed dolphin. "Come on Peeta you can do this!!" Katniss encourages. I throw the ball softly but forcefully at the same time. I hit it and then the guy hands me the dolphin. I give it to Katniss and then we go to other games.    

We walk aruond holding hands until we find a new game to play

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We walk aruond holding hands until we find a new game to play. She books it to a stand with Pokemon as the prize. "Peeta I am totally going to win that Squritle!!!" she says. "Go ahead babe." I say. She shoots and She scores, the buzzer goes and then she starts to scream screams of happiness. "Peeta! Peeta! I did it I frickin did it!!" she says with so much glee. She hugs me and I hug her back. The guy at the booth hands her her prize and we go play more games.  

We spend the rest of the day playing games and winning a ton of prizes

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We spend the rest of the day playing games and winning a ton of prizes. We deicde to call it a day when can't carry anymore prizes. We head to my car and stick them all in the back. I drive her to her house and I help her carry in all of the stuffed animals. School got out a while ago so we can't go so we just chill. We go out on her back pourch and just listen to the sounds of the woods. "I was so happy today." Katniss says. "Yeah I coud tell." I say. But I know what would make her whole life happier and better. I look at her and she looks at me. We both smile since we know that we are thinking the same thing. 

DUN DUN DUN!!!!! sorry for ending on a clifhanger but I don't know what else to add in this chapter. And sorry for a short chapter as well.  But please vote and comment blow and just like let me know what I should change or add becuase I just might do it!! Bye guys <3 zeffie.

Word count is 772

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