Getting Closer with Her

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Special shoutout to one of the best people in the world thewritternextdoor for making me the new cover for this story!! love ya girl!!

Katniss P.O.V

Glimmer and I text over Snapchat during the whole period.

Glimm<3 Hey Katniss after school I'm going out, want to come with?

katnissE:) Yeah sure! It'll be so fun!

Glimm<3 Yay!! :) I can't wait.

katnissE:) Same!! I can't wait.

The teacher yells at me for being on my phone so I put it away. But I pull i t out because the lecture is way boring.

Glimm<3 Oh my god this teacher is so boring.

katnissE:) I know I can't wait for this class to be over

Glimm<3 Same!!

Glimm<3 Hey Kat what class do you have next?

katnissE:) Oh um...World Civilizations.

Glimm<3 Oh okay. Meet me in the front of the school at the big tree outside okay

katnissE:) Kk!

"Miss Everdeen and Wilkinson put your phones away!" our teacher Mr. Rahter tells us. We do for real this time. The bell rings and we go to our next class. I actually make it on time to a class today. Mr. Davis gives us a book assignment and that means that we can talk and play on our phones. I work work with Jo, Delly, Madge, and Finnick. "So kitty-kat, made it on time to class today eh?" Finnick says. "Well I actually tried today." I say. They all laugh at me and I laugh at myself too. "But really we should do our work." I say and try to focus. "Yeah we should." Madge says. We finish our work and then talk the rest of the time. "So Katniss, Dell and Madge and Fin and of course me were wondering if you wanted to come over later?" Jo asks. 'Wait I'm going with Glimmer out tonight.' I think. "Oh sorry guys I can't." I say. "That's okay Kat we understand." She says. "I wish I could but i have to do some homework an i think it'll take all night." I say. "Yeah we've all had one of those nights I think." Delly says. Everyone shakes their heads in agreement. We continue to talk until the bell rings. Everyone leaves and I meet Glimmer at the tree out front. We go to her pink corvette and she drives us into town. "Where are we going?' I ask. "To the mall silly. Where else?" she says. We get there and go in and look around. We go into Rue21 first and she finds me a nice outfit. "Omg Kat you should try this on." She says. She hands it to me and I go try it on. I come out and she just doesn't stop talking. "OMG Katniss I love it on you!! You should get it!" she says. "I would but I don't have enough for it." I say. "Oh well then I'l get it for you then." she says. "Oh no Glimmer you don't have to." I say. "Katniss it's fine. My daddy is loaded with money. He'll never notice." she says. She pays and hen we go wander the mall some more. We buy perfume and she gets me new shoes and all sorts of things. She takes me home and before I leave I hug her. I wave bye and she waves back.

When I'm in my house I'm about to call Prim and say that I'm home but then I remember she's gone. I put my bags of things in my room and then I go watch t.v in my living room. Buttercup snuggles up with me and I pet him. I think about how Glimmer and I could be way good friends. But I'm sure that my current friends wouldn't approve. But I don't care what they think. She's turned over a new leaf for me. So that's all that matters. Not their opinions. I start to feel tired so I take Buttercup and we go to bed. I still wish I had Storm. He left a few weeks ago and never came home. I'm sorry Peeta. I guess I'm not good at keeping gifts. Prim loved Storm. She thought that he was the better than Buttercup at some point but then she went back to loving that awful cat that we found near a creek. Still to this day I don't know why we couldn't just go to the pound instead but oh well. He's still a good cat even if I hate him and he hates me. Slowly I drift to sleep and I dream about Prim and my mother and father.

Hello everyone who is reading this story! I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing this chapter for you guys!! Please vote and comment bellow it would mean a lot. Thanks a lot for reading!!! Bye guys!!! <3 zeffie

Word count is 790

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