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Ashton's P.O.V

"Yo Luke!" Michael says through his phone. "Before you ask Emma about it, Stefan is gay. So nothing is going on between them..."

I hear Luke talking back.

"I checked Stefan's account and I saw that he is a youtuber. I watched one of his video's and in the comments below people where saying that he was cute with Edward... So he's in a relationship with Edward... That's why the -E stood there." Michael explains.

I hear Luke talking again.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know... How are you?"

I feel my own phone vibrating, Emma is calling me...

I stand up and I walk outside.

"Hey Emma, what's up? I ask after I picked up.

"Luke and I broke up, and I need someone around me right now..." She says.

"Wait what?!" I say shocked.

And now I understand what Michael was telling in his phone.

"He thought me and my roommate Stefan were cheating on him. And I just can't believe he actually thought that. I would never cheat on anybody, because I know how much that can hurt. And just the fact that he doesn't trust me ...." Emma starts crying.

"I will come as soon as possible." I say. "Please stay strong ..."

"I'll try." Emma whispers and she hangs up.

I walk back inside and I pack my bags in my room.

"What are you doing?" Calum asks while he walks into my room.

"I, I uhm, I'm going to America on holiday.. We have time off so, I thought-" I say but Calum interrups me.

"You're going to see Emma, aren't you... Haven't you heard it?" He says.

"I know she and Luke broke up... That's why I am going..."

Shit, that sounded really wrong.

"I didn't mean it like that..." I try to say.

"Well you said it like that..." He wraps his arms over each other.

"Emma just called me. She told me they broke up and she really needed a person around her. That's why I am going. I'm concerned about her."

Calum's face softens. "Oh, well, in that case ...."

"I'm not trying to get Emma to myself, I know she belongs to Luke... I just really wanna comfort her. And to be honest, I don't know how to tell Luke." I say with a sigh.

"I think you better can't tell him. He will get mad at you, because he will think you want to go after her... I will cover you, no worries. You should go to her." Calum says.

"Thanks pal, I will leave as soon as possible. I will text you when I'm in New York." I say and I continue packing my bags.

Calum's P.O.V

I get out of bed, I can't sleep anymore.

I walk to the kitchen to get some water and I hear Luke crying in his room. I knock on his door and then I open it.

"Hey mate, can I come in?" I ask.

Luke shrugs and he whipes away his tears.

"Listen Luke, this isn't-"

"Don't you fucking dare to say that this isn't my fault." Luke says.

I shake my head. "No, it is your fault."

Luke looks at me.

"I am very sorry, but you just should've trusted her..." I say. "But what I wanted to say is that this isn't a way to continue your life. You have to move on..."

"What do you know about it?!" Luke says angry.

I don't say anything at all.

"I didn't mean it like that..." Luke says. "You lost your girlfriend... I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry."

"It's okay..." I say.

"I'm just so mad at myself. I let her fucking go. Again."

I put my arm around him. He turns his body a bit and he hugs me. I feel my neck slowly turning wet because of his tears.

"I don't know what to do anymore Cal." He's holding back his tears.

"It's okay to cry Luke, let it all out." I say

And then he lets it all out. It's breaking my heart.

Like history is repeating itself....

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