Is This The Start Of Something?

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~1 week later; Thanksgiving Break ended~

Katniss's P.O.V.

Clove, Gale, Marvel, Cato and I got back from backpacking yesterday. School is in again tomorrow and I'm actually ready for it. After having spent time with my friends, I'm back into reality.  No more nonsense and thinking about my supposed "past" life. I sit in my room and look through all the pictures I took on the trip. A lot of the pictures are of nature, but some of it is me and my friends goofing off and enjoying each other's company.  There is a knock on my door. I put my camera down.

"Katniss you should probably go to bed. It's late." My mother says.

"Okay. I will." I say. I get up and turn off the light. I climb back into my bed and lay my head down. It doesn't take long at all for me to drift off into the realm of dreams.

*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep* is the sound my alarm clock makes. 'Must be 6:22 already.' I think. My eyes open and I see my clock reads 6:22. I should probably get up. But I'm too comfortable. But I should probably get up anyways. I stretch and then walk over to my vanity. My hair is a mess, but I'll do it later. I go rummage through my closet and find something to wear. I pick out a white sweater and black leggings with a plaid scarf, and I put on some boots. I just put on mascara and eyeliner and lip gloss. I don't do my hair, I just put it in a messy bun. Prim is ready and waiting for me in the living room.

"Ready to go?"

I grab my keys and we head off to school.
My friends and I hang out for a while before school.

"Is anyone else sore?" I ask.

"Well backpacking will do that to you." Clove says.

"Too bad we're here and not still backpacking." Marvel says.

The bell rings and we all go our separate ways. I have English first and that's always fun right? The teacher calls roll.

"Okay. So we're going to have a project. You're all already assigned to work with someone so don't pick. You and your assigned person will be doing a reading and writing project." She explains. She calls everyone and then she calls me.

"Okay Katniss, you'll be working with Peeta."

I can feel my heart stop.

"Okay everyone get together and decide what you want to do." She says.

Everyone starts to move but I stay frozen in my seat. I can't believe she put me with him. Since I don't come to him, he comes over and sits next to me.

"Hey Katniss."


"Do you have a book in particular you want to use?" He asks.

"No not really." I say.

We both sit in silence for a moment.

"Are you sure you'll be fine to work with me?" He asks.

"Uh.... yeah. I'm fine." 

"Well I have a book so..... want to work on it later?"

"Sure. Like during or after school?" I ask.

"After would work better for me." He says.

"Same for me." I say.

'Lets hope your bitch of a girlfriend doesn't find out.' I think.

"Well see you then I guess."

"Yeah. See you then." I say.

The bell rings. Everyone starts to leave. I gather my stuff and then go. I see Clove and I go talk to her.

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