My Life May Be Turning Around

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Katniss P.O.V

I wake up and i'm in the back of his car. I sit up and look out the window at the things passing by. "Gale where are we going?" I ask. "Home." he says. "Well where were we?" I ask. "Oh places." He says. I don't dare ask what he did to me. All I know is that he hit me with a bat. We make it to my house and he unlocks the car. "I'll see you later." he says and gives me a kiss. I go in and find Peeta and Prim waiting for me. "Katniss what did he do to you?" Prim asks. She looks at the bump on my head and then goes to get me some ice. "Katniss are you okay?" Peeta asks. "Yeah I think so." I say. He hugs me and I cry. "I'm so sorry." He says. Prim comes back with a bag of ice and tells me to keep it on my head. Peeta takes me to my room and tells me to lay down for a while. He's going to stay here with me for a while. "Peeta I'm not tired, I'm just scarred about Gale." I say. "Do you remember anything?" He asks. "No he knocked me out with a bat." I say. "A BAT??!!?!!?" He ask furiously? "I'm going to kill him!!" He says. He stands from my round chair. I sit up and try to stop him. "Peeta no! He will kill me if he knows that we are dating." I say. "But he needs to be taught a lesson for hurting you." He says. He is about to leave when I get up and kiss him. "Please, stay with me." I say. "Okay." He says and closes the door. He gives me a kiss and then we lay together in my bed. We hold hands and we don't let go. "I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again." He says. We lay in my room for the rest of the evening. "Katniss I've got to go." He says. I look at my phone and it says 11:30. "Yeah you should." I say. "Are you going to be okay tonight?" He asks me. "I think so." I say. He kisses my forehead and then he leaves and I am only left with my thoughts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  I wake up at 6:00 a.m. and get ready for school.  I go to my mirror and comb my hair into a braid. I wear a yellow sundress with black flats and black eyeliner with gold eye shadow. My lipstick is a pink color. I go to my kitchen and get a bowl of cereal. Prim comes out and then we get our bags and then we go to school. The first thing I do is go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I turn to my side and look down at my stomach. It looks like i've gained a little bit of weight but not enough to be noticed. I go out go to my first period class. I sit in silence. Some people tell me welcome back and stuff but there is one group that is unhappy to see me. "Oh hello Katniss. It would've been better if you where still in that hospital." Glimmer says. 'How did she know?' I ask myself. I shake that comment away and listen to the teacher. She passes out the assignment and I do my work. I pull out my phone to see what time it is. It's only 7:39. Ugh I just want this class to be over. Suddenly I start to feel something coming up. I go to the front of the class and take the hallpass and then go to the bathroom. I puke my guts out for what seems like forever but then when it finally stops I come out and then wash up. I see Annie on my way back to class and I hug her when I see her. "Katniss I've missed you." she says. "Oh Annie I've too." I say. I let her go and then she can see the fear and sadness in my eyes. "What's wrong?" She asks. I tell her. I tell her everything. Why I've been gone, what's been happening lately everything. "And the most recent thing that I found out if that I'm pregnant." I tell her. "Well whatever you decide, we'll all be there with you." she says. "Thanks." I say. I hug her and then I go back to my class. When I walk through the door the teacher is waiting for me. "Katniss Everdeen! For leaving class without permission you get 2 hours of detention." She tells me. Glimmer and her posse snicker but  I don't care. I sit back down and finish my assignment. A piece of paper hits me in the back of my head and I uncrumple it.

                  "Hey Katniss,                                                                                                                                                                  Me and the girls are throwing a party. Want to come? Wear a cute costume or dress okay? Just come to my house at 8:00. 

                  <3 Glimmer

I turn around and they are smiling and waving at me. "Miss Everdeen turn around please." The teacher tells me. I turn around and do my work. The bell rings and we all leave. Glimmer and her friends stop me. "I'm so glad that you're okay Katniss." Cashmere says. "Yeah me too." Enoboria. "I'm sorry about what I said at the beginning of class." Glimmer apologizes. She gives me a hug and then she goes to her next class and her friends follow her like dogs. Madge comes up to me and I shake her back and forth and scream with glee. "Katniss what are you doing?" She asks. I realize what i'm doing and I stop. "Oh sorry. But guess what? I got invited to Glimmer Wilkonsons party later tonight." I say with glee. "Oh no Katniss I wouldn't go if I was you. Do you know what they could do to you?" She says. "Nothing they like me now Madge." I say. "Well....seems kinda fishy if you ask me." She says. I just roll my eyes. She heads off to her class and I head to mine. I come in late to World Civ and I get another hour of detention. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip; Party!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  I go to the front door and knock. Glimmer opens the door and she's dressed as a cute fox. "Oh hey Katniss." she says. "Hi." I say. "Well come on in." she says and stands aside. Everything is all nice and fancy inside. Everyone is either talking or eating or dancing. I see Clove and she's in a bunny costume. She gives me a hug. "I heard everything from Annie. Are you okay?" She asks. "Yeah i think I'll be okay but I'll text you if I ever need anything." I say to her. Glimmer comes over and moves us outside. "So we are going to have a water fight and we are wondering if you guys want in to prank people. Are you guys in?" She asks. I look at Clove and then I look back at them. "Um... I'm not really good at pulling pranks. Sorry but I'm okay." I say. "Okay suit yourself." We go back in and I head to the snack table. Everything that every teenager loves it there. Takis, pizza, candy, soda, cookies, cakes, etc. I take a plate and load mine full of food. "Damn Katniss. You got cravings already I guess!" Clove says. I just laugh. "I guess so." I say. Glimmer stands on a table and says that we are having a water fight outside if we want to come. We go and we get water balloons and throw them at people. We laugh and then the next thing we know we are drenched. Cato and Marvel have come up behind us with a bucket of water and poured it on us. We get the whole tub of water balloons and pour them on the boys. They chase us around Glimmer's yard but I get stolen by someone. It's Gale. "What do you want?" I ask him. "Just you baby." He says and leans in for a kiss from me. I push him away and try to leave. "Oh my god Gale you make me want to commit suicide!!!" I scream. "Then do it." he says. Everyone is looking at us to see what will happen next with us. I push him away and walk away and join the party again. Everyone is squirting each other now with water guns. I shoot Clove and she shoots me back. She laughs at me and I laugh at myself too. But I was having too much fun to notice him come up behind me and stab me. 

Ohhhh clifhanger and long chapter!!! Hope that you enjoyed!! I felt that this chapter should be happy(er). Please vote and comment bellow and let me know what I should add or take out of whatever. Anyways let me know Please!!!! I am kinda running out of ideas. Bye guys!!!! Zeffie

Word count is 1521

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