Fun At The Beach

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Katniss P.O.V

I wake up and Peeta is still asleep next to me. I smile and then wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me too. "Morning Beautiful." He says. "Hey baby." I say. He gives me a kiss and I can't help but smiling. But slowly my smile goes away. I cover my hand over my mouth and go to the bathroom. I slam the door and puke my guts out in the toilet. 'Ugh stupid stomach bug!!!' I think. Peeta knocks on my door and asks if I'm okay. "Yeah I'm fine I think." I say but more puke comes and cuts our conversation short. I'm in the bathroom puking for about 5 or 6 minuets. I clean myself up and the leave the bathroom. "You okay Kat?" Peeta asks with a concerned tone. "Yeah it's just a bug I think." I say. He nods. I go to my nightstand and look at my phone. It's only 8:30. "Do you think anyone is up yet?" I ask. Peeta shrugs his shoulders. "Well if they are then they can come get us." I say. I crawl back into my bed and Peeta comes into my bed too. We don't sleep, we just lay there and relax. I fall back asleep but Peeta wakes me up. I was asleep for an hour. "We're going swimming now. I'm going to get ready, you should too." He says. "Okay." I say. He leaves and then I get ready. 

I get out my cute bathing suit. It's a black bikini with a white bow and a black skirt with a white bottom. I go over to my mirror and look myself over. I look okay. I can't see my scars on my legs anymore but the ones on my arms are VERY noticeable. But my friends would never judge me for them. I get my towel and meet everyone out in the living room. All of the girls swimming suits are adorable. Annie's is a green one piece, Jo's is a violet bikini, Madge's is a pink bikini, Delly's is a light yellow one piece and Clove's is a blue bikini. The guys wear swim trunks. We go outside and play in the water. We splash the guys and then they retaliate by pushing us in the waves. I'm soaked and so is Clove and Annie.  Jo, Delly, and Madge have managed to not get so wet. Us girls that are soaked decide to sunbath on the sand and try to dry off. I love the feeling of sand. I put on my sunglasses and close my eyes. I take in all the sounds of the beach, the wave, the seagulls, the sound of our friends having fun. "Ahh, don't you love the beach guys?" Annie asks. "Yeah." I say. "Yep." Clove says. "Hmm nothing like basking in the sunlight." I say. "Yeah." they both say. 

We all lay and enjoy the sunlight but then a bunch of water comes on me. I gasp and so do Clove and Annie. Jo, Madge and Finnick have just poured a pail of water on me. I get up and chase them into the water. "You guys are so dead!" I yell. I push Finnick into the water and and then I splash water towards Jo and Madge. We all stop for a moment and then we all bust out laughing. Annie and Clove come in and we all swim out to the deep end. I hold my nose and then I go under. I squeeze my eyes shut and but then I open one eye and then the other. The salt doesn't hurt my eyes. I swim around and I feel like a mermaid. I come up after a while. I swim back to my friends and then we swim and talk."We should head up to the resort and see what we can do here." Finnick suggests. "Yeah lets do it." I say. We swim back to shore and get shoes and things. I cover myself up with a little skirt and then I go up with my friends to the resort. 

We look around and find all of the activities that they have. The resort has surfing, deep sea diving, jet skiing, ballroom dancing, fancy meals and so many cool things. Peeta promises me that we're going out while we're here. We eat lunch and then we all decide to go surfing. Clove must've done it before because she's a natural. I try and am doing okay but I get scarred so I fall into the water on purpose. Everyone goes and then we all just play and have fun. Peeta and I sit on the beach. I rest my head on his shoulder. "Having fun?" He asks. "Lots of it." I say. "Katniss I have a question." Peeta says. I look up at him. "Ask away." I say. "How much fun have you been having on the scale of 1-10?" He asks. "Oh my god!! Are you serious?" I ask and start to laugh. "Peeta, it's an 11. That's how much fun I'm having." I say and boop his nose. "Great I'm trying to make this really fun and relaxing for everyone." he says. He wraps his arm around my side adn pulls me in closer. He kisses my head and we watch everyone have fun. The sunset comes adn Peeta and I look into it.  "I love sunsets." Peeta says. "You do? I never found anything special about them." I say. "I love them for the colors." He says. "Hmm" is all I have to say. The sun sets and so we decide to have a bonfire out under the stars. 

"Guys this is the best!" Delly says. Everyone agrees. "Yeah. Its the best for us to get away from the stress right now." I say. Everyone agrees with me. "What are we going to do tomorrow?" Jo asks everyone. "Well Finnick and I are going dancing." Annie says and Finnick pulls her into a side hug. "We should just chill tomorrow and those who want to do stuff can but not everyone has too." Clove suggests. "Yeah that sounds good." Peeta says. We all star gauze for a while. A shooting star zooms across the sky and we all make a wish. "What'd you wish for Katniss?" Annie asks me. "Nothing. I already have the best things that could ever happen to me." I say. "Aw Katniss." they all say. I blush a little bit. "What?? It's true. You guys are the best people to come into my life." I say. We all giggle and then we continue to say what each person wished for. "I wished for a million years of good luck for me and my friends." Annie says. "I wished for next school year to be better and then to get into the best collage." Madge says. "I wished for my best friend to get into her dream collage when collage time comes around." Delly says and gives Madge a hug. "I wished for my girl to stay happy and beautiful." Peeta says and kisses me. "I wished for me and Cato to be happy forever and ever." Clove says. "I wished for Annie and I to get into the same collage." Finnick says. "Well what I wished for is for that brainless girl over there...... .to stay happy." Jo says and smiles at Peeta and I. I give her a hug and smile. "Those were nice wishes you guys." I say. "Thanks." they all say. 

We all head in and retire to our rooms. Peeta lays with me but I'm not much company. I fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. I wake up and it's still dark. I look at my phone and it's only 1:24 a.m. 'Ugh!! I can't get back to sleep!' I think to myself after a while of tossing and turning. "Babe?" Peeta asks in the darkness. "Yeah?" I say. "Can't sleep?" He asks. "No." I say. "Come here." He says. I lay my head on his chest and curl up next to him. We both lay awake for a while but the a spell of sleep comes over us. 

Hello everyone!!! Thanks so much for reading!! Please vote and comment yada yada etc. Bye guys, lots and lots of love <3 <3 <3 <3 zeffie

Word count is 1403

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