Life Is Full Of Twist And Turns

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~A Few Weeks Later~

Glimmer's P.O.V

"Oh my god guys. We should do something." I say. "Yeah we should. I leave for 3 in two weeks." Enoboria says. "The mall?" Cashmere asks. "Yeah." I say. We go get in my car and drive to the mall. "Guys, what should we do?" I ask as we enter the mall. "Just whatever I guess." Enoboria says. We walk around for a bit but then we get bored. "Glimmer where are we going?" Cashmere says. "I don't kno-" Someone bumps into me. "Oh my god!! Watch where you're goi-" I start, then I see who it is. It's Cato. "Oh sorry Cato." I say. "Don't worry about it." He says. "Oh where's Clove?" I ask. "Oh she's over there." He says. "Oh." I say. I look at Enoboria and Cashmere and they smirk and raise their eyebrows. "Oh Cato. Funny thing that Katniss told me about Clove." I say. "What's that?" He asks. "You didn't hear this from me but she said that she's done and is ready to move on." I say. "What??" He asks sorta shocked. "Oh yeah. She says she's waiting until the day she leaves for 1." I say. You can start to see the anger build in him. "Well when it does happen, here." I say and write my number down. Clove comes and glares at me. "Hi Clove!" I say. "Hey Glimmer." She says. "Well we should go. If we don't see each other ever again, it was fun to be in school with you guys." I say. We all leave before this gets ugly.

Clove's P.O.V

Glimmer, Enobria, and Cashmere walk away laughing. "I hate them so much. I'm so glad I'm done with high school." I say. "That's not the only thing you're done with I've heard." Cato says. "What are you talking about Cato?" I ask. "Don't lie to me Clove!! I've heard what you've told Katniss." He says getting mad. "What have I told her?" I ask confused. "That you were going to break up with me when you leave!!" He yells. "I was never going to." I say. "Apparently not. Katniss and you have been talking about it. You know what? We're done Clove! Enjoy your life." He says and storms off. I can feel my heart break into little pieces. Why would Katniss say that? I thought she was my friend. I leave the mall and drive to Katniss's house. I knock on her door and she answers. "Hey Clove!" She says. "We need to talk. NOW!!" I say. "About what?" she asks and steps outside. "How dare you say those things to Cato!!" I yell. "What things?" she asks. "Those lies!!! I would never leave him not in a million years Katniss!!" I yell. "Calm down Clove. What are you talking about? I never told him anything." she says. "Oh sure you didn't. You know what Katniss? I'm sorry I ever stood up for you and took your side. I should have let Gale still be your boyfriend and not Peeta. I'm sorry I took in Prim when you were to weak to defend yourself! Don't call me when you two get married. In fact don't call me again. This friendship is over!!" I yell and walk back to my car and leave. 

Katniss P.O.V

"In fact don't call me again. This friendship is over!!" Clove yells at me. She then goes to her car and leaves. I stand there trying to figure out what just happened. Who told her that I said that? I never did. I can feel tears wanting to spill from my eyes so I let them. I go back inside and go to my room and slam the door. I fall on my bed and cry. How could I loose my best friend. What did I even do? I try to stop crying long enough to call Peeta. 



Hey Kat!

Can you come over?

Yeah sure.

Thanks. I really need you.

I'll be over in a sec, okay?




I put my phone down and hug my pillow and cry more. I'm so sorry Clove for whatever I did. I'm sorry for the lies someone put in your mind. My doorbell rings and I get up to answer it. I open the door and it's Peeta. I give him a hug and cry harder. "Kat what's wrong?" Peeta asks. "Clove and I aren't friends anymore!" I cry. "What do you mean?" Peeta asks. "She came over all mad saying that I told Cato the she was going to break up with him and now she hates me and won't come to our wedding!!" I sob. "Katniss, she'll come." Peeta reassures me. "No she won't!! She's never been this mad at me. She ment it!" I sob. "Shh Kat, she didn't. I promise. I'll ask Cato where he thought this okay?" He says. "Okay." I say. I let him go and wipe my face. He smiles and small smile at me. "I love you." he says. "I love you too." I say. "I'll be back." he says. "Okay." I say.

Peeta's P.O.V

I go over to Cato's house to see what is going on. I get there and then knock on the door. "Hey Peeta. What's up bro?" Cato asks. "Not much. It's just, so Katniss says that Clove said that she told you that she was breaking up with you. Who told you that exactly?" I ask. "Glimmer told me. Why?" Cato asks. "Wait, Glimmer Wilkonsen did??" I ask. "Yeah why?" Cato asks. "Dude she lied. That's what she does. You have to tell Clove." I say. "Why?? To be honest, I'm over Clove. I sorta dig Glimmer." Cato says. "WHAT? NO!! You have to tell Clove it was Glimmer." I say. "Why so she can just be rude to her? No way Peeta. Sorry." Cato says. "Cato, please. Clove hates her for something she didn't even do. She's her friend." I say. "You tell her what happened then. I've got to go dude. See you around." Cato says and goes in. I sigh and go back to my car. My phone vibrates and beeps. It's a text from Katniss

Kitty Kat: Peeta our friends all hate me!! I can't do this. I love you so much but I have to go.

Peetsie: Kat NO!! I'm coming!

I turn the key and my car starts and I speed back to Katniss before I loose her.

Katniss P.O.V 

I finish writing my goodbye letter and set to where I hope to fall. Tears still fall down my face and I wipe them away. I get the sharpest knife we have and start to drag it down my forearm. 'If this doesn't kill me, then this will.' I think then hold the knife out in front of me. I can hear the door burst open so I thrust the knife into me. I fall to my knees and then fall to my side. I can hear the muffled voice of someone. They are talking to me but I don't. I hope this is finally it. The time it works when so many other times it hasn't. It's time for Katniss Everdeen to move on. 

HELLLLOOOOO EVEERYONE!!! I'm sorry for such a sad chapter but it'll get better. Pinkie Pie Promise. Anyways please vote and comment please. Let me know what to change or do better or just whatever. If you just want to say hi then say hi. Sorry this took to long. School is in now so i don't have much time to update. But anyways guys thanks so much for reading!! Lots of Love!! <3 <3!! zeffie

Word count is 1270

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