Getting Back On My Feet

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Peeta's P.O.V
Katniss is asleep in my arms. I don't want to leave her side. Not now. Not ever. I wish I would've found her before this happened to her. But I couldn't. This is all my fault. I should've walked her to her class. Made sure she was okay. If I would've, none of this would've happened to her. She would be okay. Katniss starts to stir in her sleep and I know it must be a nightmare. I hold onto her a little stronger. Soon she stops and is back to sleeping softly. I really hope that after this Gale will leave her alone. He's already hurt her so much. She never even did anything to him. I hate to see her in so much pain. I wish I could take it away, but I know I can't. She never needed this. She didn't deserve this. She's just trying to make it by in the world and the world isn't helping helping her. I wish the world would be on her side for once. Katniss re-ajusts herself in my arms. I slide down a little bit more and she rests her head on my chest. "I love you Katniss." I say quietly and kiss her forehead. I close my eyes and ten join Katniss in Dream Land. 
~Next Day~
Katniss P.O.V
I can hear the rhythmic sound of a heartbeat. It must be Peeta's. I sigh happily and open my eyes. My head is on his chest and his arms are around me. I lift my head up from being on his chest and his him. He kissed me back so I know he's awake. I pull away and look into his eyes. "Hi Peeta." I say. "Hey Katniss." He says. I sit up and get off of him. "How do you feel?" Peeta asks. "A little bit better." I say. "That's good." He says. "How bad do I look?" I ask. "What?" He says. "How bad do I look?" I ask. "Katniss," Peeta says. "Peeta I have to see myself." I say. "You still look beautiful to me and that's all that should matter." Peeta says. "I know you'll always see me as beautiful but I have to see what's he's done to me." I say. "Katniss please. Just wait." Peeta begs. "I have to see me, Peeta." I say. I slowly get out of bed and go over to my bathroom. I stand in front of the sink and close me eyes. I take some deep breaths and then look up and open my eyes. I gasp. I try to find something I recognize about me but the only thing I recognize are my eyes. Everything else is so broken. I look myself over and I don't see any part of me that hasn't been hurt. I run my hand over my stomach and there are stitches. He took another innocent life from this world. Peeta wraps his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. "It's okay Kat." He says. I go back to my bed and sit criss crossed. "Don't worry Katniss it's going to be okay." Peeta says. "I know." I say.
~Time skip; few weeks later~
I look in the mirror and try to figure out how to make myself look normal. I guess I should start with my face. I apply foundation to cover my damaged face. I do the rest of my face, some eyeshadow and mascara and a bit of blush and eyeliner and light pink lipstick. Now I just have to hide the rest of me. I go to my closet and pick some black leggings and a maroon and black striped shirt and gold flats. I do one last check in the mirror and then get my phone and backpack.    "Love you Mom." I say and give her a hug. "Love you Katniss. Be careful." She says. "I will. Promise." I say. I go get in my car and drive to school. I get there and just wait for a second to put myself together. I get out and go into school. Some people look at me and whisper but at least it's not everyone. I go to my locker and put what I don't want away. "Hey Katniss!" Delly says. I wave at her. "Coming to hang out?" She asks. "Sure." I say. I put my stuff away and close it. Then I go with Delly to our friends hangout place. "Hi guys!" I say to everyone. "Hey Katniss!" My friends say. "Feeling better?" Clove asks. "Yeah." I say. We all talk and have a bit of fun before school starts. Glimmer and her posse happen to walk by and they have to talk to us. "Hey Katniss, missed you. Where have you been?" Enoboria asks. "Sick." I say. "Sure you were." Cashmere says. "Leave her alone guys." Jo says. "So Katniss how's your baby?" Glimmer asks me. "I lost it." I say. "Aw such a shame. Well nice talking to you Katniss. See you later." Enoboria says. Before they all walk away I say something to them. "You know you guys, graduation is soon and after that what are you guys going to be?" I ask. They all look at each other and then at me. "Oh that's right, nothing." I say. The bell rings and I go back to my locker. 'that felt good.' I think. "Katniss that was amazing!" Madge says to me. "Yeah that was so awesome!" Delly says. "You are such a badass!" Jo says to me. "Good job Kitty Kat." Finnick says . I can't help but smile a bit.

Hello guys!!!! Hope you liked this update. Please vote and comment  what should happen next or what I can improve on. I'll try to update soon. But anyways guys lots of love!!! Bye!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Zeffie

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