A New Start; Continued

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Katniss POV
◆◇Later that day◆◇
I sit in class at the start of 8th period. I found your that both Annie and Johanna are in my class. "Okay you guys our new projects are to create a work of art that incorporates nature." Mr Cinna says. He has students hand out colored pencils, paint, pencils, rulers, and other art things. Annie and Johanna move over to sit next to me. "I think I'll draw me and Finnick by the beach." Annie says. "I'll just draw something." Johanna says. They both look at me. "What about you brainless?" Johanna asks. Then I have a flashback.
My father and I are in our spot in the woods. I have his old hunting coat that drenches me and the slaves are so long on me. "Okay now katniss you see that?" My father asks and points in between some bushes. "Yeah." The younger me says. He helps me hold up my bow and puts his face next to mine. "Okay now aim and then release." He tells me. I aim with my little arms and I let go and it drives right into its chest. It falls down and I jump up a d down and pull on my dads arms. "Daddy look! Daddy, Daddy I killed it. I killed it! And on my own this time. Aren't you proud?" I ask and look at him with my cute little face of happiness and with my missing teeth. He comes down to my level so we can talk. "Katniss I am so proud." He says and pats me on the shoulder. I giggle and I run up and hug him. We both fall down and we laugh and hug. ﹏﹏﹏﹏End of Flashback ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
A single tear fall from my face and on my paper. They both loom at each other and then me. "Katniss are you okay?" Annie asks and touches my arm. I shake away the flashback and and then look at them. "Oh uh yeah I was just thinking about what I wanted to draw. " I say and pick up my pencil. Annie just nods and works on her picture. I decide to draw my father and I in the meadow in our old neighborhood. Mr. Cinna tells everyone to stop a d present to the class what we've accomplished so far.
Glimmer volunteers and shows a rose that she made. All of her friends clap and cheer. More kids go and then it is down to me and Annie and Johanna. Annie goes first and she shows two stick figures on the beach. Then she let's it go and fall to the ground. Then it is the most beautiful picture ever. The ocean is the color of Finnicks eyes and they are holding hands while the sun sets and the waves crash on the waves. "Very nice Ms. Cresta." Mr. Cinna says and she smiles then sits back down. "Annie, how did you get that good?" I ask. She just shrugs and puts it in her folder. Next Johanna goes up and she did the sky and the northern lights. Then it is down to me. "I haven't colored it yet so." I say and show the class my meadow. "Thank you Katniss." He say and I sit back down. "I really like it katniss." Annie says. I smile and put it in folder.
The bell rings and then everyone leaves. I wave by to my friends and then I go to where Gale and I meet up. "Come on katniss where going out." "Okay but i," I start. He grabs me and pull me in. "I said we are going out." And pushes me roughly. Then I follow him to his car.

Sorry for a short chapter. I'm kinda lazy. Anyway I hoped you liked it I'll update later tonight. Be sure to vote and comment and give me some suggestions cause I'm desperate for ideas. K bye guys.

Word count 664

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