New And Better Realations

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Hope that you enjoy this chapter.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Katniss P.O.V

I'm startled awake by the door bursting open. All of my friends come in with balloons and flowers. "Katniss how are you?" Annie asks." "Well I could be better." I say. Annie, Johanna, Madge, Delly and Peeta Have come to see me. I blush when I see Peeta. "So did your ass of a boyfriend put you here?" Johanna asks. "Yeah but I'm okay i guess." I say. "I'm glad that you're okay, Katniss." Peeta says. My face turns a little red. "So Katniss, when are you coming back? Do you know?" Madge asks me. "Well i'm not sure. I had to get surgery to remove the bullets but...." I'm cut off by everyone. "Gale shot you!??" They all ask. "Yeah but i'm okay guys don't worry." I say. "Urgh I want to punch your boyfriend in the frickin face for doing this to you!" Finnick says. "Please don't he would put you in my place." I tell him. "Okay." He grumbles. "Anyways we all chipped in to get yo a little something." Delly says.  She hands me a bag that has paper in it so I can't figure it out until I open it. I take the paper out and then find the gift. It's a framed picture of all of them. "Aw thanks guys." I say. They hug me and we all talk for a little while more until i feel tired. I set the photo on my nightstand and go to sleep feeling happy and loved.

Peeta comes to visit me the next day and he gives me a bouquet of roses. "Thank you Peeta." I say and smile and blush a little. He smiles and says, "Your welcome." He sits in a chair and we talk so more. "Katniss I need to talk to you about something." He says. "Well if it's about a few weeks ago then no." I say. "No it's not about that." He says. He then comes over to me and kisses me. "It's about that." He says. "Katniss I've loved you ever since we have been in school together. Katniss will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. I think of how Gale will feel if i do be his girlfriend but then i think of being happy. "Yes Peeta. I'd love to be your girlfriend." I say and hug him. We kiss and then when we pull away I whisper in his ear. "Text me." I whisper. I show him my number that I wrote on his hand. "Okay." He says. He gives me a kiss goodbye and then he leaves. We text the whole resat of the day. 

Peetsie: Hey babe how long until you come home. I want to do something special for you. 

Kitsy Kat: um......I'm not sure. I think that i am healing good so I think soon.

Peetsie: So....about what happened a few weeks ago?

Kitsy Kat:................................................

Peetsie: well?

Kitsy Kat: Um... I think that we uh.... you know.... hooked up? but i am not sure.

Peetsie: O my god!! did I get you pregnant???

Kitsy Kat: I don't think so but if i am it's totally okay Peeta.

Peetsie: No it's not okay. All the thing that i could put you through. 

Kitsy Kat: Peeta i don't think I am. but i'll check.

Peetsie: Well if you are, I'll be there the whole way through.

Kitsy Kat: thanks Peeta. *Kiss*

Peetsie: *kiss*

I look at the time and see that its close to 11 so text one last text.

Kitsy Kat: Sorry Peeta but i have to go. I'm tired. Night!! *Goodnight kiss.*

Peetsie: *Goodnight Kiss.*

I put my phone down and try to go to sleep. It doesn't find me as easily as i hoped. I can't stop thinking of me potentially being pregnant and being in a new relationship with Peeta. I decide to text Prim to get me a pregnancy test. I'm to shy to ask the hospital and nervous and scared of being judged. 

Me: Prim I need you to go to the store as soon as possible for me.

Primrose: Why?

Me: I.....uh.....need something

Primrose: Mind telling me what?

Me: a...uh.... pregnancy test. 

Primrose: Wait you're pregnant?!!?

Me: No. Well maybe. I'm not sure.

Primrose: Is it Gales or someone else's?

Me: I don't know i jsut need one soon okay?

Primrose: Okay I get you one tomorrow. 

Me: okay thanks.

Primrose: you're welcome. :)

I lay my head down on my pillow and finally sleep comes to me. 

hello everyone!!!! Long time no talk or update right? But anyways I hoped that you enjoy and please vote and comment and share! Give me some feedback to let me know what to change or add to this story. Anyways bye!! I'll update again like really soon okay? Bye 


Word count is 788

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