Wake Me Up Inside

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Katniss P.O.V

I hear my monitor beeping beside me. I can feel a small stinging pain in my arm and a bigger pain in my abdomen. I sorta wish I was with Prim, but she's right. I love Peeta and he loves me. I realize that I have friendships to mend, so I need to work on that. And maybe, just maybe, I can-

A knock comes from my door. I'm interrupted from my thoughts. He walks in. Gale Hawthrone. I'm the flesh. My first instinct is to run and hide. My second instinct is to fight. Then my third though it to just scream for help. I go with the third. Eventually, a nurse comes in and I'm screaming my head off. She tries to calm me down, but I just scream monster and murder at Gale over and over.

"What happened???" The nurse asks.

"I don't know! I went in to see her and she's having an episode again!" He responds. The nurse sighs, and tells him to leave.

"He tried to kill me." I say, hugging my knees in and rocking back and forth.

"Honey, no one has tried to kill you."

"But he's muplitlating and lying!" I yell:

"You're having an episode. Calm down or I'll have to get some sedatives."

"Episode of what!?" I ask nervously.

"Bipolar disorder. And you've been in a coma for a little over a week. Most of what you think you know as truth, isn't real." She says.

Clove P.O.V

I switch the turn signal on. The road seems more desolate, as if everyone was afraid to come out. Cato is sulking in the backseat, while Prim sits in the front.

"So why do I have to Let a fourteen year old sit up front when I'm 6'4 and she's 5'5?" He complains.

"Don't make me reiterate it again. It's her sister who nearly died. Multiple times......" I pretend to look at something on the road, but I just need to hold back the tears.

"I feel bad for Katniss," Prim sighs. "Her mental state is awful, and she thinks Gale is a murder and Peeta is her fiancé and You, Clove, lied to her and Glimmer is a, well, you get the point."

"Gale isn't a murder or abusive, he's just the friendly neighbor who basically everyone loves." I say as I make the left turn. "And Peeta, well, Peeta is a bit freaked out by her episodes, but he wants to date her, and she's not allowing it."

"Well she definitely nailed the fact Glimmer's a b-"

"Cato," I growl playfully,"don't use cuss words in front of the child."

"Oh you mean you?" He smirks.

"Shut up." I shake my head.

Katniss P.O.V

'Most of what you think you know as truth, isn't real.' What does that mean? My whole life is a lie? A dream? I lay back and just stare at the ceiling. What's real then? How do I know without asking. I don't want people to think I've lost it. Well who am I kidding? I have. I sigh a heavy sigh. What's wrong with me? I can hear voices close, and not in my head that I have. They go away and then the door opens. It's Gale again.

"Hey Katniss." he says.

"Hi." I say a little uneasy. "Sorry about earlier."

"Oh, it's okay." he says.

I don't know what I want to say. A part of me wants to be nice and ask what really happened to me. But the other part of me wants to be afraid and not talk at all.

"Do you know what happened Katniss?" he asks. I shake my head no. 'I mean if you want to know what's happened before I woke up then I'll gladly tell you. But I'm sure that's not what you want.' I think.

"You went into a coma from swallowing some pills you found at Clove's house. Clove found you on the bathroom floor unconscious. She called 911 and they pumped your stomach. They also found a bloody razor and multiple cuts on your arms. Clove was hysterical. She thought you were dead. She called me because she knew your mom was at work. And I came over and drove her to the hospital. Cato found out and ended up taking Prim over to his house for his sister Alex to watch her. We waited hours and hours for the doctor to tell us it was up to you. It was only you who could save yourself." He looks away, and sighs, "And somehow, Clove and Prim and Myself, we all keep thinking that it's our faults......" I interject.

"What about Peeta? Where is he in all of this!!?"

"Katniss, Peeta wanted to try to date you, but it was too much for him. He's dating Glimmer now. Well, actually he doesn't want to date Glimmer, but it's all a status thing. And he does want to be your friend, just not romantically."

"But we're engaged! We're gonna get married during the school year at UCLA!"

"Katniss, we're in Junior year of high school."

 What? I dreamed up a time lapse too? Can this day get any more convoluted and confusing!??! After a few more hours of Gale helping me decipher what is real, and what's not real, he finally leaves me to get some sleep. I try to take in our whole conversation. I decide to make a list in my head

Real: suicidal(sorta) 

Not real: Peeta doesn't love me.

 Not real: we aren't engaged

Not real: we aren't going to UCLA

Not real: Gale never hurt me

Not real: we haven't graduated

Real: Prim is alive

Real: Clove and I never fought

Real: I'm alive and confused and anxious

I start to get a headache from trying to puzzle out my life. I feel as if I could cry. So I let myself. My whole life was dreamed and now I have to figure out myself all over. How in hell am I going to do that when I still believe things that haven't even happened? I cry myself to sleep and wishing I never dreamed that life and just had this one. 

HELLOOO GUYSSS!!!! So on this chapter I can't take all the credit. It was mainly my bestie thewritternextdoor She is the best in every way possible guys!! You should totally follow her!!! We are now both going to write this book so yeah, I hope you like what we come up with!! Anyways please vote if you liked it and comment too!! One of us will update or both of us will soon!! LOTS OF LOVE FROM BOTH OF US!!!! <3 <3 <3 

Word count is 1121

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