God Help Me Make It Through This

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Katniss's P.O.V

I put my phone on my nightstand a go out with my mom. She's making the two of us dinner. "Mom, can we talk?" I ask. "Of course we can." She says. "What do you need Katniss?" she asks with a smile. "Mom I need to tell yo something and I need you to not freak out okay?" I say. "I can manage that." she says. I take a big deep breath. "momi'mpregnant!" I say very fast. "I'm sorry what? Slow down honey." she says. I take another deep breath. "Okay mom, Peeta and I......we're....I'm....uh....I'm pregnant 2 months today actually." I finally say. I wait for her to react and be all happy but she isn't. "Katniss, I..." she trail off. "Well don't just sit there say something." I say. "I don't know what to think." she says. I feel my heart break into two. I nod my head. I bit my bottom lip and try not to cry. I storm off to my room and slam the door. I go to my bed and the sob into my pillow. 'How could she just say nothing or react?' I think. 'That took a lot of guts for me to admit to her!!' I scream in my head. My phone is ringing so I see who it is. It's Peeta. I pick it up. "Hello?" "Hey Katniss." "Hi." I sniffle and wipe away my tears. "Kat are you crying?" "Yeah but it's fine. I'm okay." "Kat you are terrible at lying. Now spill." I can't hold it in anymore. I just burst into tears. "I told my mother that me and you are having a baby and she just...she just did nothing. She acted like she was ashamed of me and you. It just hurt. I thought that she'd be happy but she wasn't!" I sob. "Oh Katniss. I think that she just doesn't know how to take the news. I'm sure that she's happy for us." "I don't think so. I'm sure that she is mad and ashamed that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant." "Kat I don't think-" There is a knock on my door. I move the phone away from my ear and face it screen down on my bed. "GO AWAY!!!" I yell. "Katniss please let me talk to you." she says from the other side of the door. "NO!!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I yell at her. "Katniss please hear me out. I am overjoyed that you and Peeta are having a baby but i just think it's too early." She says. "I DON'T CARE!!!! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!!!! JUST LEAVE US ALONE!!!" I scream. I pick up the phone and then cry to Peeta some more. "Kat do you want to stay with me tonight?" "Yes. I need space." "Okay. I'll be there soon. Just hang in there baby." "I'll try." "Bye." "Bye." 

I hang up and then wipe away the tears that are still falling. I get a small bag and put in my clothes for tomorrow, makeup, toothbrush, and hair brush. I go out of my room and into my living room and wait for Peeta to come get me. Peeta comes and I go out to his car. He gives me a hug. "I'm so sorry Katniss." He says. "It's okay." I say with a few tears falling. He drives me to his house. We go in and head to his bedroom. I rummage around my bag looking for my pajamas. "Ugh! I forgot my pajamas!" I say. "You can sleep in on of my shirts if you want." Peeta says. He gets me one and then I change. We both crawl into his bed. "Peeta I'm two months today." I say. "That's great!" Peeta says. He kisses my forehead. I smile a small smile. I turn on my side and then I try to get some sleep.  I wake up at 4 with the usual of morning sickness. The sickness doesn't last as long today but it's still misery. I leave the bathroom and go back to Peeta's room. I craw back into bed with him and snuggle with him. He puts his hand on my stomach and I smile. "Sorry I left. Morning sickness." I say quietly. "It's okay. I'm sorry that you have morning sickness." he says. "It's fine. It's just one of the joys of being pregnant." I say. "Well in 7 months it'll all be worth it." Peeta says. "Mmhm." I lay my head on his shoulder and we hold hands under the covers. We go back to sleep but our alarm goes off at 6:00 for school. We both get up and get ready. I wear a black shirt and shorts with a flannel around my waist. I go to his bathroom and do my makeup and brush my hair. I turn to my side and look down. I smile. You can kinda notice that I'm gaining weight. But not so noticeable. I go back into Peeta's room and he is just putting on his shoes. "Ready to go?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. We both get our bags and then we drive to school. 

We go meet out friends and talk until the bell. "Katniss you look way cute!" Delly says. "Aw thanks!" I say. We all talk for a while more but the my whole group goes silent. The posse of Glimmer come up to us. Cashmere and Enoboria look me over and then they look at eachother and laugh. "What's funny?" I ask. "Oh it's just, you call that a baby bump Katniss?" Cashmere asks and points to my stomach. "How did you know that?" I ask. "Oh Katniss, your little "friend" has been playing you the whole time. The texts, the fun, she did it all for us. So we could expose you." Enoboria says. "Oh Katniss don't take this so hard. Only everyone knows." Cash says. They both give me the biggest fakest hug and then leave with that in my mind. I don't know what to do. I start to walk away but then I run. The tears are falling and they aren't stopping. I run outside and slump down in front of a tree and cry my eyes out. After a while I stop being sad and go in. Peeta and Clove are waiting for me. Clove gives me a big, real, hug. "I'm sorry Katniss." she says. "It's okay." I say. She lets me go and then Peeta and I go to class. We both do our work and then the bell rings.  Peeta goes his separate ways. There is this girl who glares at me. I hide my face. 'Probably thinking that I'm a slut.' I think. She comes up to me and whispers in my ear. "Come with me right now." she whispers. I don't. I just brush off her comment. I am about to go into class but then two boys pull me aside. "You're Katniss Everdeen right?" they asks. "Yeah why?" I ask. "Come with us." one says. "Uh no. I have class." I say and walk in the door. One grabs me by the arm and they escort me out. The girl follows us out and they shove me into the back of the van. I sit in silence and wait to go where we are going. When we arrive they push me out of the car. They march me into a house and straight to the basement. They lock the door and I am alone. I turn around and then I stop breathing for a moment. It's him. The most horrible person in the world.Gale Hawthorne. "Hey Princess, ready for some fun?" He asks. 

DUN DUN DUN!!!!! CLIFFHANGER!!! Sorry but you'll have to wait to see what happens next. Please vote and comment bellow and i'll reply. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it was kinda sad thing after another. But it will be happy soon, I promise. Also sorry about no picutre. I don't know how to reeally show this chapter. Bye guys!! Lots of love <3 <3 <3 <3 zeffie

Word count is 1360

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