My Life May Be Hell Now But It Gets Better

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Katniss P.O.V

I wake up and I laying with Buttercup on my kitchen floor. I get up and go to my room. I look at my mirror and it's full of pictures of me and my friends and family. I take off a picture of my family and hold it to my heart. Tears fall but I don't care. I put the photo in a little bag and then I go to the car and go the cemetery. When I'm there I look for my fathers gravestone. "Hey dad." I say with a few tears falling. " I'm sure that you're with Prim and uh...just tell her I love her okay? I miss you guys like so much. Please know that I'm sorry." I kneel down and place the picture next to a bouquet of flowers. I stand up and look down at his grave. I sniffle a little and then wipe away my tears. I go home. School is about to start so I decide to go but first I change. I wear a black dress and a red bow and heels with lipstick and  gray and black accessories.

 I get my bag and keys and phone and drive to school. I try to find my friends. Clove is talking to her boyfriend Cato but she must've seen me out of the corner of her eye because she leaves him for me. "Katniss are you okay? You look down." She asks. "No!" I say. I start to cry and she gives me a hug. "What happened?" She asks. "Prim is gone!" I cry. "What do you mean? Did she run away? Or what?" She asks. "No, she was killed in an accident with my mother yesterday." I say and wipe away tears. "Oh Katniss I'm sorry." She says. "I miss her Clove!" I cry. "I know that you do but she's with your dad now. He'll keep her safe." She says. She stops hugging me and she takes me to our friends. I wipe away my running make-up and put on a fake smile. "Hey Katniss!!" they all say. "Hi." I say back and wave. "We missed you yesterday." Madge says. "Oh well, we were just out and about." I say. "Where were you?" Annie asks. "Peeta and I went to the Fair." I say. "Fun!" Annie says. "Yeah it was." I say. Peeta comes and I go up to him and hug him. "How have you been holding up?" He asks me in a whisper. "Not the best." I confess. I let him go and he kisses me. The bell rings and Peeta and I go to math. The teacher has us do an assignment but I don't. I just stare out of the window and allow tears to fall. "Katniss text me." Peeta says. "Okay." I say. I pull out my phone and we text.

Kitsy Kat: Peeta I went to see my dad and ........IDK. I'm just so stupid!! I should've  never let her leave!!

Peetsie: Katniss it's okay. It wasn't your fault that she was killed. you're not stupid

Kitsy Kat: But i am Peeta! If we weren't to caught up in having sex then she would still be alive!

Peetsie: Oh so it's my fault now too?? You know you were the one who was so desperate to at that very moment. I would've waited but you insisted. 

Kitsy Kat: Yes Peeta it's your fault! you should've said oh lets wait but you didn't stop me. So yes I'm blaming you!

Peetsie: don't bring  me into this Katniss. I had nothing to do with her death. I'm sorry that she's gone but move on okay?

Kitsy Kat: move on? MOVE ON!!?? it happened yesterday. How in fucks name am I supposed to move on Peeta??? How would you feel if the only thing in your life that cared for you was gone just like that huh? And you could've saved that thing but NO you were to busy with your stupid boyfriend huh???!!

Peetsie: Stupid boyfriend huh? Well i'd feel stupid for being with my stupid unstable bitch of a girlfriend!! That's how I'd feel Katniss. 

I cover my hand with my mouth so I don't scream. I look at him and then I can see the regret. "Katniss," He starts. I don't stay around to hear what he is going to say. I run out in tears and go away. Away from him. I hide in the old chem. room and cry my eyes out. Why would he say those things? How could he? Or maybe are they true? There is a beep on my phone and I look and see that it's a text. 
Peetsie: Katniss I'm so sorry for what I said. I wish that I could take them back.

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