What A Day

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Katniss's P.O.V

Once our day and the spa is done we head back to the resort. We get back right as it's dinnertime. We meet out friends in the dinning area in the resort. "So where did you guys go?" Clove asks. "I took Katniss to the spa. It was a very nice and relaxing day." Peeta says. "Yeah it was." I say. "Cool." Annie says. "Hey guys is it okay if we leave tomorrow?" Peeta asks. We all agree that leaving tomorrow would be fine. Once we finish dinner we head to the house and pack up. I leave out a set of clothes for tomorrow but I'm just going to sleep in the clothes I'm wearing. I go across the hall and knock on Peeta's door. He opens the door and lets me in. "Can't sleep?" he asks. "Nope." I say. We both sit in his windowsill and look out at the ocean waves. I'm going to miss the beach. I'll miss the water, the sea life and animals, the sand, all the fun we had. After a while I go back to my room, feeling tired. But once I lay down I'm more awake than ever. I go back to Peeta's room and crawl into his bed with him. I lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." he says. I hold his hand and he wraps his arm around me. I smile a little and then go to sleep. 

I wake up at 5:00 again with morning sickness. Peeta doesn't wake up to help me through this awful period. But it's okay. Once the wave of sickness is over, I go back to my room. I decide to go for a swim. I sneak quietly and then I get into the ocean. I dive under and swim close to the reef. All the fish and under the sea nature are so beautiful. I come back up and get a breath. I see Peeta on shore and I beckon him to come in. He does. He swims out to me and I smile. "Hi." I say. "Hey." he says. I give him a kiss and then I wrap my arms around his neck. Our kissing becomes more passionate. I  pull away and tell him to meet me under water. I dive under and then he comes too. His eyes open and I show him all of the sea. I love the ocean. Peeta and I swim back up and we take a big breath of air. He gives me a smile and I smile back. I swim up close to him and whisper in his ear, "One list time? You know before we go?" I ask. "Sure." He whispers back. We swim to shore and the we go back into the house. I hang my wet bikini over the shower bar and then I come out. We crawl into my bed. "I love you." I say. "I do too Kat." he says. Then we both make sweet love to eachother. 

I lay my head on his chest and he fiddles with my hair. "You didn't comfort me this morning." I say. "Are you mad at me?" Peeta asks. "No. A little. It's just when you're there I feel like I can get through it but when you're not it's just.......misery." I say. "I didn't know. I'm sorry, I'll be there next time." he says. "Thanks but once we're home you can't really unless you move in with me. You have your family." I say. "I know but now I've got you two." He says and kisses the top of my head. I snuggle up with him and we stay awake for a while. I fall asleep for a while but Peeta wakes me up soon after I'm asleep. "Kat, we've got to go now." Peeta says. I get up and get my clothes on. I go to my bathroom and feel my bikini. It's dry so I stuff it in my suitcase. I go out to the living room and everyone is there. Bags ready and just waiting for me. "Sorry for making you guys wait. Let's go." I say. They all agree that we should go. But before we leave Capitol Shores  we get breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, juice. Man what a good breakfast. We all finish and then Peeta pays for our stay. We find our car and load up. I sit upfront with Peeta. Everyone chats in the back but I don't interact with them. I try to sleep and I fall asleep soon enough. I wake up once and Peeta has his hand on my thigh. I smile a small smile and then go back to sleep. It feels like only a few minutes but we're home. 

Peeta drops everyone off at their houses and then Peeta and I go to his house. His mother is home but she doesn't mind me. We just talk in his living room. "I had the best time ever and I don't regret a thing." I say. "I don't regret a thing either." Peeta says. We both inch closer to eachother and then our lips meet. I love it when we kiss. I feel a million sparks fly inside of me. I can't believe that I'm carrying his child. Peeta carries me to his room and plops me down on his bed. He takes off his shirt and I take of mine and I'm just in my tank top now. We kiss passionately and he rubs on me. I love it when he does this to me. We stop kissing for a moment and I look into his eyes. His ocean blue eyes look into my gray brown eyes. I give him a kiss and then I get up and put my shirt on. I give him a smile and then head out of his room. "Love you." I say as I leave his room. He comes out with me and we then go to his car. I look out the window until we get to my house. He stops and I lean in and kiss him. "I'll text you later." I say. "Okay." he says. I get out and go to the trunk and get my stuff. I wave bye and go to my house. My mother is in the living room reading a book. She looks up and she smiles. "Did you have a good trip Katniss?" My mother asks. "Yes! OMG the best time ever!" I say. "Good! Need any help unpacking?" she asks. "No, I'm fine but thanks for offering." I say. I go to my room and unpack all of my stuff. I put my shells on my dresser next to my mirror. I lay on my bed and pull out my phone. I have a million texts from Glimmer. 

Glimm<3 Katniss where are you?????

katnissE:) hey Glimmer! Sorry I've been on vacation. 

Glimm<3 Oh my god Katniss!!!!! I've missed you so much!!

KatnissE:) I've missed you too!

Glimm<3 Did you have fun wherever you went? 

katnissE:) Yeah it was really relaxing and fun. 

Glimm<3 Well i'm glad. We should totally hang out soon!

katnissE:) yeah 

Glimm<3 I can't wait to see you at school on monday!!!

katnissE:) yeah me too. Did anything interesting happen while i was gone?

Glimm<3 not really. Cash and En are making peoples life's hell but that's really all

katnissE:)ugh those bitches! 

Glimm<3 yeah they are!

Glimm<3 Katniss can you keep a secret?

katnissE:) yes of course.

Glimm<3 okay so i uh... slept with a guy with a guy.Please don't tell Marvel!

katnissE:) I won't tell him promise. Can you keep my secret?

Glimm<3 yes i can

katnissE:) I'm pregnant. 2 months today actually

Glimm<3 Oh Katniss that is so exciting!! Congrats!! Who's thee dad? 

katnissE:) Well my boyfriend duh. 

Glimm<3 Aw you and Peeta will be the best parents ever!

katnissE:) thanks!

Glimm<3 you're going to be the best mom ever! 

katnissE:) if you say so.

Glimm<3 Katniss you will and you know it.

katnissE:) well what if i have a miscarriage? 

Glimm<3 Kat you won't. I know that for a fact. Trust me okay you won't. 

katnissE:) okay 

Glimm<3 I have to go Kat, text ya later girl. Love you!

katnissE:) love you too! bye!

Hello everyone!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I'll update soon again okay. Please vote and comment bellow and i'll reply to your comment. Bye guys!! Lots of love <3 <3 <3 <3 zeffie

Word count is 1415

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