Love; It Heals All Pain

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Hey awesome people!!! I'll try not to end it as a cliffhanger this time. But no promises.- Zeffie

Katniss P.O.V

"Gale stop!!" I say breathlessly. His grip on my throat becomes tighter. I can feel myself fading away but then suddenly I come back. I fall to the ground and I'm gasping for air, trying to breathe again. I look up and see that Peeta has him in a head lock.  "Peeta Stop!! I'm okay! It's okay!" I say frantically. Peeta lets him go and then Gale stands. He looks at me and the Peeta. Gale then storms out of the room. Peeta rushes over and helps me up. I hug him and then start crying. "I thought that he was going to kill me!!" I sob. "I know but he didn't. It's okay I'm here." He says in a soothing voice. He picks me up and then lays me back down in bed. We both half smile and then kiss. "How did you find me in that predicament?" I ask him. "Oh well I was coming back to tell you something and then I saw him strangling you and that's when wrestling comes in handy." He explains. "Wait you wrestled?" I ask in disbelievement. "Yeah for like 3 years but that was a different time so." He says. I just start to laugh. "Stop laughing it wasn't even funny. Me wrestling? I don't get it." He says. I stop for a moment but then I'm just in histarics. And i don't even know why. I guess just picturing him wrestling is really funny to me. Once the tears start to come from laughing I try to contain it. "Katniss calm down!" he says. I cove my mouth with my hand and try to stop. "Sorry. I don't even know anymore." I say and wipe away my tears. He gives me a big bug and then we just laugh still for no apparent reason whatsoever. "Are you okay." he asks once we stop laughing at eachother. "Yeah I'm good." I say. "Omg want to see something cool?" I ask him. "Sure." He says. "Okay close your eyes." I say. He does. I go to middle of the room where my picture is. I pick it up and then sit back down on my bed. "Okay, open." I say. He opens his eyes and then a smile grows across his face. He takes the picture out of my hand and looks at it. "Our baby is so small and cute." He says. "I know but soon he'll be bigger." I say and kiss his cheek. "Do you know how far along you are." He asks me and sets the picture down. "I think a month." I say. "That's wonderful." He says and kisses me. We pull away and then look into eachother's eyes. I love his ocean blue eyes and hate my grayish brown ones. "I love you Peeta." I say. "I love you Katniss." He says. Peeta uses his hand to move my chin up. "Katniss your neck is very red." He says. I feel it and it hurts. "Yeah it kinda feels tender." I say with my voice failing me. "No talking. That's an order." He says and tries to have some authority in his voice. I giggle a little bit. "And no giggles out of you either." he says. "Yes sir." I say just to push his buttons. He leaves around 10:30 that night but I don't go to bed around 12:00. My night isn't filled with dreams but at least I can sleep. 

Next Day;

The nurses say that I'll be out before I know it but I know that's not true. Now they have to tend to my neck and who knows how long it'll take for me to talk and heal again. But I can't wait to get out of this stupid hospital. I hate hospitals. It brings back to many memories of mom. She was a nurse and was probably the best one here. I look around my room and see that in the night my friends brought me cards and more balloons and cards. I open some cards and they are so sweet. They say like 'We love and miss you and you are the best and stay strong.' Stuff like that. I notice a small box on my nightstand and I pick it up and open it. Inside is the most beautiful necklace and matching earrings. "Hope you like it babe. I got it for you with the most love I have in me for you." -Peeta. I put it back in the box and then set it on my nightstand. 

After school we have a little party for me. Everyone of my friends come and they all bring delicious foods. Johanna brings cupcakes, Finnick and Annie bring cookies, Clove brings chips and dip, Delly brings pizza, Peeta brings soda and Madge brings kettle corn. We eat and talk and then we play games. "We should play 2 truths and a lie." Delly suggests. We all agree. "And the girl in the hospital should go first." Johanna says. I roll my eyes. "Okay um......I'm pregnant, Peeta and I are dating and um.....Gale loves me." "Katniss you are too easy!" Johanna says. "Well you kinda told us that you're pregnant and I'm guessing that you and Peeta are a thing since you two never leave eachother's side and the lie is Gale because there is no way that he loves you." Finnick says. "Yep you're right." I say. "Okay I want to go." Johanna says. We all let her go. "Okay so I love sushi and I haven't been knocked up like Brainless here, and I want to own a pet tiger." Peeta and I both look at eachother. "We'll guess. I don't think that you've ever been pregnant and you want a pet tiger and you hate sushi." Peeta and I guess. "Well maybe you are brainless after all."  She says. "I hate animals and I love food." She says. "Ohhhh." we say. I blush a little with embarrassment. They all laugh at me but in a good way and then I start to laugh at myself too. Slowly they leave one by one until it's just Peeta and I. "I can't wait until you come home I'm going to have a big surprise for you." He says. "Then I can't wait either. I love surprieses." I say. He gives me a goodnight kiss and then heads home as well. I'm left with just my thoughts that night and my baby too. I think about the fun that we had and how much fun we could have in the future. And what the gender my baby is going to be. I hope that it is a boy. But I don't know what we would call him. I turn off the lights and slowly close my eyes. At one point before I'm asleep, I hear door open but I don't think anything off it. I feel a pain in my head and then I don't wake up for a while. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  When I wake up I'm in a different place than the hospital. I get out of bed and wander around the house. It's a nice house. Very cute and modern looking. Outside there is a forest outlining the yard. I go over to the sliding glass door but I'm immediately zapped. It isn't a big zap but it gets my attention. I look down and I have an anklet on. I try to take it off but it won't come off. I go over to the front door and turn the knob. I get a more harder, forceful zap this time. I can hear someone coming so I sit on the couch and act like I wasn't trying to escape. The person is Gale. "Hey my beauty, how's it going?" he asks and makes me stand up so he can kiss me. I push him away from me. He shoves me into the wall and then he makes me make out with him. Tears start to fall from my face and I turn away from him. "Come on bitch what's the matter." I still continue to give him my back. He forcefully grabs me by the shoulder and turns me around so that i face him. "Look at me when I talk to you!!" He yells at me. "Okay sorry!" I scream. I can tell that he wanted to hit me for screaming at him but he didn't. "Well Katniss how do you like your new house?" He asks. "New home?" I ask. "Yeah you, me and our babys home." he says and pats my stomach. I push him away from me. "Take me home Gale." I say. "This is home Katniss." He says and holds my hands. I take my hands out of his grasp and demand to be taken home. "A girl doesn't demand what she wants around here." He informs me. "I don't care about your fucking rules or shit take me home!! I need to be home!" I scream. He punches me in the jaw. I hold my jaw. "Don't tell me what to do girl. This is my house and you do what I say. Don't talk unless talked to, cook and clean while I'm gone and don't even think about calling those idiot friends of yours." he tells me. I nod. He leaves the room for a few minutes. He comes back and he has his backpack. "Going to school then out. Don't wait up and there better be food here when I get back." he says, The door slams and then i just loose it. I start to cry and freak out. Why is he making me live like this?? I go back to the room I woke up in and cry into my pillow. I just want to have a better life. Is that to much to ask. Oh my love, I need you more than ever now. But I just have to know that love with help me through this.  

Wow sorry long chapter. But I hoped that you liked it. I hope it isn't to much of a cliffhanger. I tried. But please vote and comment bellow please!! But you don't have to just a thought. Anyways thanks for all the reads on this story. At first I thought that this story would suck but I'm getting a lot of niceness and support on this and I thank you all for it. Bye  guys!! I'll update again soon okay!! Zeffie

Word count is 1771

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