Bring Me To Life

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Katniss's P.O.V
(On the phone with Clove)

"I don't know why I did it Clove!! He just said it so I did it. And now Glimmer hates me more than she already does and things are just back to being awful!!"

"Don't worry abut Glimmer. She'll never change. But Peeta is still your friend."

"Yeah. After I kissed him in front of his girlfriend. Totally we're friends.... why do I bother anymore Clove?" Life is always cap for me and nothing ever goes my way."

"Katniss don't you dare think about that."

"Why did I ever wake up from that comma? Life was better where I was. I just want to go back to it." 


"Why did I fail so many times to die?"

"Katniss don't talk like that."

"What would one more shot hurt?"

"Me!! It would hurt me!  And all of your loved ones and friends!! I'm coming over. Don't you dare do anything Katniss."

"I'm sorry Clove." I hang up the phone.

Clove's P.O.V
'God I hope she doesn't for anything.' I think. I call Gale. He'll be there before I will.


"'s Katniss."

"What happened?"

"No time to explain. Just go stop her!!"

Katniss's P.O.V.

The feeling of the place going down my throat makes me want to gag. But I have to keep them down. 2 handfuls of both pain killers and sleeping pills should do it. I've locked myself in the bathroom so no one will stop me. It doesn't take long for the pills to get onto my system. My stomach hurts and I feel really dizzy and tired. I lay my head down on the floor to try and not be so dizzy.

"Katniss open the door." Gale says from the other side of the door.

"I can't."

"What did you do?!"

"I...I-" I pass put before I can finish the sentence.

Gale's P.O.V.

"Katniss what did you do?" I ask. I get no answer. "Katniss?" Still no answer. I try to open the door. But she's locked it. I put my weight into the door and the lock breaks.

"Gale!" Clove says.

The door opens and we find her unconscious. Pain meds and sleeping pills on the counter and on the floor.

"Clove call 9-1-1."

Peeta's P.O.V.

"Why did you kiss her?!" Glimmer yells at me.

"Because I love her, okay?! She loves me too. You never did, you just use me and use your manipulative ways to get things from me!" I yell.

"I do not!!"

"Glimmer I'm sorry, I don't want to be with you." I say.

"Well don't come crawling back to me when she rejects you." She says.

"Please. That's the last thing I'd do." I say.

Glimmer storms out of my house. But what if she is right? What if Katniss does reject me again? But by the way we were around each other and talking it seems like she wouldn't. I hope Glimmer didn't get to her. She seemed pretty upset when she left. Maybe I should call her. It rings and rings and rings but she never picks up. I'll try again. The line picks up.


"Hey Katniss it's Peeta."

"This isn't Katniss. It's Clove."

"Oh. Well hey Clove. Is Katniss there?"

"No she isn't. She's in the hospital, in a comma, liver failing her because she tried to overdose."

"Wait what? Why?"

"Because if you!! She thought you hated her because she kissed you and she only loves you!"

"I do love her! I don't hate her."

"Then come see her, if you love her."

Katniss's P.O.V.
I feel really cold. Like my body isn't even warm. Maybe I'm dead. I hope so. But sadly I'm not. I can hear the sounds of a hospital. My eyes open and yep, I'm in the hospital. But I'm not in a hospital bed. I'm outside a room. People walk by me as if I'm invisible. I go and open the door. Inside it' But I'm me. I'm right in front of me though. The door opens. Two nurses come in.

"She tried to overdose?" One asks.

"Yeah. She did."

"What a shame. She had a lot ahead of her I bet."

"Yeah I bet so."

"Her friends found her, but it was too late." One says. She takes a syringe and insets it into my I.V. I can fee it go through my arm somehow.

"Hmm. I'll see if they can see her." They both leave. I look awful. I look so sick and sorta pale. If I'm awake, then why am I not awake? I sit down and just try to figure out what is going on. Why am I alive but I'm not? I hide my face in my hands and cry. I don't want this. I want to be dead. Not half alive half dead. The door opens again. It's Peeta. He's got a rose in one hand and a small box on the other. I want to hug him, but I know I can't.

"Hey Katniss." He sets the rose down. "I uh...i got you something." He opens the box. It's a ring. Two pearls on the side with a clear gem in the middle. "It's a promise ring. I need you to promise that you'll fight. You'll fight for me. But that you'll also fight for you." He slides the ring on my hand.

"But I don't know where to start or what to do!! I don't know how!" I say. He doesn't hear me. "Tell me what to do to come back to you!!" I yell at him.

"Please Katniss. Come back." He says.

"I don't know how!" I say starting to cry.

He kisses me and the leaves.

"Come back." I say softly. "Please.....I need your help."

*Sobbing!* aw why?? Everlark was coming back!! Sorry guys. Oh I was trying to go for a If I Stay sorta vibe. I hope I did it well enough. Anyways vote if you want comment if you want to as well. Lots of love!!! zeffie ❤❤

Word count is 1018

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