A Night Of Hell And Love

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A.N. (((WARNING CHAPTER CONTAINS SOME SEXUAL CONTENT!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Oh and re-read the description again before reading this chapter. Very Closely.  And there is a MAJOR PLOT TWIST!)

Katniss P.O.V

We go into my room and are about to have sex when Prim comes home. "Katniss, I'm home!!!" She says in a loud voice. I open my door and stick my head out. "Go away Prim!!!" I hiss at her. I slam the door in her face. "So sorry Peeta. Now where were we?" I say. "I know." He says. He comes over to me and starts to kiss me. I don't object. He takes off my shirt and I take off his. I take my shorts off and he takes off his. Soon enough we're just in our underwear. "You want to do this?" Peeta asks. "Yes." I say. He kisses my cheek and I blush a little. I take off my bra and panties and he takes off his boxers. Prim knocks on my door and I groan. "What do you want?!!" I hiss. She's in tears. "Someone is here to see you." She says though tears. "Oh my god fine!! I'm coming just give me a sec." I groan.

 I put my clothes back on and then I go out. When I get there I start to cry. "How are you?" I ask. "Hello Katniss." My mother says. "Oh my god." I cry. I go to her and hug her. "I've needed you." I say. "I'm so sorry Katniss. I've been getting myself together." She says. I let her go and Prim comes next to me and hugs my side. "Mom, we thought that you were dead." I say. "I know but-" I cut her off. "No mom but nothing. We both thought that, for these whole 2 years that you were gone that you and dad where in a better place." I say, my voice raised. "Katniss please listen to me, I-" "No mom don't make up some stupid excuse!! I thought that you were dead and that we would be alone without a mother!!" I scream at her. "And don't you dare think that you can beg for my forgiveness because I won't give it to you. You have no fuckin idea what I've been through and I've needed help and where you there no!!!" I scream. "Katniss I would've been there but I was so unstable to raise you two I just had to stay away for a while." She says. "I don't care!! Where you were or what you did!! Just get out!! Get the fuck out of her we don't need you!" I scream through tears. I run to my room and bump into Peeta. "Katniss what's wrong? I heard screaming." He asks with concern. "NO!" I fall into his arms and cry. "What happened?" He asks. "My mother. That's what happened." I sob. "What about her?" He asks. "She came back and tried to get me to forgive her but I want to but my hurt side won't let me." I say with tears. "Katniss I think that if she came all this way from wherever she was, she really wants to love yo again and it has to start with your forgiveness." Peeta says. "Okay." I say.

I pull myself together and go out and find Prim talking with my mom. "Mom we need to talk." I say. Prim leaves and then it's just us. I sit next to her and we talk. "Tell me what's been going on." My mother says. "Well where to begin, hmm? I've been raped, bullied, suicidal, hospitalized many times, kidnapped, in an abusive relationship and many more things as well." I say. "Katniss,.........I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry that these terrible things have happened to you." She says. She pulls me into a hug and I don't fight her. I hug her too. I've missed her. I really have. "I'm sorry for freaking out at you." I say. "It's okay dear." She says. She lets me go and I smile at her. "Do you need some time to let this soak in that I'm alive?" She asks. I nod my head. "Okay." She says. She and Prim leave and then I go to my room. "Are you two okay now?" Peeta says. I shake my head yes. "Are you ready now?" I ask and take my shirt off. "Yep." He says. We start all over and then we crawl into my bed. "Oh my god Peeta!!" I moan. He kisses me more passionately. "Did Gale ever give you this?" Peeta asks. "NEVER!" I say and laugh a little. I move from top to bottom in a matter of seconds bu tit doesn't really matter to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms are at my hips. "I love this Peeta." I moan again. "Same here Katniss." He moans. We say such things as we make sweet love to eachother.


Peeta and I lay there in my bed and I snuggle up with him. I look up at him and give him a smile. "Hey Katniss." He says. "Hi." I say and kiss the tip of his nose. I lay my head on his shoulder and we hold hands under the covers. I start to feel sleepy and I start to doze but then I'm awake when there is a pounding on my front door. I get out of my bed and put on my bra and panties and a silk nightgown and go to the front door and answer it. Cops are waiting for me. "Are you Miss Katniss Everdeen?" One asks me. "Yeah that's me." I say." "Your sister and mother have been in a terrible drunk driver accident. Please come with us." The other cop says. "Okay one sec." I say. I close the door and go to my room. Peeta gets up and comes over to me. He takes my hands in his and puts them to his chest. He kisses my hands. I look away from him and try to stop the tears from falling. "Baby what's wrong?" He asks me softly. "Nothing I have go to the hospital. You've got to go." I say. I take my hands out of his grasp and put on a shirt and pants and shoes and go with the officers. When we get there they take me to my mothers room. I cry at the site of her. I go and hold her hand and wait for her to wake up, if she ever will. She does and she half smiles at me. "Mom are you okay?? Who did this to you?? Where is Prim??" I ask her a million questions. "Katniss go ask about Prim for me okay?" She says very weakly. "Okay." I say. I go and find a doctor and ask about my sister. "Hi I'm looking for my sister. Primrose Everdeen?" I ask a doctor. I can tell by the way he acts the news isn't good about her. "Look Katniss, your sister, Prim she..........she was killed in the accident." The doctor tells me. I can't take the news. I storm out of the hospital and have another one of my freak-outs. 

I cry as I punch a tree. I scream at the top of my lungs and throw rocks at the tree. 'Poor tree, so sorry.' I think. I kick it and yell in frustration. I've lost the most important thing in my life. My little sister. I miss her. I should've told her that I loved her before she went out. But I didn't and I'm so stupid for not doing so. I sit on the curb and hid my face in my knees. I can hear quick footsteps and then arms wrap around me. "Katniss it's okay. What's the matter?" he asks. "Prim is gone!!" I cry. He hold me tight and doesn't let go. We sit there for a while but soon he takes me home. He has to go to his own house so he gives me a goodnight kiss and a hug to make me feel better. I go in and step on something in the dark. It yowls. I know who that is. Then I'm overcome with anger and sadness. "She's gone you know. Prim." I say to the cat. He looks up at me and hisses. He goes and lays on the kitchen table like he does sometimes. "Get out you stupid cat!!" I yell. He meows at me. I get the dishes from the sink and start to throw them at him. "GET OUT!!! PRIM IS GONE! SHE WAS KILLED BY A STUPID DRUNK DRIVER AND SHE'S NOT COMING BACK!!" I scream. He looks at me with so much fear in his eyes. I pick him up and hold him close and cry. I cry into his fur all night long. 'You are now all that I have left of Prim.' I think. 

HELLO you awesome people!! Thanks for reading this chapter of S.O.S! What did you think would've happened when I first said 'Plot Twist'? Let me know what you thought below. Please vote and comment too. Let me know what should happen in the next chapter and I just might do it. Bye guys!! zeffie

Word count is 1555 

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