Such A Lovely Day

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Hope you enjoy reading this chapter! 

Katniss's P.O.V

"You guys are the cutest thing ever you know that right?" Delly says to us. I smile a little and let him go. "So did you guys have fun?" I ask. "Hardly. It was kinda scary when the teacher goes a million mile per hour." Annie says. "Well for me at least I thought it was fun.I like fast." Clove says. "Well I don't." Annie says. "Whoa guys! No need to fight. All that matters is that you guys all had fun." I say. They both agree. For the rest of the day we just sit in the living room and talk. "Guys, are you hungry? I'm starving!!" I say. "Of course you are Katniss." Jo says. I playfully push her. "But really we should go get a bite. I'm hungry." I say. Nobody objects. We all go to the Resort and they have already started dinner. They are serving scalloped potatoes with asparagus and salmon. We all sit down and eat. "This is soooo amazing!" I say. "Yeah! This is really good." Delly says. We all enjoy our food and chat while we do. "So you guys I brought smore stuff. Should we do it tonight or a different night?" Peeta asks. "TONIGHT!" I burst out. I think the whole dinning room looks at me. "Sorry. I'm just hungry." I say and blush a little bit with embarrassment. "Well we should do what the pregnant girl wants." Jo says. I blush even more. "Yeah we should do it tonight." Annie says. "Okay then. Save some room guys." Peeta says. We finish eating and then go to our house. Peeta gets the supplies and we then go outside and gather around the campfire. I accidentally burn my marshmallow but it's fine, it's still a marshmallow. I make my smore and enjoy it very much. "Thanks Peeta." I say and rest my head on his shoulder. "Yeah thanks." Everyone says. "You're so very welcome guys!" Peeta says. I decide to call it a night with the food since I'm going to just puke it all up in the morning. 

After everyone is done with smores we sit out and enjoy eachohters company. "Wow Brainless only 1 smore tonight?" Jo asks. "Not really as hungry as I thought." I say. "Well I thought with all those cravings you got, you would've had 50!" she says with a laugh. I blush a little bit but I can't help laughing too. Delly, Madge, Finnick and Annie call it a night so it's just Jo, Clove, Peeta and I. "Jo I love you. You always know what to say to make me laugh." I say. "Well I try brainless." she says. I give her a hug and she hugs me back. "Congrats by the way. I'm really happy for you two." she says in my ear. "Thanks." I say in her ear. She lets me go and gives me a playful punch in the arm. "You two," she says and point to Peeta and I, "Have a good night." She goes in and so does Clove but she gives me a hug too before she goes in. Peeta and I decide to stay out for a while. I look into the fire and just watch the flames. I love fire, the beauty not the destruction. Peeta takes me inside and we talk at the end of the hall. He holds my hands to his heart. He gives me a kiss. "Sleep well baby. Come over if you can't sleep."  He says quietly. "Okay. Love you." I say and kiss him. "Love you Kat." He says as I walk into my room. I close the door and go the the bathroom to take a shower to get campfire off of me. Once I'm out I put on my silk nightgown and turn off my light. I get into my bed and try to get some sleep. 

I fall asleep late but wake up early. It's about 5:00 when my morning sickness comes back. I don't think I can take however many months of this morning sickness. 'Ugh I want to die!' I think while I throw up. Someone knocks on the door. Peeta comes in and holds my hair out of my face. Once the wave of sickness is done I clean up. "Will you stay with me?" I ask. "Always." He says. We crawl into my bed and go back to sleep for a few more hours. When I wake up Peeta is still asleep. I gently shake him awake. "Hey Peeta." I say quietly. "Hey Katniss." He says. "What are we doing today?" I ask. "Me and you are going somewhere special. Our friends are going parasailing." Peeta says. "Pwease tell mwe." I ask like a child. "Nope not until we get there." Peeta says. He gets up and goes to his room. I get up and get dressed. I wear a dress with a black top and a peach bottom with coral and turquoise designs with a light brown belt and turquoise sandals. Everyone has gone parasailing but we go to breakfast. They are serving omelets. They are way good. Peeta texts everyone and tells them that we are going out and that we'll be back later. We drive back into the town of Cpaitol Shores and he makes me close my eyes until we get there. I open then and we are at a spa. First we get a massage and then we hit the sauna. It feels quite nice. "Peeta thanks for taking me here." I say. "You're welcome. You deserve it." he says. We soak in the mud bath and then I treat myself to a facial. It makes my face feel rejuvenated again. Ah could this day get any better?

Hello everyone!!! I hope hope hope that you loved this chapter!! I loved writing it. Please vote and comment and i'll reply to any questions of concerns or whatever. Or just DM me and i'll answer. Lots of love you guys bye! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

Word count is 1019

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