The After Party

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Katniss P.O.V

My eyes flutter open and I see that I'm in a room. 'Where am I?' I ask myself. I look and see that I'm nude and laying on top of someone.  "Where am I?" I ask myself.  He wakes up and then looks at me. "Peeta?" I ask. "Katniss?" He asks. I look down and cover myself and he does the same.  I let out a nervous laugh and start to get dressed. Once I'm dressed I hurry out to go find Gale. I find him passed out at the bar. I shake him gently I tell him to wake up but he is out cold. I shake him more forcefully and he wakes up and smacks me. I whimper and then I take his hand and half lead half drag him to his care. I drive of course since I'm pretty sure driving while drunk is not a good idea.

I pull up to his house and park in his driveway. I grab the keys and open his house and help him in. He plops down on the couch and he pulls me down next to him. "Well I had fun. Did you?" He asks with a slurred voice. "Yes I did." I tell him. "Tomorrow we are going out again." He says. "No I can't Gale sorry  I have choir practice. " I say and stand and open the front door. Gale stands and closes the door. He grabs my wrist. "No we're going to go out again." He says. I pull away and I don't face him. "Come-on baby what's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing leave me alone and let me out of your stupid house!! I have to go home!!" I scream at him. He walks over to the door and locks it and then comes over to me. He pushes me into a corner and grabs my arm and pushes it behind my back. He then punches me in the rib cage. I hold my ribs and fall to the ground. He grabs me by my hair and then he gets a hold of my neck and slams my head repetitively. I feel lightheaded and it hurts to breathe. Gale grabs my wrist and twists it hard. I scream out in pain but he doesn't care that I'm in pain. He lets go of my wrist and then he goes in his kitchen and starts to rummage. This is my chance. If I don't leave he'll kill me. I stand up but then I hear him come back so I book it to the door. He drops what he had to stop me. He tackles me to the ground and then he drags me by my ankles and takes me to his basement with a gun in his other hand. He throws me against a wall and I groan in pain. He cocks his gun and I try to look away from his monster eyes but he makes me look at him while he does this to me. He then leaves for a moment and comes back with duct tape. He duct tapes my arms behind my back and across me mouth so I don't scream. 

He aims at my thigh and then he shoots. My scream is muffled and I start to cry.  He shoots me again in the stomach and I scream into the duct tape and the tears slide down my face. I feel so much pain, more than I've ever in my life. I just want to die that is how bad it is. I start to feel lightheaded again and I start to utter darkness. That last thing I remember is looking at my leg and see a pool of blood. 

Hey guys sorry no update in like forever but I hope that you enjoyed. Let me know what you  thought and what you want the next update to be and when. Bye guys thanks for reading.

Word count is 661.   

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