Friends Care

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~Time Skip; 2 months later; Gale went to Prison~

School 1st day back, again

My alarm goes off and I push the snooze button. 'I am not ready for today. Just 10 more minutes.' I think. My alarm goes off ten minutes later and I get up. I go to my closet and find my outfit for today. I wear a coral dress with gold accessories and sandals. I get my bag and Prim and head to school. I put my stuff in my locker and then go to where my friends meet. When they see me they are all so happy. "Hey Katniss." Madge says and hugs me. "Hi guys." I say. We all talk and laugh until she comes. "Oh hey Katniss. I'm so sorry about what Gale did to you. You know killing your baby and all." Glimmer says. I try to hold back the tears and try to forget. "How did you know that?" I ask. "Oh Gale told us that a long time ago. Speaking of Gale where is he?" she asks. "In Prison." I say. "Oh sad. I'll miss you being in the hospital and coming to school beat up." She says. She walks away and then I start to cry. They all try to comfort me but I run away. I hide in a stall in the bathroom and cry. "Katniss, please come out. It's going to be okay."  Delly says to me. "No it's not okay!" I say through tears. "Katniss don't listen to her. She just wants to get into your head. Don't let her." she says. "Well I finally forgot about it for a while but then SHE had to bring back the most painful thing to happen to me." I say. "Oh Katniss I'm sorry." Delly says. I cry and cry until my heart doesn't hurt anymore. I come out and Delly hugs me. I clean my face of running mascara and then I go into first period. I do my assignment for the whole class and then go to the next.

 I walk into foods and its smells really good. My kitchen members are me, Clove, Cashmere and Enoboria. We follow the instructions and are about to put the muffins in the tin when Enoboria speaks up. "So Katniss I heard about this morning with Glimmer and you acting like a pathetic bitch." she says. "I wasn't acting like a pathetic bitch." I say and slam the bowl that I'm supposed to be pouring, down on the counter. "Whoa getting feisty now are we." she says. "Enoboria you better shut the fuck up before I kick your ass." I  threaten. "You don't scare me Katniss Everdeen. Do your worst you little bitch." She says. The anger that I've been keeping in me explodes. I take the bowl and of ingredients and pour in on her head. She takes some from her hair and rubs it on my new dress. "You fuckin bitch!!" I scream. I push her away from me but she pushes me back. I slap her and she punches me in the face. That punch takes me back to Gale. I punch her back and then I fall the floor crying. "Oh my god she's crying!" Cashmere says and laughs too. I don't care if she see's me like that. She has no idea what I've been through. "You're such a dumb ass! She's having a flashback!!" Clove says. "Leave her alone!" She says. Clove tells me to look up at her the she starts to yell at Enoboria. "What the fuck!! You gave her a bruise!!" She yells. "Well sorry but maybe she deserved it." she says. "No not her she doesn't deserve shit like that. Especially from you and the rest of Glimmer's posse." Clove says. She helps me up and takes me to the nurse for ice. "Just keep this on there for a while okay Katniss?" The nurse says. I nod my head. 

The bell rings and I go to gym. I give  Mrs. Frandsen the sick note and Clove and I sit in the bleachers. I'm supposed to be playing doge ball but I'm in to mush physical pain and emotional pain. "Don't listen to any of the members of Glimmer's posse okay. They don't know shit about you." Clove says. "I know. It's just really believeable for me and that punch........just took me back to Gale." I say. "I'm sorry Katniss." She says. "It's fine. It's not your fault that people hate me." I say. "Well I don't and neither do our friends." She says. I chuckle because I don't believe her. Clove hugs me and I hug her back. My face starts to hurt less so I decide to join in on the fun. I get hit a couple times by the ball but I get others out too. I nail Glimmer right in her pretty little face and it is totally hilarious. Clove gives me a high five. The bell rings and I go to my next class. 'Finally, last period.' I think to myself. I go to Biology and sit down. Peeta sits next to me. "How way your day?" he asks. "Terrible. Look what Enoboria did to my face." I  say and turn my head slightly to show him my bruise. "Oh my god. I'm going to kill her." He says. "No it's okay it doesn't hurt anymore." I say. He gives me a kiss on my other cheek and then class starts. We do a lab and it takes up the whole class. The bell rings and then we walk outside. "Will you come over?" I ask him. "Yeah." he says. I whisper in his ear and then he nods. We kiss and then leave. I go out to my car and then drive home. 

Hello Everyone!! Hi it's me zeffie. I hope that you enjoyed the chapter!! Please leave a vote and a comment. Adn message me with questions about this story or whatever or just for fun. Idk But guys yesterday i was playing apples to apples and the green card was I can't remember but SNOW AND WHITE ROSES where in it!!! i was freaking out like hardcore!! Sorry that was random. but yeah leave me a comment and I'll respond to them! Bye guys!! Zeffie

Word count is 1057

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