Well, I Could Be Dead

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Hey thanks @kmaynard62213 for letting me know that I went too far in the last chapter. I'll tone it down a bit in the future. 

Gale's P.O.V

Katniss lays there in my unfinished basement floor. She's still bleeding a lot but I don't care. It will stop soon enough. I go upstairs and hide the gun under my pillow. I'll just make it look  like someone broke in. After I trash the place to make it look like someone broke in I drive to the hospital. I burst through the door all frantically. "Help! Someone broke in my house and hurt my girlfriend!" A nurse comes over and looks her over. She comes back with a mobile bed and she takes her away. Another nurse comes over ad asks me a few questions. I answer in my most casual way that I can so that they don't suspect that I did it. They ask if she has any family and I tell her that she has a little sister named Prim. I have to go get her and bring her here. I burst into their house and find Prim in her living room. "Hey Katniss got hurt. Come with me." I say. "What did you do to my sister?" She asks furiously. "Calm down. I didn't do anything to her just get in the car." I say and point outside to my car. she comes with my but the drive back to the hospital is silent. She rushes in and looks for what room she is in. I show her Katniss's room and when she gets in she starts to cry. Katniss is hooked up to a million things. I.V. breathing tubes and a bunch of other things. "You're a fuckin monster!!!" She screams at me. "That's a little much." I say. "Get out!! Get out!!" Prim yells at me. I go hang out in the hall for a while until Prim cools off. 

Prim P.O.V

She looks simply awful. She has a broken rib cage and a concussion, broken ankle, broken wrist, bruised spine and 2 bullet wounds.  My poor sister. I hope that she finds happiness in her life and I hope that it's soon. She's had to deal with so much. Gale, moms suicide, dads death, bullying, depression, suicide. She just needs some happiness sometimes. I decide to call my aunt and ask her for some help. She says that she is on her way and is bringing my cousin Clove. When they get here they come and comfort me. "Don't worry Prim she'll be okay." My aunt reassures me. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you." Clove says. "You're welcome to stay with us if you'd like." My aunt says. "Okay." I say and I wipe away my tears. I go over and give Katniss a kiss on her forehead and grab my phone and then go with Clove and my aunt. 

Clove's P.O.V

Oh my frickin gosh Katniss looks so terrible. I feel so bad fro Prim. She doesn't have any parents and now she might not even have a sister. 'Why was I ever so mean to her?' I ask myself. 'She never deserved my rudeness. I'm her cousin for goodness sake's. I'm supposed to be her friend not her enemy.' We leave the hospital and go to her house so she can get clothes and things. My phone then makes a noise and it shows a text.  

From: Glimms                                                                                                                                                                          Hey Clove want to chill with Cash and I?                                                                                                                 Me: I can't I'm dealing a family member being in the hospital.                                                                         Glimms: Who?                                                                                                                                                                         Me: My cousin Katniss                                                                                                                                                          Glimms: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KATNISS??!?!?!???!!?!                                                                                  Me: Yeah and you know what Glimmer? I finally realized how frickin bad you and your posse treat her and I am sick of it! Just leave her alone and me too. I'm not your friend anymore as long as you guys treat her the way you do!                                                                                                                Glimms: wow. Nice rant, but we'll never stop treating her the way we do so consider yourself out.                                                                                                                                                                                              Me: Whatever. I don't care. Bye                                                                                                                                       Glimms: Bye

I close out of text and find that we're home. We live in the rich part of town. Our house is 3 stories and we have a big front yard and a ton of windows and a fountain and a lot of flowers in our yard. Finally a place where Prim can be safe. 

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