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Emma's P.O.V

Me and Ella run through the corridors to get to our next class, we didn't want to be late cause we've already been told off for listening to music in class.

When we got there I realised something tugging on my jumper... It was Ella... She was crying.

"Ohhh Ella" I pulled her into a warm tight hug. "Come on Ella , I know we shouldn't but let's go to the bathroom. I don't want you going into class feeling like crap."

Ella just nodded.

While I was bringing Ella to the bathrooms, I know we're not meant to but we were running, we bumped into someone. We all fell down into pile on the floor.

Oh god please don't be a teacher!

I slowly looked up, getting ready to be shouted at. But, when I did, this good looking boy was laying across my legs..... DAMN! He's ... handsome.

"Oh god.. I'm sorry... I ... I w-wasn't looking.. umm.. looking where i was going." He seems to be looking at Ella. He is just staring at her, while Ella is looking at the floor not wanting to show this mysterious boy that she had been crying.

I cough trying to break the silence, they both look at me.

"Oh yeah I-I'm ummm I'm Calum... err Hood.. Calum Hood"

Damn this kid cannot keep his eyes off Ella.

"I'm Emma" I put my hand out for him to shake it, he gladly shakes it.

"Oh this is Ella, she's having a tough morning so if you don't mind we need to get up"

"Oh yeah I'm errr still on your legs ummm sorry bout that." He apologies and sticks out a hand to pick me up then, once I'm up, he helps up Ella. But he doesn't let go of her hand.

She looks up at Calum, but then looks straight to the ground with flustered cheeks.

"I'm sorry we've got to go" I say pushing past Mr. Hood

"Ummm okay, talk to you later, I umm I guess haha" He shouts and then he lets a nervous laugh

Calum's P.O.V

While I'm texting Luke about band practice, I wasn't looking where I was going and these two girls run into me.

We all fall over and I realise I'm laying on one of the girls legs, oh god this is gonna be awkward...

"Oh god I-I'm sorry..." I looked up at them both and one of them has her head down, but then she looks up at me. Oh my god... She's gorgeous.

Yes I know they're identical twins but for some reason they look completely different.
The girl I'm looking at has the most beautiful blue eyes that look like the sea.

I wonder what her name is?

"I'm Emma" The other girl puts her hand out for me to shake, of course I'm gonna shake it, I'm not that rude. Now.. Come on.. What's the other girls name?

"Oh this is Ella."

Wow, what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

"She's having a tough morning so if you don't mind we need to get up" Emma says.

Oh god I'm still laying on them, why do I have to be so awkward.

I get up and help Emma up first, then once she's up, I help Ella up. Why doesn't she look up? Just when I thought it couldn't get anymore awkward I realise I'm still holding onto Ella's hand and I'm staring at her.

Then something happens that makes my heart flutter, she looks up at me. Woah! She's amazing, awwwh she looks down with flustered cheeks could this girl get any cuter.

"I'm sorry we've got to go" Emma says.

No I need her number, but by the time I realise that there already at the end of the corridor.

"Ummm okay, talk to you later, I umm I guess haha" I shout but I don't think they heard. Damn it!

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